What is the average sum you earn per Watch on YouTube? |

Feb 4, 2024

As we watch YouTube's top YouTubers like PewDiePie, Markiplier, and Like Nastya earning anywhere from $28 million to the tune of $38 million per year It's easy to imagine of creating an official YouTube channel. Plus that, with YouTube having earned more than $28 billion in revenue through ads in 2017, it's easy to understand why everybody wants an ad on the pie.

If you are a fan of taking pictures with a camera, have a special talent (like playing the ukulele when riding on a bicycle) or simply want to capture your look, there's a chance you've wondered "how many dollars will it cost to view your videos on YouTube? "

What we'll discuss In this blog post:


  • How YouTube pay its creators.
  • The amount you could earn on YouTube.
  • Guidelines to make videos that will be uploaded to YouTube.
  • Alternative ways to earn money by writing.


Do you know if YouTube pay per view?

The most straightforward answer is a resounding yes. YouTube pays per view, however, not in the way it is thought. YouTube doesn't compensate creators per videos watched, but rather per advertisement view on their channels. In fact, 60% of creators receive compensation via an advertising revenue share.

creator economy

There is a difference in the view of a film and advertisements views

Views of the video
    The number of views on videos is the you can tell how many people have seen your video. Repetition views (or viewers who view multiple times) on YouTube are counted toward the total views. Naturally, repeated views are counted, but YouTube will identify people trying to create fake their views get through constant refreshes or using robotic systems similar to bots.

Ad views
    Ad views is the number of times ads are shown to the viewers of your film. It means that no matter the number of views your video gets (even that it has two million) in the absence of ads on your video there will be no amount of money.

This is because earning money from your YouTube channel won't simply be a matter of luck, it will require that you establish the base before you begin!

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What can I do to get paid to market YouTube YouTube

Sign up to join YouTube Partner Program (YPP)

If you are looking to make a profit through YouTube it is necessary to be a part of the YouTube's YouTube Partner Program (YPP). The YouTube Partner Program verifies creators and allows them access YouTube tools and features for monetization.

Here's how you can become part of:


  1. Be sure to follow these rules YouTube Monetization guidelines .
  2. Live is available in every nation or area in the region where an opportunity to be a part of this program. YouTube partner program is provided .
  3. Follow YouTube's guidelines regarding involvement in the community (strikes in your channel may render you uninhabitable).
  4. Check you have a 2-Step verification check that your verification is turned on for your Google Account.
  5. Offer modern capabilities Access for YouTube.
  6. Install (if you don't have one that's active) an active Google AdSense account in YouTube Studio in which you'll be able to include a link on the YouTube channel. Find out more about it here.

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Can I qualify to be eligible for the YPP

There are two routes that can be taken to become certified for the YPP


  1. You can sign up for 1,000 subscribers with 4000 hours of public-watch that have been viewed over the last twelve months.
  2. Receive 1,000 subscribers and 10 million valid shorts (YouTube's alternatives to Instagram's Reels along with TikToks) views over the past 90 days.

youtube program eligibility

When your channel is approved, YouTube still continually checks channels in YPP to ensure that they're following the guidelines and rules.

The greatest benefit (besides the fact that you get paid) of the YPP is that you are able the option of deciding which videos are commercialized through advertisements, which means you are able to disable ads on videos that aren't a fit to advertisers.

YouTube's application process

YouTube reviews all applications in-person, and will respond to these applications in approximately one month if that the number of applications are high.

If your application gets rejected, don't sweat it! You can appeal the decision within 21 days, or upload your original submission. After that, you'll have the possibility to apply for a second time after 30 days. If you decide to submit a second time be sure to review the YPP's policies along with YouTube's guidelines for community members to make certain you're complying with the guidelines.

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What's the median sum of money per views on YouTube could you earn?

If you've discovered the ideal way to earn money through YouTube and other platforms, then you're likely wondering how much per view of an ad on YouTube you can earn. As per YouTube, "There are no assurances in the YouTube agreement with partners on the amount or when, and if it will be paid. Earnings are generated based on an amount of the advertisement revenue generated by viewers who watch your video. ."

YouTube Money per View Calculator

There's no way to estimate how much you earn through ads on YouTube visit our creator calculator to get an estimate of how much creators can earn each month through YouTube. Based on an estimate of a amount per 1000 views per month.

