What is the best way to Market Digital Products

Sep 14, 2023

You've put in the effort to develop your first (or latest) digital product, congrats! The next step, of course, is to promote the product and get it in front of the audience you designed the product for.

Promoting digital goods and making sales can be difficult However, there are tactics you can employ to reach as many prospective clients as possible and earn a decent revenue. In this article, you'll learn some promotional strategies you can implement in order to kick off the process.

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But first, what are digital goods?

Considering how many people consume information online -- 5.18 billion, in fact -- numerous entrepreneurs transform their knowledge regardless of what it's, into digital products they are able to sell to individuals. Digital products can include:

  • eBooks
  • Video courses
  • Audio files and music
  • Templates for graphic and web sites
  • Photos and videos from Stock
  • Software applications
  • Mobile apps
  • Coaching tools
  • Podcasts
  • Memberships

12 methods to market digital goods and generate sales

To promote your digital items and increase sales, follow these steps to take:

    Make an online shop or site    

The first step for marketing your digital products is to create a digital storefront or website that you'll direct people to so they can buy from you.

There are many ways to do this. It is possible to use online store builders such as Shopify as well as Gumroad. The platforms have many features that permit you to create eCommerce websites from scratch with little to no technical knowledge required. With these store builders, it is possible to offer all types of digital items, which include:

  • eBooks
  • Online video courses
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Music and audio files
  • Memberships
  • Digital art
  • Photos and videos from Stock
  • Website templates
  • Event tickets, etc.

Gumroad caters to beginners of all levels and complete beginners, as evident by their tagline, "Go from zero to $1". Shopify on the other on the other hand, is designed to cater to individuals at all levels of experience.

They both offer a vast range of online store templates as well as a drag and drop website editor that allows you to customize templates to fit your branding requirements. The tools also provide resources that can help you increase customers to your site. Shopify is a good example. It permits you to download extra applications to improve store functionality and also integrate with third-party applications to simplify workflows.

Some other platforms you can use to build a website or online storefront include:

In contrast to Shopify or Gumroad , these platforms are completely free to use. But they're self-hosted solutions which means you'll have to pay for:

  • The domain's name ($10-20/year)
  • Web hosting ($3-30/month, contingent on plans and platform)
  • Premium Theme ($100-200 One-time fee)

They allow you to create any kind of website you want, and you can add eCommerce functionality by downloading plugins like WooCommerce, EasyDigitalDownloads, and MemberPress.

    Connect to an online market    

If you're a beginner at designing and selling digital items You might wish to join a marketplace first before you start your own site or store. Some online marketplaces you can be a part of include:

  • Amazon - for eBooks as well as audiobooks
  • eBay to sell any kind of digital product
  • iTunes - for songs, podcasts, and videos
  • Envato to provide website and graphic templates video and stock images, and royalty-free music
  • Udemy to offer online courses typically
  • Creative Market  includes fonts graphic, templates, and graphics to create creative ideas

The downsides, however the downsides of markets are:

  • They usually receive a percentage of every sale that you make
  • The products you sell are placed in against similar offerings from other creators. The result is that you are less likely of selling as many units as you can.

    Create a compelling sales page for your product    

This is a factual aspect of selling digital goods: At the start you'll be unable to tell your clients who you are, so they're unlikely to make purchases from you until you show them what they can expect from you. This is particularly true when you sell eBooks and online courses.

Contrary to popular opinion, you don't need to be a proficient copywriter to create a captivating sales page. All you have to do is answer this question for your target customer: Is this item right for me?

You don't need to include all the details about the digital item. You should instead focus on

  • What can your product do to help them solve their problems
  • Why should they choose it (instead of similar products out there)

This is an example of a sale page designed the intention of promoting an instructional course. Note how the text over the fold is clear about who the course creator is trying to reach, i.e. teachers looking for opportunities to use their educator skills within high-quality educational institutions.

Showing prospects that other real-life customers have used the product and gained by it is one of the most powerful ways to convert them to buyers.

Why? because you're not the sole person who is proving your product's value; other people are confirming it, too. Then they'll believe: "If this can work with others, surely it will also work for me".

