What's new What's new WordPress 6.0 The most recent blocks Style switching, template editing Webfonts API, and more

May 12, 2022

Just a few hours away from the official launch of WordPress 6.0 and, as we do every year, we peeked inside the curtain to give our readers a glimpse of what's to come in the coming WordPress major release.

However, the next version won't be like this. As Matias Ventura in the initial version of the roadmap 6.0, the introduction of the editor for sites was an important change, yet it's just an initial step on the road to.

With WordPress 6.0 you can anticipate major improvements across a variety of aspects within the CMS including speeds and usability including:

  • A better information architecture as well as the ability to browse the templates
  • Improved template creation
  • The new Navigation User Interface
  • The new Browse Mode on the site Editor
  • Alternative Global Styles
  • A redesigned navigation block
  • New design tools
  • Plus, much more...

This isn't the only thing to be said. WordPress 6.0 is also bringing many changes with regards to new features, upgrades as well as bug fixes. The update includes more than 400 enhancements and 500 bug fixes available for editors. More than 189 tickets have been resolved with innovative features that are brand new along with enhancements.

There's plenty of things to discuss. So don't delay and find out about the latest capabilities of WordPress 6.0.

Webfonts API

A new Webfonts API provides a common method for loading webfonts onto WordPress that ensures performance and security for users.

With WordPress 6.0, you can register the new webfont within the theme.json file. theme.json.

Making use of theme.json is quite simple. The only thing to do is add a new font family to your the typography section. The following code provides an example for registration of webfonts.

"typography": "fontFamilies": [ "fontFamily": "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,\"Segoe UI\",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,\"Helvetica Neue\",sans-serif", "name": "System Font", "slug": "system-font" , "fontFamily": "\"Source Serif Pro\", serif", "name": "Source Serif Pro", "slug": "source-serif-pro" , "fontFamily": "\"Inter\", sans-serif", "name": "Inter", "slug": "inter", "fontFace": [ "fontFamily": "Inter", "fontWeight": "200 900", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontStretch": "normal", "src": [ "file:./assets/fonts/inter/Inter.ttf" ] ] ] 

This image shows exactly the editing process in the editor.

A screenshot showing a new font family in Twenty Twenty-Two.
A new font family is included in Twenty Twenty.

The Webfont API is capable of registering fonts that will render blocks in the page currently displayed, and can be particularly useful when using webfonts that are identified as style variations. Additionally, there is the possibility that the API can increase the number of HTTP requests by using an initial registration process for fonts before setting them up in line with different font families.

You can read more about the new API by reading the Webfonts API pull request, as well in the state of Webfonts API for WordPress 6.0 Inclusion.

Global Styles Switching

Global Styles variations are among the new features the most eagerly awaited to be added in WordPress 6.0. Themes developers can now add different types of Global Styles with their themes and permit users to switch between different styles in just a single click.

Similar as having pre-defined child themes with a pre-defined set of themes to use for each.

If you want to add a different design to the block you have chosen You will need to add another JSON file to The style directory in the directory root of your theme.

Themes that are compatible with Global Styles variations show a brand new Explore Styles option on the Global Styles sidebar. The tab opens in which users can find a list of the different styles that are available.

A screenshot showing the Browse styles item in WordPress 6.0.
Explore styles and styles available for you to use in WordPress 6.0.

Select the Global Style from the list that will be applied across all your websites.

A screenshot showing the Browse styles panel in WordPress 6.0.
The style you prefer for a single click within WordPress 6.0.

Below is an image of a custom style from the original example. This style uses an alternative font to the headings.

