What is a Virtual Conference? Definition & Guide for 2023 |

Sep 4, 2023

Technology has been in use for more than a decade, even since the invention of live streaming. But virtual conferences truly became popular during the pandemic. While there has been a decline in popularity as live events returned, virtual conferences remain a regular the norm in our lives.

In this article we'll discuss the concept of virtual conferences as well as the advantages of having virtual conferences, and what you should learn for your virtual event to succeed.

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    The article...

    What exactly is a conference?

    Benefits of virtual conferences

    Virtual conferences: Challenges

    What is the best way to make a successful virtual conference?

      1. Are You Looking for Your Ideal Member

      2. Focus on giving your Ideal Member transformation

      3. Let members lead growth

      4. Plan your schedule in the early hours

      5. Pick the appropriate platform

      6. The conference should begin a month prior to the date.

      7. Make sure to keep the conversation going

    Examples of virtual conference platforms

    A few examples of virtual conference

      FAQs - Virtual Conference

What exactly is an online conference?

Virtual conferences are event held online, rather than in the "real world." In the past, this meant that real-world conference programming has been adapted to online platforms and events, if not centralized on a central platform--taking places on the web including panel discussions on Zoom as well as keynotes hosted in Facebook Live. They tend to follow similar format, including keynote speakers, panel discussions, as well as online happy hour events are typically included in a virtual conference's schedule of activities.

Similar to virtual events as a overall, virtual conferences are becoming more interactive for the participants with organizers taking advantages of the events platform such as live chat, text messaging and the ability to create break-out groups that provide opportunities for attendees to get connected with each other.

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    Looking to download an application for your virtual conference?

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The benefits of virtual conference

Conferences are typically used to gather like-minded people at a given time to forward an idea, discuss ideas, or build a set of skills. When they are done right they are a great idea!

Here are a few advantages of hosting an online conference .

Accessibility: When you host a conference virtually, conference organizers are able to eliminate the hassles that come with in-person events, and it's much easier to accommodate participants whose attendance is no more restricted to time, distance or cost of travel. It makes the conference more accessible.

Flexibility: Virtual conferences are also far more adaptable when it comes to the timing of events It's no longer a requirement to endure a tiring day that starts by having a breakfast party and lasts until the dinner happy hour -- and all prior to catching up on the office emails. This is impossible for many people working at home. Also, shifting things online allows conferences to become spread out over parts of many days, or over the course of several weeks rather than taking up several days in a row.

Greater networking When done properly, virtual conference provide more chances provided for participants to connect as well--and that's the reason they can derive their true benefit from the event.

Creative formatting: There's also a certain freedom in virtual conferences: Because they're still in the beginning stages and are still in their beginnings, there's no limit of what they can become. There are so many logistical obstacles to be overcome--accommodation transport, catering--organizers can focus on providing value to people attending rather than worrying about the logistics. There are plenty options to make this happen-here are some suggestions.

Ongoing connection: It's extremely simple to turn a virtual conference into an ongoing means of connection with others, similar to an online community (or mastermind) group.

Simple conference management: With the latest event planning software which are available in both online and in-person conferences are easier to manage. Instead of taking home an additional bag of printed leaflets and schedules that you'll never see in the future, virtual conference are easily arranged and kept in the details in your palm.

Re-visiting material that matters The very nature of virtual conference, and the capability of virtual conference platforms mean that attendees can have access to recorded talks, panel transcripts, and other materials digitally long after the event has ended.

Challenges of virtual conferences

We are always amazed by the quality of virtual conferences, but there are a few challenges that might make you choose the traditional model in person or a hybrid. They can be overcome with great organization and planning, but these are worth considering:


Need to keep people engaged In a conference in person, many people will keep their thighs in the chairs regardless of how tired they are. After all, they paid to be there AND they're trying to be courteous. With a virtual conference, you can't phone it into. It must be engaging and worth tuning in for.        

