What is User-Generated Content? + Examples |

May 1, 2024

What was the process that helped Meta create a platform that generates $44 per user? What's the method by which LinkedIn earns $8 billion from anyone from recruiters to premium users to companies?

Take a look at the businesses that earn billions on social media, and you'll find the value of their services is directly tied to the customers they serve. Content created by users is what drives these firms. This is also the reason why online forums, brand community sites, Discord servers, Medium and the comment part of blogs, if you can still get a chance to use it. As a community platform, we've got an insider's view of how UGC is able to create vibrant communities, a lot of which turn into 6- or even 8-figure companies in their own right.

In this article, we'll discuss:


  • What content created by users is.
  • Why is it important (plus pros and pros and).
  • Examples of UGC.
  • How to unlock UGC for your company or your brand. company.

What is User-Generated Content (UGC)?

User-generated content can be defined as content made by those who are using an online platform rather than the platform's owners, regardless whether it's photographs, video, text, or something other in nature. The majority of social media sites are built upon user-generated content like other online platforms including online forums, as well as online communities. Many of these websites use commercial models, in which they offer a program and users create the contents.

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Even if you're not a major social media company it is possible to use UGC for your advantage. In fact, a large portion of our thrive especially due to user-generated content because people gather to form communities, study the subject they are interested in, and enjoy a great discussion.

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What exactly does UGC mean? UGC helps companies.

Are you familiar with the application Clubhouse? The app was advertised as an exclusive application designed to listen to music on the go, and it was estimated at 4 billion dollars by 2021. The app was not accessible to anyone (you required an invitation) and also featured frequent appearances from big names such as Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk as well as Kevin Hart, and it became a major hit.

Elon Clubhouse

When the ban on infectious diseases was lifted, Clubhouse faced a difficult retention problem, and has recently eliminated a large portion of its employees. And Clubhouse's active users have decreased for the past few years. Currently, they have about 10 million users per week-in comparison to Pinterest hosts 482 million people per month.

Threads is a great example. Threads platform is an interesting instance. It reached 100 million users in 4 days! The following two weeks, it just exceeded 60 million. The growth has been steady, though Meta does not make it readily accessible to everyone.

Threads - Statista

Source: Statista

A user base of 160 million on Threads is nothing worth looking at. But its rival X (Twitter) is home to over 600 million monthly users.

The success or failure the viability of such platforms and the valuations of billions of dollars, rest on two aspects: 1. Do people show to the event? 2. Do they make content? It's not really a matter of significance.

This is evident with the membership-based community and also. We've discovered that we can precisely predict 93% of the time the likelihood that an online community will thrive or fail. Two things to consider: 1. Do people sign up? 2. Do they share a connection with a person? It was such a powerful data that we've begun the development of a software platform capable of doing more than providing hosting services for UGC as well as being focused on helping users meet each other.

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The base of it all is the social network. Social networks theory suggest that the social network is the base of community for humans. What exactly is what makes Facebook an one of the biggest platform with over three billion users? Maybe it's because Facebook is actually based on individual, personal social networks. You can be irritated with someone on Twitter and then remove the account. However, if Facebook is the place you communicate with your grandma and mom or make a sale from your home, there's a good chance that you'll be keeping the site around.

In order for UGC to be able to develop an enterprise it should not be just simply throwing content into the universe. The creation of ever-growing AI social media content isn't a good method to increase your profits.

It's the reason it's used to post comments on blogs as well as social networks and Reddit but the true benefit of these platforms is the involvement.

     UGC is the term employed to define the process of engagement. Content creators. People who read the content. If you don't own UGC then you do not have an engagement.

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Content created by users has benefits and disadvantages

The creation of content by users offers a myriad of advantages for those who run platforms.


Scale: Getting users active allows the creation of content faster and more effectively than it could be created by a single company or website. Big social media companies create limited or even no content. As an example, YouTube estimates that around 500 hours of video content are being uploaded every minute! It is impossible for any company to produce similar amounts of video content despite AI.

Users have conversations with other users, which can be directed by the user. The Internet has a myriad of fascinating and interesting topics that people speak about on the internet. UGC allows users to create conversation and content they are passionate about.

Diversity of viewpoints: UGC gives people voices-especially those who may not normally be heard in media. Everybody can be involved. Everybody has the opportunity to share their thoughts.

The effect of networks: This phenomenon is the description of how communities and platforms grow more valuable each time a new member joins them.

Improved customer experience for brands or organizations, the user-generated content can be used to improve the customer experience and even support for customers. For instance, Apple's Customer Community has members that can respond to questions at their own speed.

Apple support community

But, there may be some drawbacks to the content created by users:


  • Incorrect and false information: With no guardians, UGC permits anyone to create anything. As the majority of Americans say that false information is a concern to be addressed, UGC can be a element of the issue.
  • The word intimidation or bullying is used to describe UGC by content creators, as well as the people who reply (e.g. in the comments) might include bullying, intimidation or even the content is targeted towards an individual or group.
  • Moderation: The community hosts as well as social media firms moderating is now an integral part in hosting UGC.