An image showing a style variation with a custom font in WordPress 6.0.
A style variation with the usage of a font which is custom for WordPress 6.0.
 "version": 2, "settings": "color": "duotone": [ "colors": [ "#143F6B", "#EFEFEF" ], "slug": "foreground-and-background", "name": "Foreground and background" , "colors": [ "#143F6B", "#FEB139" ], "slug": "foreground-and-secondary", "name": "Foreground and secondary" , "colors": [ "#143F6B", "#F6F54D" ], "slug": "foreground-and-tertiary", "name": "Foreground and tertiary" , "colors": [ "#F55353", "#EFEFEF" ], "slug": "primary-and-background", "name": "Primary and background" , "colors": [ "#F55353", "#FEB139" ], "slug": "primary-and-secondary", "name": "Primary and secondary" , "colors": [ "#F55353", "#F6F54D" ], "slug": "primary-and-tertiary", "name": "Primary and tertiary" ], "palette": [ "slug": "foreground", "color": "#143F6B", "name": "Foreground" , "slug": "background", "color": "#EFEFEF", "name": "Background" , "slug": "primary", "color": "#F55353", "name": "Primary" , "slug": "secondary", "color": "#FEB139", "name": "Secondary" , "slug": "tertiary", "color": "#F6F54D", "name": "Tertiary" ] , "typography": "fontFamilies": [ "fontFamily": "\"Inter\", sans-serif", "name": "Inter", "slug": "inter", "fontFace": [ "fontFamily": "Inter", "fontWeight": "200 900", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontStretch": "normal", "src": [ "file:./assets/fonts/inter/Inter.ttf" ] ] ] , "styles": "blocks": "core/post-title": "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)", "fontWeight": "700" , "core/query-title": "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)" , "elements": "h1": "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)", "fontWeight": "700" , "h2": "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)", "fontWeight": "700" , "h3": "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)", "fontWeight": "700" , "h4": "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)", "fontWeight": "700" , "h5": "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)", "fontWeight": "700" , "h6": "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)", "fontWeight": "700" , "typography": "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--inter)" 

The complete source code of the program mentioned above can be located can be found on GitHub as well as the basic information.

Developers will gain a comprehensive explanation of Global Styles and Theme.json in Global Settings & Styles as well as Theme.json documentation articles.

A screenshot showing the Browse styles panel in Twenty Twenty-Two.
Explore styles within Twenty Twenty.

Block Patterns Everywhere

A screenshot of the Pattern Creator tool.
Finding images using the website Pattern Creator.

Furthermore, WordPress 6.0 adds additional improvements to the block pattern.

Starting, blocks are simpler to spot when creating templates. Utilizing the fast inserter it is possible to use the inserter rapidly add blocks. Block patterns will be displayed in the event that you can access it via the uppermost part of a template i.e. the block you're planning to add to your template is an immediate cousin of that template.

If the following requirements meet:

  • Modifying the block template
  • The fast inserter is situated just below the roots.
  • The block is placed in various blocks (i.e. it's not the first or the most recent block on the page)
An image showing block patterns in the quick inserter.
Quick Inserter displays blocks of templates inside the editor.

The new feature is beneficial allows theme designers to include suggested patterns in theme.json. To test this, go to the Patterns directory to discover the patterns you'd like to suggest to people who use the theme. then grab the pattern slug in the URL and include it in the theme.json by following this format: theme.json as it is:

"patterns": [ "image-with-angled-overlay-shape-call-to-action-button-and-description", "hero-section-with-overlap-image" ],

Users will be able to be able to see your patterns suggestions inside Block Inserter.

A screenshot showing recommended patterns in the quick inserter.
The patterns are to be used for the fast inserter.

One of the most powerful features related to patterns that will be available with WordPress 6.0 will be the implied registration of patterns. Themes are now able to make patterns register themselves, simply by declaring PHP files under a new pattern directory within the root directory in their theme.

It's pretty straightforward:

  1. Create a brand new patterns folder in the root folder for your theme.
  2. create a block group with the block editor
  3. duplicate and copy then paste the copied HTML into a fresh text file
  4. Utilize the heading of the next section to serve as a prefix
  5. Then save the file as PHP within your pattern directory. Save the file in PHP in your pattern directory.

It's that. The new block pattern is available which will be displayed on the Block Inserter.

A custom pattern in the quick block inserter.
Custom-designed patterns can be found in the block inserter that is quick and easy to use.

To understand more on the creation of block patterns, you should be certain to be following the issues of tracking the tracker at GitHub.

Site Editing Features

The advancement of Full Site Editing continues to be an important feature regardless of WordPress 5.9. WordPress 6.0 is a move ahead in improving the appearance of themes as well as offering several templates that block theme templates. Additionally, new features are planned for the future.

Visual Theme Building

WordPress 6.0 will be the very first release of the enhanced block export feature for themes and allows you to install the template along with the changes and updates.

If you're not using the program to export block themes, you should. It's a powerful editor for websites that allows you to export your style and templates in addition to being able to export your styles and templates as a full theme.

If you're happy with the adjustments you've made within the editing interface on your website, navigate to the choices sidebar  and navigate to the tool section. There's an export button which will permit users to download your current theme including the entire template and design within a zip file.

An image showing the Export a theme option in the editor's interface.
Design a theme with an editor's interface.