You must provide the best value for money: Pricing a virtual conference is challenging. In the absence of a conference center and staff members, as well as transportation to cover the conference, it's difficult to justify a cost for a conference. It is essential to make clear on the value attendees will get. However, it is also important be able to set a price that makes it worthwhile to be there and hold their attendance accountable. The thing we've learned again and time again is that people are valuing the things they pay for.        

You must think beyond the classroom: Your online conference does not have to imitate the speaker format of traditional conferences. There are a myriad of ways to keep people engaged and provide information.        

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How to create the most successful virtual conferences?

1. Find the perfect member

For a virtual conference to become a successful, thrilling experience, you need to establish clear Ideal Members. When you're hosting a virtual conference there is a greater need than ever before to get the RIGHT people there.

An online conference packed with the ideal members will turn into attendees that are enthusiastic to participate and grow as they lean on and are having fun. Everyone benefits: your attendees, your speakers, and you.

Find the ideal member for your conference. Make sure you understand clearly the person they represent and what obstacles the conference will have to be able to assist them in overcoming. Interview them.

So you are able to concentrate on serving them.

2. Concentrate on delivering your Ideal member transformation

When you've completed your research, you will are aware of the reason your ideal customer attends the conference. Utilize all of the online tools you have available to help them get the results they desire.



  • If the focus of your child is finding out about the latest advancements within the field, be sure there are chances to listen to experts and ask questions.        
  • If you want people to connect, create opportunities for 1:1 and group networking. You could randomly assign people to small groups or do a "speed dating" sort of social networking.      
  • If your guests are looking for amazing conversations during your time of the cocktail, ensure that you set the time to get it done.        

Here are some of the ways to transform your conference using a virtual conference, some that aren't feasible in live conferences:


  • Offer premium access to the speakers.        
  • Provide videos for every session after (this is a huge bonus).        
  • Forum-style online discussions prior to, during or after an event.        
  • Create an event-based community which is active year round        
  • The conference is divided into different chunks (for instance, over the course of a few weekends).        
  • Offer the conference on an premium brand-named conference application .      


"Our members are extremely engaged. Sometimes, it takes a long time for people to get involved. They aren't in the mood or are busy with other priorities. So my goal is to make sure whatever we provide is useful, genuine, as well as valuable. And that's our path going ahead." Anne Cocquyt - The GUILD    

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3. Let members lead growth

The people who attend determine the success or failure of a conference. This is why we concentrate so much on getting the Ideal Members correct. Once you do then, you'll see something called the network effect.

What's it? What's the effect of networks ?

It means that the value of your product grows more as each member. This is also true of virtual conference.

Each Ideal person you include is someone new for people to connect with, or someone new to share a ideas or have good questions.

And by growing your Ideal Members, you can unleash member-led development. Create opportunities for your members to interact, create content and meet their peers. It's a bit hard to believe however, sometimes the most valuable benefit gained from a live conference won't be the sessions or speakers. The most important thing is the relationships.

Here are some methods to increase the number of members in a virtual conference:


  • Open Q&A sessions        
  • Members are asked to write or record the content they create to be shared        
  • Prompt member discussions or feedback        
  • Create open-table conversation that allow members to participate        

Engaging the participants for a virtual conference is now more important than ever. If you set up a conference environment that's one-directional and asynchronous, attendees will begin to check out (and likely won't be returning in the next ).

4. Plan your schedule earlier

A virtual conference requires an extensive amount of planning. Simply because it's virtual doesn't make it easy. However, with no hotels to book or conference centers to navigate, you can concentrate on the important things choosing speakers and determining the ideal structure.

Your conference committee needs to begin meeting as soon as is possible to create a wishlist for speakers and events, and invite them to think creatively in terms of what a virtual conference could be like. Start contacting potential speakers and creating a schedule.

5. Choose the right platform

In some way, the performance of your virtual meeting will depend on the technology that you select to host it. And you'll need to choose the right platform for the kind of event you're planning. Here are some of the typical features of virtual conferences software that you can have available.


