What is the best way to price an online Course -

Jun 16, 2022

The content is ready, the promotions are in place, and the last item to be checked off your list prior to launch is how to price an online course so that people will enroll. Pricing is among the toughest aspects to launch an online course because it is a balance of finding the perfect balance in providing an excellent service to the audience you want to reach and at a cost that they're willing to be willing to pay.

Appropriate online course building and pricing could assist a content creator to make transition from a part-time job to full-time employment. Well-developed online courses can drive revenues and possibly even sponsoring your site or company.

Do you want to begin? Here are some considerations for pricing you should consider before the launch of a new online course.

     Prices Online for Courses Begin with Course Types    

Online course expert Sarah Cordiner says that all content falls into one of five types of online courses. Of course, the course you plan to offer can correlate to value and pricing strategy. It is crucial for creators of content to be aware of this when they design online courses.

  1. Leap Magnet Mini-Course: In general, it is a free and short online course designed to get students intrigued by more information. It could also serve as the initial lesson in the more extensive course, which acts as a lead in marketing.
  2. Kickstarter Course: These courses are a gateway for content creators to develop courses. They can be similar to your other work like a tutorial blog post series however, in a different form. These courses are often low-priced (less then $100), aren't long in duration (can take anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour), and are ideal for authors who have followers and credibility.
  3. Authority Flagship Course: If you're thinking of online classes, the Authority Flagship Model is probably what comes to mind first. They are classes taught by an experienced instructor who has plenty of trustworthiness in their field. They costing moderately ($100 to $3,000), and include repeat logins or sessions (lasting approximately one hour over several weeks). The courses contain information cannot be found elsewhere, such as the tutorial, or an extensive explanation of an area.
  4. Supportive Coach-Lead Course: The material might be similar to that of an Authority Flagship Course, but the way of teaching is distinct. These courses are designed for individual study and self-study instead of mass learning with touchpoints with the instructor. These online courses are higher-priced ($500 and above) and include multiple classes as well as one-on-one sessions, with plenty of information that will help you achieve your goals individually.
  5. Membership or online Academy Class: This group class is structured with several classes that build on one another. Students might participate in different courses to earn certificates or certificates. The pricing strategy is less than the price for a particular course but rather for the entire module an entire, it is based on a subscription system ($10 to $100 each month).

Whatever option you select for your online course You must conduct your research to ensure that you are developing an online course that students will want to take. This begins with research, audience understanding, marketing, and content development.

     4 Pricing Models for Online Courses    

After you've created a course and have decided on the kind of course you'll be offering It's the time to think about how to price. There are 4 distinct levels of course prices online: free, baseline, and premium.

Free classes

Baseline courses

Basic courses are able to reach a broad range of people with the right content. It appeals to many people at an economical cost. They should be simple to develop, and not require large time commitments from participants and contain information that are deep, but does not get overly technical. These courses may result in many sign-ups, but with low participation because of their low risk price.

"When you provide a coupon for a free class, your completion rate may be low single digits. When you price the same class, the average completion rate could be between 30-40 percent. The more you charge for the course, the more people actually complete it," said Ankur Nagpal, the CEO and co-founder of Teachable.

Premium courses

Online courses that are premium in quality are the main goal of most content creators when they are thinking about pricing strategy. These courses have the highest price points but must deliver quality content at the same time. The course material should be original and have an instructor with a reputable reputation and be something cannot be found elsewhere that is worth the cost.

Think of a premium online course as one that is on par with a university-level learning experience, or taught by an "celebrity" with an instructor-led format. These courses won't garner the same number of sign-ups as standard courses , however they typically have an impressive participation rate and high engagement.

Model of subscription

Subscription-based model courses provide membership option for customers to pay. It could be in the form of monthly, daily monthly, weekly or even annual subscriptions. When a customer joins, the customer gets access to the content you have locked.

     Online Course Pricing Strategy    

One of the most effective methods to price online courses comes from Online Course Igniter.

The process begins with some study of the audience to know how many people are likely to be interested in the online course. It is possible that this audience will change with every new course, depending on the content.

You'll then need to determine the amount of money you'd like or need to make out of the program. Do you have costs that must be paid in order to make a profit? Have you established a goals for the income generated from each course?

Then you are going to take a deep dive into your audience analytics. In the present, you likely have an email list and a following on social media, a landing pages, or some other method to collect and interact with the people that are keen on your material. What you have to figure out what level of engagement they're having to come up with an average conversion rate for that segment of the population.

You can then plug in all the details into the basic formula to calculate revenue and pricing:

     Revenue = Size of the Audience Conversion Rate x Price    

Make sure to subtract costs from revenue in order to calculate the actual profits on the online courses that you develop.

The last element in pricing strategy is ensuring the content of courses is in line with the price. It's absurd to ask people to fork out $1,000 to get 10 minutes of information. The thought process of pricing models and the perceived value can help you determine a price strategy that works for your customer base.

     How Much Do You Need to Charge to Offer an Online Course?    

So, it all comes back to the fundamental problem: What is the appropriate amount you charge for an online course?

If you think about the type of course as well as pricing models and then a full pricing plan, the solution might be more clear than you imagine. (You should at least narrow it down to a specific range.)

Now you can begin your course online. It will aid you in turning the content of your course into a excellent user experience that students will want to take part in. The platform that hosts online courses was developed by experts in e-learning and has all the tools you need to create courses that are in demand.

It gives you the ability to control your entire process, which includes pricing strategies and the capability to sell an upsell.                       Sign Up for a Demo Today