You can then download your WordPress theme and add it to every WordPress website.

We tested the latest software to export themes from your local WordPress installation, and we found that the majority of the functions were exactly as you'd expect...

The exporter is in testing We're just beginning to discover its enormous potential. You could consider creating your own themes via the editor on your site and then spread them across an unlimited amount of sites. It doesn't matter if you're an experienced designer...

There are a lot of unanswered problems to address which we believe will see some changes coming in the near future. If you're curious wanting to find out more information about Visual Theme Building (as we are) and you're interested in following the tracking system via GitHub.

Additional templates are available in Block Themes

In earlier WordPress versions, there was a the possibility of restricting the variety of template types available.

A screenshot showing templates in WordPress 5.9.
The template will be included in WordPress 5.9.

The day is now, WordPress 6.0 includes new templates which include Categories Author Tag and the Taxonomy and Date.

A screenshot showing templates in WordPress 6.0.
The creation of a new template for WordPress 6.0. WordPress 6.0.

This addition should streamline editing the content of your website's page. If you're interested in testing the new feature, select an alternative template in the menu dropdown. Input the blocks you need, save the modifications, then take a look at the layout on the top of page. It's as simple as it is. Consider it in pair with the option to export themes previously mentioned and you'll comprehend what features we should be expecting regarding editing web pages within the next couple of months.

Enhancements to Usability and Interface

WordPress 6.0 includes a variety of improvements to the UI Many of them will improve the order within the sidebar. Together, these improvements will greatly impact the user experience overall when editing. The article below will cover only just a few of them, but it is recommended to refer to the details within the Gutenberg release notes to see the full list of improvements (see Gutenberg 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9, 13.0).

Liste View Improvements

List View View View is subject to numerous modifications which enhance the capabilities of the feature.

Click from the list to view your Choice

After you click on a block in the editor, it will be highlighted instantly in the List View. In the event that it is situated inside a parent block, that parent block will grow and shows that block inside the block tree.

Expanded Group block in List View on block selection.
Expanded Block Group inside List View on block selection.

List View List View is not able to collapse by default.

Prior to WordPress 6.0, whenever you open the List View panel, it's open in default.          XWkrmqmvHYAnTThFDrFu       Standard List View of WordPress 5.9. WordPress 5.9.

When blog posts are composed of intricate structures interspersed and the collapse of the block tree on it is opened by using List View List View makes the best sense.

In 6.0 it is now possible to use in 6.0 the List View. List View that is reduced by default within the editors, in general and allows the block tree easily understood quickly.

Default List View in WordPress 6.0.
Standard List View in WordPress 6.0.

Focus on the List View Button

If you click List View to start the List View panel, the focus correct will be returned to the List View button. This is especially useful in the case of browsing List View from your keyboard. List View from your keyboard that results in a more comfortable and smooth editing user experience.

Multiple Block Belections, as well as Drag and Drop

A further change in The List View permits you to select additional blocks at the same at the same time, and also drag them to a new position within The View.

Block Style Previews

In the past, prior to WordPress 6.0 Previews of block styles were accessible within the sidebar for blocks, making the block sidebar a large component of the styles panel.

Block style preview in WordPress 5.9.
Block Style preview is available in WordPress 5.9. The Block Style preview is included in WordPress 5.9.

In 6.0 it is only possible to see the style names can be found in the Styles panel are displayed. Also, it is possible to see previews of the styles visible on the sidebar in the event that the names of the styles are focused or hovered over.

This change reduces sidebar dimensions and makes the style name easier recognized.

Block style preview in WordPress 6.0.
Block-style previews that can be used in conjunction with WordPress 6.0.

The Paragraph section on Typography

To organize the block's sidebar so that it is easier for the user to navigate the block, the Cap control on the Paragraph block is relocated into the sidebar. Cap control of that block is relocated from the section that it was previously in and into the category that is devoted to the section for Typography.

This update has made it so that each control for fonts and typography is now placed in the same area that results in better user experience.

An image showing Typography settings in WordPress 5.9 vs. WordPress 6.0.
Setting up to control Typography Settings to Typography WordPress 5.9 in comparison with. WordPress 6.0.

Colour and Border Setting moved within the Tools Panel

In order to organize the messier settings sidebar borders settings as well as the color setting control were moved to The ToolsPanel which can be folded up and expanded to various settings.

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The new Border settings panel
The brand new panel lets you set Border settings.

The interface will make editing easier through the addition of blocks. Additionally, it will provide more coherence for the sidebar.