Utilizing the creator calculator that we provide, here are some examples of the kinds of creations you can create:


  • 1 million visits equals 500 dollars per month.
  • 3 million views = $1500/month.
  • 6 million views = $3000 per month.
  • 9 million views equals $4500/month.
  • 12 million views equals $6,000 per month.
  • 16.3 million views = $8000 per month.
  • 32 million views equals $16,000 per month.

creator calculator content creators

Examples of what the real creators of YouTube have earned:


The nano-influencer Jen Lauren, who has 10,000 subscribers, and who blog on YouTube about everything from travelling and working in New York City, to testing a lymphatic drainage massage device. The YouTuber received at an average rate of $213 for month .

YouTuber Sarah Lavender, who creates ASMR videos, is a YouTuber with more than 300,000. In addition, she earned $1,000 to $6,000/month .

The most popular YouTuber MrBeast can earn between three to $5 million every month from a combination of ads and sponsorships paid for.

Mr Beast Image

What else can affect your income

Other aspects, like viewing-through rates (when viewers are viewing for less than 30 seconds, the ad does not count as a viewing) in addition to the place of your content, its quality and the length of your video along with your channel's niche will affect video monetization. The most lucrative segments for YouTube in 2024 are creating money online and online marketing as well as personal finance and education, as well as tech cars, and gadgets.

YouTube Premium subscribers do not get advertisements displayed on YouTube this means that when they watch your content, you will receive some of the subscription cost instead.

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Another factor that can impact the earnings of your business is the percentage of your revenue based on class. YouTube Studio lets you select the categories that you want to share your revenue with. YouTube Studio you can also select which modules you want to include in the program the same category, each with different rates for revenue share, and also the qualifications for inclusion:


  • Commerce Product Module Commerce Product Module pays partners 70% of net income from channel memberships Super Chats, Super Stickers and Super Thanks.
  • Watch Page Monetization Module Watch Page Monetization Module is paid to partners 55% of gross revenues generated from advertisements displayed or streamed to their video that are public to their Watch Page. This also applies if you stream public videos through YouTube Video Player. YouTube Video Player on other applications or websites.
  • The Shorts Monetization Module provides partners with 45 percent of profits that are allocated according to their share of views by Creator Pool allocation. The Creator Pool allocation.

Before you invest a great deal of time creating revenue from your YouTube channel, think about the benefits and drawbacks.

The advantages of monetizing advertisements


  • It's basically passive earnings. After you've set it up, you're compensated from your views that you've created initially.
  • The users are accustomed to advertisements too, and websites like YouTube will display ads regardless of whether they're monetized in any way or not. There is a chance to earn through this.
  • There is more freedom in creating the content that you would like to create than affiliates, in which you must create contents that are compatible with sale of affiliates.

 Pros and cons of ads to make money


  • Advertisements can distract as well as distracting (who is going to want to view the commercial for yogurt when they are learning how to style locks?). Indeed 74% of the population report being sick of seeing advertisements.
  • If your site doesn't receive lots of traffic, advertising will likely just be some cash. The payout for most advertising platforms ranges from $20-$50 for each 1000 views.
  • Don't depend on this avenue for a good income. The most successful YouTubers have been working through this ever since and MrBeast started in the year 2012. There's no way to predict anything like "overnight success ."

Don't lose hope Learn ways to earn money with YouTube

Do you wish to earn some cash via YouTube? Cool! Instead of posting videos randomly, make sure you plan your study to know the content you're sharing and whom.

Find the right person

Before you create videos to YouTube determine the target audience that you will create videos for. A perfect member is the one who will need your services. Being a creator, it is impossible to serve everyone since if you are serving everyone there is no one to serve. The ideal client gives you an avatar that you can serve by providing a set of challenges objectives, goals, and expectations. Your ideal members will be your biggest fans and the work you do makes the video more impactful.

If you want to grow and make money by gaining followers, then having a clearly defined Ideal Member is the way to go. Start with a clear subject (e.g. traveling or cooking, beauty, gaming or fitness, etc.)) You can then move onto the next step. These are some of the questions that can help you get started:


  • What are these people?
  • What do they love most about? What are their top goals?
  • What are the challenges they have to overcome? Do they require assistance in?
  • What creators do they share in common?
  • What portion of your story will they be most influenced by?

