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Sep 14, 2022

But hold on... What will you offer?

Deciding which area to focus your company's efforts is a daunting task and we're here aid you. We've put together a 4-step guide to help you create and distribute the appropriate contents for your business.

1. Take a look in the mirror

The way you choose to define your niche will depend upon your area of expertise. Are you an expert in one particular field, for example, cooking gambling, investing or cooking? What do you like to do in your free time? What is something you are passionate about?

By keeping the responses to these questions in mind You'll be able to have a better picture of the things you're bringing into the conversation. Then, you'll be able to dive deeper into the topics that interest you the most, and exclude the ones you're not as interested in. Check out The Product Creation Masterclass on CreatorU to enhance your idea for your own product.

2. Browse your potential competitors

Once you've picked an overall topic, create a list of all the buzzwords and phrases someone might be using to explain the topic. Next, go to Google to conduct some investigation. You'll learn what other online firms are doing to sell their products within this area, as well as see their most popular products. This will give you an insight into the methods used by the most successful companies in your industry and help you stay clear of an over-saturated market.

Review The "Zero to Selling" training webinar on CreatorU to get more detailed guidance.

3. Find your niche on the marketplace

If you're researching comparable businesses Look for any gaps in their content or solutions that address customer issues which aren't addressed by potential rivals. Maybe, for example, your specialty is teaching people how to cook in the kitchen at home. There are numerous cooking blogs available at no cost However, what percentage of them provide individual meals? Do any of them cater to specific dietary needs?

Your business should go after a niche in the marketplace that requires your expertise and experience. The more targeted the market is, the more pertinent customers will be able to find your products and offerings. Watch the video Finding Your Hook at CreatorU for more information. more.

4. Put your plan into action

After you've narrowed the areas of your expertise, scrutinized the competition and found your niche, you're ready to begin building your content and selling your products on . Take a look at The One Page Masterclass on CreatorU to learn more about creating your sales page.

Do you want access to additional courses like the ones that we have shared? Register for CreatorU today to gain access to expert-level guides as well as courses by successful creators.

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