The Color panel in WordPress 6.0.
The Color panel in WordPress 6.0.

Post Publish Panel Categories Reminder

When you're in a hurry or often publish a significant quantity of blog entries, it's easy to get lost in the tags or categories. If you find yourself in this circumstance the reminder of tags that appears on the Post publishing area is extremely helpful.

This will help site admins and authors ensure that their content is categorized in the right categories. This is done by making use of WordPress 6.0 an updated option to define categories. The category panel appears within the Post Publish panel when a category isn't already present in the text.

The image below compares with the Post publishing panel of WordPress 5.9 with. 6.0.

Post Publish panel in WordPress 5.9 vs. 6.0.
Post Publish panel in WordPress 5.9 with regard to. 6.0.

Code Editor has been added to the Site Editor

WordPress 6.0 adds the Code Editor to the Site Editor.
WordPress 6.0 adds an editor called the Code Editor into the site editor.

Further Enhancements

Multi-select Now it's possible to choose the text you want to apply from different blocks.

A screenshot showing text selection across two paragraphs.
Selecting two paragraphs of text.

Block the Locking User Interface The brand new lock item within the Other Settings dropdown displays an additional pop-up which allows you to restrict users from moving or even disabling obstacles (or the entire set).

Locking a group of blocks.
Blocks that are locked.

This is particularly useful in editing templates, as well as reusable blocks, where you can also restrict editing blocks.

Locking a reusable Group block.
The process of locking the reused Group block.

Style Preservation If you modify blocks or create new buttons, a variety of styles have been preserved.

Below is an image of an List Block that has different styles.

A screenshot of a List block with different styles applied.
An inventory of blocks with different designs that are applied.

If you transform this List Blocks into paragraphs, the new block will have the same layout as the earlier List items.

A preview of a list to paragraphs transform.
Making a list of paragraphs.

Similar functions are made accessible in new buttons that are part of the block of Buttons they look the same style that the buttons around them.

New Core Blocks

Blocks will be integrated to WordPress 6.0. These are the blocks that you'll find in the forthcoming version.

Loop of Comments

Like it's predecessor, the Query Loop block The completely brand new Comment Query Loop block shows comments left by users who have posted. This block has advanced capabilities and a range of inner blocks you can alter and configure with the use of a different approach.

The image below illustrates that you are able to select any block within the Comment Query Loop block to customize the appearance and style as you like. You can also create additional blocks or take out or move existing blocks ( Source code).

Configuring the Comments Query Loop block.
Modifying Comments within the Comment Modification in the Query Loop Block Comments Query Loop block.

Read More

The brand-new and adaptable Read More block can be configured to meet your requirements. certain aspects that have to do to the Read More button: borders and fonts, colors, corners and much many more ( Source code).

This is a great option since it lets the user modify and create an additional Read More link outside of the boundaries of this block. Excerpt Block.

The new Read More block.
The brand new Read More block.

The query loop does not produce any results.

The block which displays that there are no the results Block acts as a container that permits users to insert any type of block or message to display any query that has no results. If you would like to insert the block no Results block to the query Loop simply select the query loop, and click the plus icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen to access the fast inserter. You can then search for no results. This block cannot be found within The Query Loop ( Source code).

Adding the No Result block to the Query Loop.
Incorporate the block No Result inside the Query Loop.

Avatar and Post Author Biography

WordPress 6.0 includes brand-new block types for splitting portions in the Author block in blocks and as well to allow them for your own content.

The Post Author Biography block is a collection of author's details ( Source code).

The Avatar Block shows an avatar of a user. Users can choose between different website creators ( Source code).

The Avatar block in WordPress 6.0.
The Avatar block is available in WordPress 6.0.

The block can be used to display the avatar of author, outside of the scope that is displayed in author info block Author Info block or comments. It's possible to utilize the block on pages that have been devoted to all authors or the page with comments left by readers or users.

Upgrades to Blocks Already Built

WordPress 6.0 can also introduce many modifications and enhancements on blocks in use, which could be an important influence on the way you edit. The Navigation block has been modified by several modifications. But there are also adjustments to other blocks including the Query Loop and the Featured Image. Social, Group and other icons.

Enhancements to the Navigation Block

In the last few weeks The Navigation block received several upgrades and has a significantly easier-to-use interface.

The first is that a quality preview is now available in the Navigation Link block. If you have added an URL linking to an open resource Clicking the link button in the toolbar that is associated with the block shows an image of the resource.