Do you need help naming your channel on YouTube? Try our free YouTube Channel Name Generator.

Virtual Community

Produce high-quality content

Whatever insightful and appealing your video content may appear to appear, when they're not properly produced or edited, your viewers won't be able to. Hook them in with good video content, make use of top cameras as well as a microphone, lighting and. You can edit your videos to keep your viewers engaged and encourage them to join your channel on YouTube.

Take, for instance one of for instance, the YouTube channel LeMMiNO (Swedish author David Wangstedt) Long-form animated video on "space, mystery and all things." The material can be interesting--"The Vanishing of Flight 370" or "Consumed by the Apocalypse"-- however it's how it's edited that keep you entertained.

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Create continuously

Consistently creating content means churning out the most of the content that you can. It's the most common way of burning out for creators particularly YouTube burnout. The reason for this is that creators feel they are under pressure to create regular content for their followers.

This can occur in any time, regardless of whether the creator is a household name or has millions of fans. If people invest their heart and soul into their work, but do not control their well-being, it could lead to an array of issues, including being anxious, feeling stressed out, and feeling sad and fatigue.

To avoid this, you must choose an appropriate plan for your own needs. When you're comfortable about your frequency of posting videos, plan out your content. Choose not just the topic but also the best time to edit and film (especially for those who you're not experienced in editing, this could require a significant amount in time). You could even have a few videos ready to be released, creating an inventory of videos for times when you're too busy or sick to create an entire video. This is content planning which has worked efficiently.

Assess your metrics

Before you decide on any measure, you must determine the goal of your business is. Are you looking to establish credibility, earn money or create a community? Perhaps it's all three. Most important metrics to consider every month include subscribers, channel watch time (which increases each month) the most popular videos, as well as traffic sources (telling your viewers where they stumbled upon your website). Once you monetize your content using the YPP, make sure to look at the revenue statistics for ads.

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Learn and keep growing.

If the time spent watching your site isn't growing month-over-month continue to test your content. Try smaller video sizes including a brand new title sequence, or adding music for the background, and even an A/B testing with images (create two different variations of the video to test which is more successful). ).

Earning money from YouTube does not happen by itself and you must invest work and effort to create. If you're looking to expand your business, you could increase your reach by collaboration with an alternative content creator. make use of other channels for content, such as Pinterest or TikTok to guide users to YouTube (in fact 58 percent of content creators create at least two kinds of material) and also, organize an online webinar free of charge and redirect viewers to your YouTube channel so that they will be able to get more information from the content you create.

Another way to earn money as creators

The monetization of advertising can be not a sure-fire. It's an extremely strict procedure that requires a ton of watching time to earn an honest profit from YouTube ads. If you're interested in making content on YouTube and you're interested in getting paid for it, there's no harm to get paid from however it's not feasible (at least at the beginning) to rely solely on it as the sole source of earnings. Similar to your investment in financial instruments, you'll have to diversify your sources of earnings as a writer.

Physical goods

If you're a creative person Consider physical items you can provide to your followers. From furniture repair to personalized images, the possibilities are endless. If you can control your expenses, physical items are a lucrative option.

There is no need to create an actual store. Try your personal Shopify store or even create your website by using an online store plugin or utilize a marketplace for products like Etsy.

Etsy printables

Create an application

Are you a household name with a huge reputation and are considered an specialist in your field? Making an app may be your next move! Take a look at Drew Binsky, a YouTuber who uploads videos of his trips around the world, who developed a community-based application that allows people to share their love of traveling.

Drew Binsky

The secret to creating an app that's actually effective isn't to just fill it with more content individuals will discover through social media. Instead, create something unique with personalized advice for members and an opportunity for them to connect with others.

Online community

Connecting online communities can be an ideal way to earn income from content creators. While we may be biased as this is a community-based platform, numerous creators have experienced satisfaction with this method and it doesn't require an enormous following for it to be successful.

If you're still producing content It's not a bad idea to profit from it as it provides the connectivity that everyone desires and is an excellent possibility to make recurring revenue. If you can make money from your community, you're standing behind your products and services. In addition, customers pay more at the price they're paid, rather than using a free community platform with limitations in functionality, and it appears to be obsolete.

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