What is the best way to choose an online Course Topic Right for You

Apr 25, 2022

Not sure if the topic you're considering to teach online is good? We'll assist you.

We'll guide you through the steps of choosing the most appropriate subject for your online class. It's not just from the standpoint of profibility but also you'll end up loving the thing you've selected. We befielve that a secret to selecting a good online course subject is to figure out what you are which makes you distinctive and special.

Really, it's that simple!

There is a bit of psychological and motivating aspects to this area, and here's the motivational speech we require every now and then: You are unique and you've got a lot to bring to the party! So bring that out, and then let it be seen by other people.

We befieve that taking the time to be genuinely attentive and listening to your own voice is the key to any achievement.

Online course creation steps: Choose the right topic
Online Courses Creation: Step-by-step

However, let's put it into context. Choosing an online course topic is the initial step in the making a course online. It is followed by the study of the subject and the preparation of the course's description making your objectives clear and making the course content.

 Selecting the Online Course Topic: How to Start

Defining a course topic should be a difficult task. Take a look at the way you live your life. Most likely people already ask your advice on specific topics or consider you as an expert in some area.

 What are you learning about HTML0 lately?

Be focused on your latest Aha! moment and your new capabilities, and new discoveries. Don't worry now about theories, details, and concepts if you aren't excited about them now even though everyone else includes them in their courses.

 Define things you enjoy doing

If you don't like doing something, don't choose it for the subject of your course.

 Consider what is the thing that makes you feel the most excited about your work.

This seems to be simple, yet you'll be amazed at the amount of people who do things they don't like just because they did not actknowledge that fact in advance.

 Determine a Prifit Potential

If you are calculating the profit potential look at the problem you are solving. Your online coure profit potential is high if you solve a problem people would be willing to pay for.

Are people already spending the amount you've earned on problems you're trying to solve? This is a good sign of your course's success online.

 Consider what's special in you

 Ask yourself what you bring to the table that's exclusive to you.

You should be able to let go of the things you think people expect from the people around you. There are many voices that say you should do this, you should do that. What you need to do is to listen to your natural voice and connect with your own natural energy source. You must find it, and you locate it through stillness.

 Find your true voice

It's the most essential tip to find your real sound,your real self. There's a voice within you which defines who you are. The job of you is to discover it and reconnect with it.

It's simple. Being still and listening to your body helps to find your voice. It's there. It's connected. In the silence that answers, that messages, impulses, can make themselves known.

 Include the YOU

Do you think it is the discovery of yourself that makes you feel the most enthusiastic over your job right now? Or maybe you just realized that you are strongly connected to nature? Incorporate that into your online course topic.

 Your enthusiasm and positive attitude will inspire others to love your course.

If you're trying to be someone else, you'll not be happy with the results that you receive. You're not who you are. But when you find your voice, there's an ease that comes with it.

four tips on how to choose a course topic

 Return to your basic drive

 What is the reason you would like to teach first.

Do you feel it is the bond to others that inspires you the most? Do you feel like doing something to help your creative community? Let that feeling influence your decision-making process for the subject of your class. The creation of a lively and intimate group of students around your online classes can make the lives of others happier.

 Bonus: Do not teach topics below your skill level

The teaching of skills you're bored of is boring.

If you're a new teacher, it's great to introduce the basics, but If you're a seasoned teacher , you should not choose fundamental subjects to teach, even if "sell very well".

Choose something that's intellectually challenging and exciting for your current situation. It is possible to add more basic stuff later on but make sure that it is not your primary goal.

 How to test the course topic idea

  • Make a landing site. It takes only an hour and you'll be able to determine the people who are likely to sign up for your course.
  • Make sure you are able to sell your online course, and check how well the topic you've selected will work.
  • Make a public post on your social media to see if your audience is registering.
  • Use your list of mailing addresses to announce your online course , and also get the feedback you need.
Choosing a course topic is 80% of your teaching success

 Selecting a subject for your class can make a difference in 80% of your teacher's achievement

Starting is never easy. We procrastinate. The fridge is a place where we go, open it, have a look, and go back to the fridge with nothing (or snacks) or even looking through IG 10 times before starting a new task. That's normal.

It's helpful to split tasks into smaller chunks and start with something easy. Selecting a subject helps you start and complete a tangible and satisfying goal. Once you have this done, the remaining pieces of the puzzle will become much easier.

 The hands-on approach: Start your Online Course Topic

 Brainstorm - It's fun!

Begin with a basic process of brainstorming you understand very well - Put down every idea quickly, without judgement. There will be a good list of class topics including your most favorite in the middle.

  Create a high-level course structure

Then make something that is tangible and real and you can complete it quickly! Sketch the high-level section arrangement for your class. Your class will include an introduction, aren't you? Perfect, you can put down the introduction! Do your students require some items? It is possible to include the Material Overview, etc, you'll get the picture.

 Make it tangible

It is possible to add those sections into the lesson section here. Since your space for teaching isn't yet published and you are able to experiment with it. You only have your structure for the class now but you're able to alter your lesson plan in the future!

You can upload your work, type some random text, use videos you have in your phone - be inventive and have fun. You can do anything at all to see the class start to form out beautifully and becoming a reality.

Here is a sample of the format of lessons that you can create in just 5 minute. Add a sample class, then some sections and lessons. That's it!

Sample Class
A quick example to teach lessons

The lesson structure can be added into your teaching space.

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