What is it that you should be looking for when selecting an online course builder Platform

Nov 11, 2022

If you're contemplating creating your own online course What is the most efficient online tool to create courses? It's likely that you're looking for an online system designed for you to effortlessly and quickly create stunning courses without the need for years of experience in programming.

Selecting a course building platform isn't easy, particularly considering the variety of options available in an overcrowded marketplace. We believe that these are the qualities is the most important thing to consider when selecting an online learning platform:

  • Easy to use
  • An engaging learning experience
  • Clear pricing plans
  • Integration into tools that you already use
  • Flexible payment options for your learners

We'll look at each one of these components further down.

Easy-to-Use Course Builder

Choose an online course application that has a basic integrated editor that is easy to operate and expand. It ought to be straightforward for you as the creator to know how your material will appear to your learners. Also, it is important for you to be comfortable enough play around with and experiment with course tools in order to keep improving as a teacher.

The Drag and Drop course builder in order to organise your course into categoriessuch as subjects, or lessons. The way the Course Builder works is described in this video:

A Learning Experience that is Engaging and Fun

The goal of each class is to effect a change within your learners. Engage your learners and keep them motivated, and a transformation is expected to occur by itself.

You should look for the following features that could encourage engagement:

  • Video Progression. It is essential to make sure that videos can be viewed easily and not be skimmed.
  • Gaming. A recently done study revealed that games have resulted in 14% better assessment scores. It is as easy as introducing the concept of a points system, or providing an award or badges after students have completed a course or a set objective.
  • Assignments. Assignments at the end of every lesson help keep students interested by giving them direct feedback and grade-able trackable results.
  • Quizzes. A good quiz will give students the opportunity to test their abilities and provide a method for you to evaluate students' progress as well as their involvement.
  • Analytics. Analytics allow you to determine which students are performing well and those who may need some assistance. This can also lead to improvements in the quality of the subsequent classes.
  • Discussions. Building community is an integral element of online education. Discussion boards or forums can allow students to exchange thoughts and suggestions and felicitate one another on the accomplishments they have made.

Price Transparency for Creators

It is based on the platform that was used for creating courses, the cost to create and host your course may reduce your profit.

If you're building your course on SaaS technology, it may be simpler to start However, it will come at a higher cost. In addition, you will not be able to manage the course on your own, and your course is limited to what's offered through the SaaS plan. Course creators hosted on their own will have a higher learning curve and is much more self-contained. In addition, you'll need think about hosting your own course which might be more expensive. You'll also have total control and ownership.

Find a platform that has a clear pricing policy as soon as you can. A lot of online courses offer various pricing options, based on creators' needs. Look for a fixed monthly or annual cost that does not include transaction fees or commissions. Once you've made just a handful of sales, it will cover your expenses for your platform and you own the remaining. There's no need to continually lose a percentage of sales you increase.

Integration into tools that you already Utilize

It's likely that you're using an email autoresponder to keep in touch with your customers. Maybe you've gotten used to the tools such as Zoom, Slack, Zapier, Convertkit, and others. When you're using tools that have become familiar to you, this helps you to develop a more complete app.

It is recommended that you go through the integrations page of any course-building system prior to making the leap. Make sure the platform you select can be flexible enough to permit the incorporation of tools for third party software in addition to the one you prefer.

Flexible Payment Options for Your Learners

Having flexible payment options to give learners one-time payments such as installments, subscriptions and installments will boost the number of students who sign up for courses.

In addition, having multiple payment gateway options like PayPal, Stripe, or WooCommerce lets you be paid using the preferred method you prefer.

You might want to set several pricing strategies for your online course. For this you could decide to offer your course with a one-time price or through monthly installments. When choosing the platform that will manage your online course ensure that they offer the option of selecting the appropriate pricing options for you to offer your students.

Stay clear of Analysis Paralysis

Test our tools for course creation, such as the drag-and-drop course maker, as part of our demonstration of the course creator experiences.

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