What Is a Plectrum? | Blog

Jun 16, 2022

You may have heard of (or perhaps even played with) the guitar pick, but you may not have heard of it under an alternative name: the plectrum. But what is the definition of a plectrum? What is the difference between the two?

What is a Plectrum?

It is believed that the Latin phrase plectrum is derived from Greek Plektronwhich is "something to hit with"--and is exactly what it is: a small flat object utilized to pluck or strumming the strings of instruments.

Plectra can be constructed from various materials including celluloid, nylon metal, stone, and so on. They also come in many different shapes, sizes, and sizes. Each of these aspects influence the sound is produced when the instrument is played by the plectrum.

Certain plectra have to be worn between players' fingers, while others are ring-shaped, so they may be worn at the tips of the fingers. For harpsichords there's one plectrum per string, and a mechanism permits them to be pulled each time the user presses down the corresponding key.

guitar picks
Source: Instagram A collection of guitar picks that are flat by @doubledspickpage

What Is the Difference Between the Plectrum and a Pick?

Guitar plectrums are most commonly described as picks. If you've seen or utilized a teardrop-shaped, thin plectrum constructed of plastic, most likely, you've heard it called the term used to describe a pick.

There is a question to ask: Is there a distinction between a plectrum versus a pick? Isn't it the same thing?

In regards to picking guitars, they're technically the same. Picks, however, are only one type of plectrum. In other words that all plectra are picks however, not all plectra can be called picks.

In fact, plenty of plectra look nothing like a normal guitar pick. There's one example: the harpsichord. Its plectra function in a way to make a system inside the instrument.

Here are some more examples of plectra you may not know about:

  • The Japanese biwa is played with an enormous triangle-shaped plectrum, known as the bachi. In contrast to the guitar pick the bachi can be as large as, if not bigger than, the player's palm.
  • It is believed that the Middle Eastern oud is played with a long flat plectrum called the risha. In the past, rishas were constructed from eagle feathers or cow Horns.
  • The sitar can be played with a metal plectrum called the mezrab. It is made of a length of iron that is bent into a form and worn over the index finger of the player.

How to Use a Plectrum

For this reason, for the remainder of the article it will be about how to use a guitar pick.

Is It Necessary?

If you've not used a pick previously, you might be wondering--is it even required? Are you able to play without it?

If you want to play or record mandolin tunes, you'll definitely need to use an instrument. The reason for this is that mandolins feature double strings which may be difficult for fingers. Plus, the instrument is quite quiet on its own and the pick can aid in amplifying the tone.

Types of Guitar Picks

The two basic kinds of guitar picks are flat picks and finger picks (not to be confused with the term "fingerpicking", which often refers to playing with just one's fingers). Here's how to use each of them:

Flat Picks

For a flatpick put it in a secure position between your thumb and index finger. Practice plucking one string, beginning with a downward movement (starting with the pick on top of the string), then in an upward motion (starting with the pick below the string).

You'll be using both upward and downward strokes. Alternating between them is possible when you're plucked on the same string repeatedly or moving both ways on the scale.

Then, you can try playing. By holding the instrument similarly and strum it on one or all the strings in an upward or downward motion. In addition, you'll alternate between both when you play.

Finger Picks

Finger picks are like flat picks, but they feature a ring-like design and can be worn at the tips of your fingers. A majority of people use three fingers picks - on the index finger, thumb and middle finger, however you are able to utilize fewer or more, if you'd prefer.

Fingerpicks can use the same motions as you would playing with just your fingers However, you'll get the advantage of a higher volume and brighter sound.

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