Rich preview for Navigation Links.
Rich previews of Navigation Links.

Other modifications could affect your overall editing user experience.

If you're creating a new menu and just one navigation menu available the menu will be defaulted to that one. it will be defaulted to the menu that is only available. This change should accelerate the editing process even if there is only one navigation menu.

Navigation Links already had a description field, which allowed users to write a concise description of their navigation links. Before WordPress launch, themes were unable to utilize the feature.

The most current WordPress version of WordPress, WordPress 6.0, it appears after the URL's title.

The Navigation Link description appears after the link's label.
The Navigation Link description is shown after the title of the link.

In Twenty Twenty-Two, the .wp-block-navigation-item__description element is hidden via CSS, but themes can add a display: block property to show the link description.

Navigation Link description in WordPress 6.0 and Twenty Twenty-Two.
Navigation Link description in WordPress 6.0 and Twenty-two.

You can now see the loop of query Filters settings page now includes in-line fields for taxonomies that are custom. Users can filter the type of posts using specific or specific taxonomies that are registered to the particular post format.

There is now the option to sort posts by many authors before, whereas in earlier versions you had to pick one author from a dropdown.

An image showing Query Loop filter settings in WordPress 6.0.
Search Loop filtering settings are included in WordPress 6.0.

In addition, you can now alter also the Dimensions of the featured Image in a Loop block. Loop block as well.

Controlling Featured Image dimensions in a Query Loop block.
Controlling the dimensions of Featured Images within the query loop block.

Border Service and Typeography Border Service and Typeography in Reactive Blocks

Group and Row blocks now can be used in conjunction with fontsetting. It allows users to apply the similar types of fonts and options to an entire collection of blocks in the same process, thus eliminating a few clicks from making groups of blocks that can be nestled.

Typography settings for a Group block.
The fonts and settings that are accessible in the Block in a group.

The block which allows the grouping of blocks was enhanced further and now you can to create groups of blocks within Stack and Row by pressing a button.

Choose the blocks you would like to group and select one of the three choices from the toolbar block: Group, Row, Stack.

Once you've put the blocks together and placed them into groups, a brand new tab in the sidebar settings displays groups with descriptions of each variation and allows you to modify the group through a few mouse clicks.

A Row block shows blocks horizontally.
The Block of a Row shows blocks on a horizontal basis.

WordPress 6.0 incorporates margin-related features to Group blocks and lets users control the top and bottom margins by creating separate.

Controlling margins with a Group block.
Controlling margins through group block. Group block.

Images utilized in the Cover Block

The the most of the featured image feature in your cover blocks like WordPress 6.0 The use the featured picture toggle is now included in the toolbar of the block. This feature lets you can switch between the current image as well as the one that will be featured in a single button.

Use featured image with a Cover block.
Utilize the picture featured using a Cover block.

Disable or show labels on social Icons

A minor but beneficial modification to the block to allow Social Icons block now allows users to change the labeling for icons..

A Show label control allows to toggle on/off labels in Social Icons.
The control of the label lets users to shut off the label Social Icons.

If you turn on this feature it will show the default service name . You can also design personalized labels for the icons in your own.

A screenshot showing the Show label option turned on.
The display's screen label is illuminated.

Further Block Enhancements

The upcoming WordPress version comes with a variety of improvements to blocks.

As an example, you can control the borders of the columns Blocks (Gutenberg 12.7).

Border controls for the Columns block.
Border controls for columns block. Blocks Columns.

Another of the beneficial UX enhancements permits you to integrate internal hyperlinks with a few keystrokes. keystrokes.

Adding internal links in WordPress 6.0 is easier.
Internal links created with WordPress 6.0 could be significantly easier.

It's now easier to manage the image's area inside Gallery blocks thanks to the all-new block spacing control.

Images without block spacing.
Images without block space.
Images with block spacing.
Images using block spacing.

There are a handful of the improvements to be expected when you install WordPress 6.0. For the complete description of the improvements, please read the announcement note from Gutenberg.


It is now possible to announce that we're in the middle of phase two of Gutenberg's evolution, the customization phase.


Let us stop for the for a moment. There are a lot of changes and improvements in WordPress 6.0 won't be possible to cover in just one piece. are hoping that we've listed the functions that are likely to have greatest impact on the way we interact with WordPress day to day.

If you're interested, we'd like that you conclude this piece by offering a few ideas to readers!

Please share your opinions with your fellow members via the comment section in the following.

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