Don't let this discourage you from taking on content created by users. The negative consequences can be mitigated with a strong community moderation program and policies. Offering users the option to assist in moderation can go far (e.g. "report this post" button "report this article" button). ).

When people invest their time and energy to a specific sector, they'd like the outcome to be positive. Most people are happy to aid by limiting their consumption.

Pros of user-generated content


  • Scale content creation fast
  • Integrate many points of in
  • Increase organic reach and increase conversations
  • UGC can bring new users onto your platform (e.g. if it gets used in a shared manner) as well as help expand your user base.

Cons of user-generated content


  • More risk of obtaining inaccurate or incorrect information
  • The use of intimidation and bully tactics
  • The need for moderation

Content created by users

The Mighty Network

A Mighty Network is a community platform that gives Hosts ability to connect groups to improve the lives of those. Members can participate in discussions, live classes, livestreams, and events, and more. Community that are flourishing always has a great level of engagement from members. (See the examples below ).

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In 2010, the app for sharing photos was launched in the hope of letting users share images with filters. The app quickly expanded, and today has expanded to offer more options like Reels and boasts more than 2 billion users.

Martinus Instagram


In the last section, we noted that there's 30,000 hours of brand new content uploaded to YouTube every hour. It would take you over 1900 years to go through today's video uploads. YouTube is a colossal monster when it comes to UGC-and the reality that 30% of young people consider YouTubers as their "dream job" this has made an impact on the culture of imagination. Whatever the case, whether YouTubers are able to earn money and generate revenue from their views or otherwise, YouTube is a juggernaut to UGC.

Mr Beast Image

Blog Comments

It's not as well-known nowadays, however starting your own blog and gaining comments on it was the standard for content that was created by people. It's a regular occurrence on some blog websites, but especially blogs like Medium. A few news websites utilize this strategy as well.

Medium - snip

Local Reviews

There's been a lot of discussion regarding social media over the last long time. However, reviews of attractions and restaurants. On Google or Yelp can be a major example of UGC.

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The Review for the Product Reviews

As with local reviews where customers can review items prior to purchasing from Amazon or any other web-based retailer .


If you spend any time in any of the online communities such as Reddit or Quora You'll notice that there are many people who are active on those communities, generating content that keeps these platforms going. Reddit will be home to 53 million members by 2025.


Tips for unlocking UGC

1. Produce fantastic content

First and foremost, UGC is most likely to be derived from quality and interesting material. There are a variety of tools in the market to assist you in creating many material. In terms of technology it is possible to create endless AI text, and then share the text.

Yet, content that is great has a distinct style and can spark conversations. In the case of genuine content, readers engage in discussion and even write.

mark Rober

2. Create niche spaces

Imagine who controls algorithms. Hootsuite says that the typical percentage of people who participate in posts on the Facebook Page post is 0.07 percent. What type of UGC is thriving within a social media setting that doesn't see it? Are you the type of person who would like to produce something that no one is able to view?

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There is a solution to this problem: design environments that do not depend upon algorithms, allowing users to make and share. Email. Online communities. Chat rooms. Apps. It is necessary to make spaces that don't depend on algorithms to let you unblock UGC.

ConvertKit segmentation

3. Memorable social media campaigns

While algorithms aren't always reliable, UGC is still possible with the help of social media campaigns. Pick your preferred platform and make content that's engaging. You can also find creative ways to draw attention of people. The addition of a prize or contest for contributions can improve the engagement of your audience!


4. Reviews

The most important types of UGC for a brand's image are reviews, testimonials, as well as other forms of constructive feedback (negative feedback can also be beneficial, however in a different manner.) It's important to acquire UGC for review sites if you're selling products or local review if you're making use of Google is vital since more and more consumers have been influenced by reviews while buying decisions. If you're able to post testimonials on your website, UGC can be really useful in this regard too.

In the event of obtaining UGC feedback, make sure that you ask. Simple prompts to encourage individuals to post reviews or rating can make an huge difference to the quantity of engagement.

5. Gamify Donation

If you're in the market for UGC and gaming, all of it can make a difference. In the case of Apple, for instance, its brand support community is heavily user-driven, with a huge amount of volunteers who are there to answer questions. The process has been transformed into a game by adding achievements levels and an exclusive community for top contributors. The inclusion of rewards or gamification can stimulate content creation.


In the final analysis UGC is an effective marketing tool. Numerous top brands around the globe have relied on UGC to propel them to multiple billion dollar valuations. It doesn't matter if it's billions people creating content or a group of people sharing the thoughts of its members, UGC taps into human creativeness in a way that's remarkable.

Then Read: 11 kinds of communities online that are thriving

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