    Make your site more optimized to be search engine friendly    

If you're looking to create a strategy for promotion which is so effective that you'll be making sales on autopilot weeks ( or even for years) after implementing it Try search engine optimization (SEO)

There are three kinds of SEO: on-page, off-page, and technological.

On-page SEO involves using specific keywords that are related to products or niches within web copy. To determine which words to include in your pages for sales or product Ask yourself what if someone were to search for my products, what term(s) should they enter into Google?

The terms you use are the keywords. It is possible to use keywords or SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest to discover relevant keywords as well as their numbers of searches. When you've found the keywords you want to use, include them in your titles as subheadings and body copy URLs, meta descriptions images alt text as well as other. As Google's crawlers scan the page, they'll know the content of the webpage and rank it appropriately.

Finally, the term "technical SEO" refers to optimizing a website or server so that search engines are able to browse and index your site effectively. This includes increasing speed and user experience and structuring the data of your website.

    Make a marketing funnel    

In the event that you're selling your digital item on a site (as as opposed to an online marketplace) it is possible to create blogs video, blog posts, or social media content to inform people about your area of expertise as well as your product(s).

Similar to the pages for your products it is possible to optimize blog posts to be search engine friendly with keywords, too. So even if your products pages aren't ranked the way you want them to, your audience will nevertheless find you via the blog content that ranks.

As well as creating leads and driving traffic to your website, pertinent content can also help you establish credibility and position yourself as an authority in your field.

    Develop an organic media presence    

"You could just record in TikTok without any hassle, and the recording doesn't need to be perfect," she says "It's authentic and real, and people know me to be a transparent and genuine person."

For the purpose of growing your following on social media sites, create and post material (images or carousels, brief videos, long videos, infographics and so on.) which educate the public about your niche or industry, tell why you start creating items in this niche and highlight the advantages of the products. If you've got customer reviews, share them on your social media platforms.

It may seem like your growth is slow at first, however when you consistently post content the people will begin to come to your website. As they do, interact with them and develop relationships by liking and replying to their posts as well as sharing posts as well as giving shout-outs to those who've purchased your product.

    Run pay-per-click ads    

Doing SEO and building an organic presence on social media takes quite some time before you start reaping the benefits. However, if you're trying to have your business noticed by a large number of people quickly, try pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements. As you might've guessed, pay-per-click (PPC) is an advertising method that demands you to only pay to advertise on websites that people are likely to click.

There are two types of PPC ads: paid social media ads and search-related ads paid for.

When you pay for social media advertisements, you're running ad campaigns using the platforms your intended audience is using. Before you start your campaigns, you'll specify the behavior, demographic, and interests of your customers, so your advertisements will be displayed in the feeds of those who might purchase from you.

Paid search advertisements On the other hand permit your advertisements to show up on Google results pages for search engines (SERPs) whenever your intended users conducts commercial searcheswhich means they're searching for something to buy.

For a greater chance of having your ads hit, try the following:

  • Utilize high-quality, visually appealing visuals in the advertisements.
  • Use compelling, but brief copy to present the benefits for your products
  • Create a clear call-to action that explains to viewers the next action to follow after watching the advertisement

    Build an email list    

SEO, content marketing and paid advertisements are great promotion methods for digital products However, what happens if Google as well as all other social media platforms are deemed obsolete (or even crash)?

This might seem far-fetched, but look at what happened to platforms like MySpace, Friendster, Tumblr, and Vine. It's likely that you've not thought of some of these websites in a while. If this happens to any of the most popular networks that you utilize to promote your product and services, then your company will be obsolete, too. The audience you've built will disappear and you'll must start over in order to re-build your client base.

It doesn't end when individuals give your email address. It's important to keep up with the relationship with them and keep your company prominent by frequently sending relevant and useful emails to the recipients. To make this process easier it is possible to use email marketing tools like MailerLite, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign to streamline your email marketing. It is also possible to segment your email list by the subscribers' behavior as well as their interests and preferences and then send personalised mailers to every segment.

