What OXG Media Helps Students 10x the amount of money they earn from online sales

Nov 25, 2022

In the year 2019, Jonathan Pemp Ng started what's today called OXG media from his dorm at the National University of Singapore.

Four years later, OXG Media -- an agency in marketing and marketing services that aids individuals scale their online business to $100K per month -- gives its customers two options: to engage the OXG Media agency to scale the business on their behalf either by purchasing courses and learn about they can do the same. "We're honest about the fact that if customers hire us, everything that we offer to them is explained in our signature coursecalled The Accelerator. If they'd rather do things themselves, they're free to do so," he says.

The online classes were launched on the side of the business in the year 2020, the products served over 80 students and generated over $60K in sales.

However, Pemp Ng's success didn't take place overnight. Rather his experience was not a positive start. While trying to locate the first person he had ever met through LinkedIn and was harassed repeatedly. The man says that the majority of people didn't listen to his story. He wasn't just faced with the challenges of dealing with cultural differences, he was halfway away from potential clients who were communicating with majority American.

Pemp Ng wasn't one to give up without a fight, even though. Pemp Ng had a vision for OXG Media and he was determined to see it come to realization. In the hope of not being repeatedly ignored, he wrote a blog article that addressed specifically the company of his prospective client and the ways he was able to aid. The post struck an emotional chord with the client, who was eventually hired by him. "It was the correct person to target," he says.

The customer base of his company grew following that. As per Pemp Ng his accomplishments could not be achieved if his focus was on the transformation the customers received - in both the business and through his classes. His aim is to assist people level-up their businesses so that they never have to think about money for a second time.

Here's how he does it:

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     He extends his reach organically    

One year and half after forming OXG Media, Pemp Ng was looking for a method to showcase the strategies of the company to grow the online business.

He realized there wasn't much honest information out there from those who were actually making money from online shopping.

"I've received instruction from the same instructors just like everybody other students. I know that a lot people are disenchanted about the subject. They aren't sure about the those who say they are affirming. Huge promises are made but then they don't deliver ."

In 2020, the agency began to create YoutTube videos that showcased the ways his company helped entrepreneurs expand their companies. Also, he started an online forum that was on Facebook.

The YouTube channel YouTube has grown to almost 22,000 users, while his Facebook group has grown to approximately nearly 1,000 members. "My Facebook posts are being read by 600 to 700 people," he says. "Normally once people come across me on Facebook and find me on Facebook, they'll also come across me on YouTube as well. Both channels will expand similar to each other. ."

The YouTube channel is described by the creator as slow growing because he makes lengthy-form content that isn't clickbait-worthy. Long-form video clips provide viewers a wide array of content. Some videos may be viewed by 3000 people. These videos help build a connection between him and his viewers and aids in the process of converting people who watch them into course purchasers. "I use YouTube for providing a constant steady stream of material," he says.

     He creates an online platform that can be scaled to his business which is built on service    

After a few months of launching his YouTube channel, Pemp Ng began looking to find a solution to aid those who didn't qualify to work with the company. Pemp Ng was constantly in contact with those who wanted to work with OXG Media, however his team only worked with companies that had budgets of greater than $80K. Making online courses was the next natural step.

"I realized that I'm in contact with them on the phone and talking to them. I might as well down-sell to them some thing."

There is a unique course known as The Accelerator that allows individuals to benefit from the experience of the agencies they work with and not outsource the task to OXG Media.

Additionally, he provides various other classes to hone into specific areas, like advertising on Facebook as well as training for sales reps in email marketing, organic content marketing, in addition to high-value conversion. "Our courses provide the foundations required to create million-dollar marketing campaigns" the instructor says.

     He advertises his course prior to the time he designs it.    

Prior to the launch of the entire suite of classes that he offers it was tested with a pre-release version of Accelerator. Accelerator during the year 2020. This is a step which he advises all creators of online courses take.

The course was offered for $1000 each, and the course was presented the course live. So, he would obtain feedback as early as on the very first day. "T his made my marketing material much stronger because I was able to prove my social credibility," he says. "Plus they were the ones to suggest my course to their colleagues. ."

"I attempt to make my classes cost-effective as much as I can. In fact, I try to provide them for affordable. It has been proven that when people are paid more for the course, they're more likely to take this course seriously. ."

The course designer discovered that price-wise, the best option is to make the course more costly. "I believe there are many limiting ideas for course developers," he continues. "Many consider that they must to price a course for reasonable prices to ensure that everyone is able to access it. The problem is that people don't care about low prices, they'd rather see outcomes. It doesn't matter which price you decide to select; if someone is legitimately interested in buying something, they'll purchase it. ."