  • Livestreaming        
  • Video conferencing features        
  • Discussion forums        
  • Member profiles        
  • Breakout groups and spaces        
  • Sponsor booths        
  • Virtual lobbies        
  • Chat & messaging        
  • Video and text alternatives        
  • Live and pre-recorded course features        
  • Payments and bundling options        
  • Apps for conferences with brand names        

You might not need each of these options So, pick the features which are appropriate for the event you've set up.

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6. Begin the conference one month before

A conference in person begins the day of. A virtual conference can start... anytime.

How about inviting people to your space for a conference a couple of months or weeks before? Start by helping them with making their profiles and networking. Ask them questions and discuss issues.

It is possible that participants gain tons of value before the conference is even underway!

7. Continue to talk about the topic

The conference does not have to come to an... you know... close of the conference. It is possible to keep discussions and value happening long after the conference. If your virtual conference is a yearly thing it is possible to continue to have a gathering place throughout the year.


"We knew our virtual conference required to be much more active and interactive as an actual event reality. The conference couldn't be just simply a dump of content in a live online forum, or (gasp) the attempt of an online panel. It had to be the kind of occasion where people could develop connections with one another, have great side conversations and take part in surprising and unexpected ways that were better than a physical event." Tara McMullin - The What Works Network    

Virtual conference examples platforms


  • : A community-based platform that lets you bring people together. With livestreaming as well as discussions forums, chat and messages, profiles for members, dedicated spaces, and many other features for events, it's an ideal place to host virtual conferences with special communities. There's also the option of a dedicated conference app under your own brand. Book a call with us to find out more.    
  • Bevy  The Bevy virtual conference platform good for one-day conference, featuring the virtual lobby, booths for sponsors and breakout rooms, chat and DMs, and livestreaming.      
  • Stova  is ideal for one-day conferences with livestreaming break-out rooms, networking features Budgeting and scheduling tools and marketing possibilities.      

Some examples of online conferences

Every conference has the potential to be hosted online, and some conferences are in existence for many years.

Abundance Digital: X Prize the founder Peter Diamandis' Abundance Digital community organizes a virtual meeting through the conference platform and the connections among attendees are strengthened through interactions with the social network outside of the conference, and by the subsequent workshops and classes.

What Works Network: What Works Network: A membership community for small business owners with a membership of 700. It's hosted by Tara McMullin who hosts quarterly virtual conferences for members.

The GUILD is a paid membership in which women entrepreneurs and leaders can join, network and improve their professional and personal growth. Founded by Anne Cocquyt who loved the enthusiasm of live events but was a bit disappointed when they fell off the rest of the year. Her first venture was The GUILD network with the SERENDIPITY virtual entrepreneurship summit. Last year, they hosted 85 speakers!

Happy Family Conferences: Founded by Cecilia and Jason Hilkey, the modern parenting virtual conferences brings together 25 presenters, ranging from psychologists and psychiatrists to educators and parent coaches--to speak about the importance of parenting without punishments and rewards.

Kula is a community of yoga founded by YouTube's most popular Yoga instructor, Adriene Mishler. More than 220,000 members have joined this private community, which includes book clubs led by members, 30-day yoga journeys, and-you guessed it-virtual yoga retreats.

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You can now read: 21 Virtual Event Ideas

FAQs - Virtual Conference

        How do you do networking at an online event?    

There are many options! Users can connect with one another and send messages to each other. For example, one function in a Mighty Network is that our Mighty Co-Host(tm) engine can suggest members with similar interests and invite them to a chat. Certain conferences have designated times for networking or you can host online drop-in spaces. *

        How can you deal with the issue of sponsorships?    

    Some virtual conferences include sponsorships as a visual component of a conference area (like a booth for conferences). It is also possible to be imaginative and thank sponsors on the virtual stage, presenting sponsored workshops or events, or messaging all members by sending a message of thanks to sponsors.

What are the best ways to manage a virtual conference recording?
You could give it away for free to customers, or make it into a class-style space, and offer access to it for sale. *