The automated emails will:

  • Provide your readers with information about why you do what you do
  • Tell them how your product can assist them in solving their issues
  • Help them learn more about your business
  • Inform them about discounts, freebies or other special deals they can avail of

    Use an influencer as a partner    

Since the influencers have already established their audiences using their influence, working with them may be a great promotion strategy for your business. Depending on the kind of influencer you're working with as well as the size of their audience and the outcomes you want to get You could pay them a fee or give them freebies in exchange in exchange for their featuring your brand on their posts.

Another alternative is setting an affiliate program that influential people can sign up for the purpose of promoting your product to their audience as a way of earning a percentage for any purchases made using the affiliate link they have created.

Whichever route you decide to go with whether it's direct marketer marketing via influencers or affiliate marketing -engaging with trusted influential people in your field could help you connect with the audiences that you may not have access to previously. It also reflects positively on your personal brand and boosts chances of conversions and sales.

    Create and implement a pre-launch promotion strategy    

What's more effective than advertising your product's digital version after it has launched it?

Promotion of your digital product prior to the launch!

Planning and conducting a pre-launch campaign helps you build buzz around the product prior to it hitting the marketplace. By doing this it is possible to create a community of interested people who are ready to purchase your product the minute it's launched. Not only does this help you avoid the depressing sensation of not having sales within the first few days however, it will also teach how to promote your product, so the whole process will be simpler as you promote your item.

There are many ways to draw attention to your product pre-launch. Here are a few:

  • Share clues on platforms about the type of product you'll introduce.
  • Publish posters and cover pictures of your forthcoming product on your site to inform people that there's a new product coming
  • If the product is an eBook then you may provide your email subscribers with a hyperlink to go through the first few pages
  • Create an online contest where the prize is early access to your new launch product

Not only does a pre-launch campaign aid in the promotion of your products, it can also give you an idea about the number of sales to expect from prospective customers who've declared their intention to buy the product after launch. You'll also establish an existing customer base who you'll be able promote new items with ease.

    Offer discounts as well as freebies    

Similar to physical products, offering discount coupons and other freebies to market your digital item could attract potential customers and encourage them to buy.

For digital products, discounts can include discounts of $X on your first purchase or up to X% discount during Black Friday, while freebies may include free emails, a course, extra content as well as bonus chapters. Additionally, you can make smaller digital goods in bulk purchase for you to sell more units of your main digital product.

Alongside encouraging others to take a look at your products discount coupons and other freebies will also build your credibility and trust with customers -- which increases the likelihood of word-of-mouth marketing and repeated purchases. You can also use discounts and freebies to boost sales on other digital items you make.

    Host an online challenge    

Hosting contests and challenges on the internet is not just a fantastic method to connect with existing customers, but they're also great at priming prospective customers to be more inclined to purchase your digital item provided that the contest assists them in achieving a goal they've set for themselves.

A great example of this is Avocadu's 21-day fat loss contest, which is posted front and center on its website.

Avocadu sells recipes eBooks as well as a weight loss program called"the Yoga Fat Loss Bible. Even though Avocadu boasts a lot of favorable review from customers on its sales pages It is aware that buyers are more likely to purchase its paid-for products if they're able to experience it at no cost. This is what the challenge to lose fat can be used to do.

Any person who takes on the challenge without cost and gains weight through it is more likely to buy the Fat Loss Bible program than someone who just read reviews on it.

To make a winning challenge or contest, ensure three things:

  • People participate in it for a certain duration of time. In the case of Avocadu, that's 21 days. If you're a member, it might be five.
  • It is played out by people making use of (or getting a push to utilize) your digital products as lead magnets.
  • The challenge gives you the opportunity to sell your paid digital product (or the complete versions of your lead magnet) eventually.

Promote your digital product to increase your sales

Selling digital products is a profitable side hustle. But, the product you sell won't magically sell just by existing. It is necessary to put in an intentional effort to market it to the people you want to reach.

These strategies to promote your product in this article can help in selling your product however you'll have to be willing. It's not necessary to test all 12 tips at once; pick one or two to begin with and try them out. There may be a long time to see if they're effective If you're consistent, you'll reap the benefits and figure out the marketing techniques that will work for your product.

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