     He builds a high-converting email list    

Through YouTube and Facebook videos He was able to establish a tiny but trusting mailing list which has now accumulated more than 5,000 members. "I can monetize a large portion of my number of users," He says. "So although my list of subscribers isn't massive, but it's a highly engaged area ."

Pemp Ng describes his client base as "a diverse group of individuals" who've tried but failed with online shopping. A majority of his clients are males and range from who are as young as the age of 40.

One of the most effective tools for his course sales is the single-page integrated checkout. "It's one of the most powerful things that I've ever seen," the instructor says.

     His content is targeted to his intended public    

Pemp Ng is a content creator who creates content that resonates with his audience, applying the "right message to the best target audience" approach. "I do not believe in creating lots of material," Ng says. "If you're publishing your content to people who aren't your intended audience, you're completely wasting your time. Content is targeted. Don't make content solely to its ."

To convey your message effectively to the appropriate audience, he advises to speak in their audience's native language in order to create a connection between the company and its customer. "As as you are able to be specific and exact you can increase your revenue," explains Pemp Ng.

His website, for instance details are presented in a clear, concise style. the goal is to show the truth and transparency. "We are only looking for the ideal potential customers and also those that are committed to growing their businesses," he adds.

     He designs a base user experience    

Pemp Ng's customer journey starts when people find Pemp Ng's channel through YouTube.

"My funnel" is quite simple. They watch this one video and after that, they usually become customers."

In order to purchase The Accelerator Customers should schedule an appointment with Ng to discuss any queries. For the other, lower-ticket offers, they can purchase them right away.

A majority of his leads are generated by natural traffic from YouTube, Facebook, and contacts; when clients contact Pemp Ng his company, he tells them that there is no need to become a salesperson in order to sell that they should take his course. "Often those who call the phone ready to purchase a course, and want to know more about it," he explains.

He no longer actively market his course; the majority of leads come from referrals as well as warm leads.

     He assists people in developing an attitude that is successful    

The instructor delivers the course content in one sitting instead of using the drip-schedule feature.

In the 'Mindset Module, the writer shares his own personal experience that began with OXG Media with limited resources. The author helps students realize that it is possible to achieve success. "A majority of folks aren't convinced they'll succeed because they do not know anyone who is," he says.

The requirement for this module was imposed since, although he wanted to ensure that students felt at ease about their accomplishments but he also wanted to improve the amount of time spent in the class. Plus, this module helps students reflect on what motivated them to sign up into the course. "Once you bring them back to their reasons for being in the class it will help them become more determined," he explains.

     He is an advocate of the idea of accountability    

For the agency part of his business there is a staff consisting of four. For the side of courses it is him alone and an editor who is based on the Philippines editing and uploading video content in his classes for the purpose of reducing time. Video editors are the manager of his customer service. The manager monitors the participants after they've registered for the course and ensures they've got everything they need.

The Accelerator The Accelerator, Pemp Ng calls his students weekly. It increases their participation, responsibility, course completeness, and eventually -- the results. On each conference call, he assigns students each week's homework assignments. "I inform them that If you're not doing your job, then you shouldn't be attending the conference," he says. "The obligation is taught to them. They are aware they are the ones who decide the pace at which they are successful. ."

The calls can also aid students learn from one and each. "They provide input to other people's queries," he explains.

Students also have access to the Facebook group for the class. The instructor encourages students to post their concerns there and get them answered by the other students, as well as by the client success coordinator.

     He is clear about his transformation    

After students have completed his class, Pemp Ng doesn't directly make any sales to students. He says that a lot of students realize that growing the business they run is harder than it appears. If that is the case the students will turn to the organization for help.

He has said that his biggest accomplishment has been seeing his students excel. As an example, the student enrolled in his beta program was earning $20,000 per month. In just 2 months, he increased the amount of money he earned by 10x and earned $200,000 per month. Within the next three months, his company increased its revenue to $700,000. He recently exited his business. "People are taking what I've taught them and are doing this for themselves, and changing their lives for the better," he says, exuberantly.

The most important advice he can offer creators of content is to be specific about what they're offering students.

"A majority of people make courses with the wrong motive; they just want cash. This is why many of them fail. They do not realize that, if you aid individuals to achieve the change that they require, they'll receive the cash ."

If the person who is creating an online course understands the value it will bring it is their responsibility to communicate the benefits clearly to the people who purchase their course. "Some transformational effects aren't visible, and that's why it is important to explain why someone should buy the course you offer," he continues. "You're aiding those you serve by speaking with them in a way they can understand ."

As well as demonstrating a simple change, Pemp Ng also advises that teachers only instruct the things they're familiar with as well as what they are certain about. "I just teach what that I practice every daily," he says. "It's similar to muscles memory for me. I'm capturing all the information in my brain and then recording it on an ."

If you're eager to apply your knowledge to help others enhance their lives and alter their lives in a positive way enroll in the program today.

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