What Is a Mastermind Group? All You Need to Know (2023) |

Oct 13, 2023

Mastermind groups can be incredible places to learn and grow in a community of like-minded peers, no matter if you discover one or start your own. In this article, we'll show you the definition of a mastermind and discuss some of the benefits of mastermind groups, and the different kinds of masterminds. We'll also give you some awesome examples of masterminds from our powerful Hosts!

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What's a mastermind?

    Mastermind group definition

A mastermind is a group of people with similar interests who meet up frequently in small groups, to encourage the other, inspire, and gain by sharing stories, experiences, and ideas and to hold each other accountable to clearly defined goals. Though participants don't have to belong to the same industry Mastermind groups can be extremely effective when members share similar roles or titles as well as a shared goal or intention.

The term "mastermind" was coined by the personal development author, Napoleon Hill. Hill lived in the 1900s, and studied the successful people of his day-industrialists like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford as well as Charles Shwab. In his 1937 work, Think and Grow Rich He introduced the concept of a mastermind:

    "The mastermind can be described as the  co-ordination of efforts and knowledge, in a spirit of unity, between two or more individuals in pursuit of a definite purpose.'" Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich

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There have been a lot of masterminds appear within the past decade. While every mastermind group differs, there are a few common traits that all of them share in common:


  • A group of people with a shared domain of knowledge, who contribute their expertise and experiences to share.        
  • A facilitator or leader who organizes the group and sessions.        
  • A set of rules or guidelines that govern behavior in the community.      
  • An HTML0 Membership fee that's sufficient to make members consider it serious.      
  • An openness to gain knowledge from one another and to hold one another responsible.        

In spite of the title, no one in a mastermind group should be expected to have all the answers. This is a group that is available to learn from both the successes and the failures. When you join a mastermind group, everybody benefits from the collective wisdom and the outside perspective each member contributes to the group.

The concept of mastermind groups may be familiar to you if you've participated in peer-support or accountability programmes before. Just think of that but with ideas, solutions, and issues exchanged among friends instead of between individuals in different stages of their experience.

A mastermind group can be held in person or virtually, there are many great mastermind group platforms.

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What's a Mastermind event?

A mastermind is typically the meeting of a mastermind group-either in person or online. An effective mastermind needs an actual meeting (virtual or in person) but it won't be as well done asynchronously.

Advantages of mastermind groupings

In mastermind groups, you're interacting with your peers and both offer and get advice. This is also a place that allows for the natural setting of goals.

Cut down on the learning curve Learning takes time to be successful at something. But when you can get into a group of individuals who have done the thing you're trying You can take lessons from them. This reduces the time it takes for success.

Conquer limiting beliefs The lizard mind is your biggest hurdle for the success you want to achieve. It is trying to shield yourself, but you'll discover that you can't do X. Having a roomful of people who challenge your preconceived assumptions can help you overcome these beliefs.

Responsibility: It's one thing to say you're going to take action to shift. It's another to know that those you trust will ask whether you've taken those steps that you promised to. That's accountability!

Take a step back: It's easy to get lost in the weeds of your day-to-day. As an example, entrepreneurs often find themselves working in their company instead of working on their business. Masterminds can assist you to focus and get the larger perspective.

Grow your network: We'll be doing this with no cheesy statements ("Your network is what you're net worth!") BUT if you're looking at mastermind groups, increasing your network can be a major advantage.

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An example of a mastermind group working

Dan Miller launched 48 Days to the Work You Love podcast, and also his book. But from the success of these, he launched 48 Days Eagles, a private member-only community which grew into an online group of business owners.

"I've always been looking for ways to get people connected," Dan says. "I don't want them looking at me for help, but instead encouraging each other for the sake of achieving the goals they set for themselves. ."

With this vision, it's not a surprise that a mastermind became essential to Dan's business plan. Dan launched his 48 Days Eaglepreneurs Mastermind Group: A private mastermind group for up to 30 people.

If you're not sure whether to make a charge for your mastermind group, here's a great advice from Dan on why it should cost something:

"We know that there is a very obvious connection in our culture between value and cost. If you don't have to pay anything, it's probably not much.

    There has to be some kind of a commitment for you to be able to create the possibility of having a lively community. The people who pay, are attentive. If they pay, when they will follow your advice They take action to change the way they live their lives."


What makes the mastermind groups work?

Experience: Mastermind groups may be effective at both expert and intermediate levels, however they're rarely right for total beginners (a group coaching model works best for beginners). Members of the group must have the ability to share their experiences and knowledge they've acquired.

Mastermind groups are vulnerable. needs to be safe, and it only works by people who are vulnerable and open. Brene Brown's research on vulnerability and shame illustrates that vulnerability is the thing that makes connections. It's also the case in the mastermind group you belong to. Expressing fears, hopes, and hopes is all an integral part. That's why mastermind group members tend to become close buddies.

Structure: Effective mastermind groups do not just have a free-for-all. Effective masterminds require structure and intention behind it-and keeping a set schedule is crucial.

active listening: Members of the group should be attentive and responsive to those who share as well as ask questions and provide feedback.

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Consistency. Mastermind group meetings must have regular meetings over a predetermined amount of duration. They can find an appropriate time-line (both for the participants and also the hosts) as well as results in transformation.

Privacy: Members should be confident enough to share their vulnerabilities and be aware that information shared isn't going to be released from the group.

Assistance: Mastermind members need to be open to helping one another, offering feedback, and sharing resources and connections.

Mastermind Example Design Live - Sound Design Live

Nathan Lively had a passion for great sound engineering. He launched his podcast in the year 2015, called Sound Design Live. He then spun it into a group composed of sound engineers. He offered his most committed members a personal invite to join a mastermind and interviewed each of them on a 1:1 basis to determine if that they were a great fit. The result was an amazing mastermind group. Read the full account here!


What a mastermind group is not

A mastermind group can be defined by what it's not. Here are some of the aspects that a good mastermind group should not be.


  • One member monopolizing is not enough. You must find the level of balance. There are times when group members can dominate or control the group. If you have to, speak to them and if they can't change consider removing them. Your group's success members will be worth it.    
  • The group coach can be incredible! However, it's not an effective group coaching. When it comes to group coaching, the coach knows the answers and also teaches the group. In a mastermind, members have all the answers and the role of the host is to facilitate.    
  • Giving people advice on what to do: Members can absolutely communicate their ideas and knowledge. However, each member must have the authority to set their own goals and commit to their goals.    
  • Therapy The user may be able to get real within a mastermind group; but it's no substitute for medical treatment if a group member needs it.      
  • A group of networking: Networking is a natural part of a mastermind, but it shouldn't be the sole purpose. If you're leading an organization, you should screen prospective participants to determine if they're seeking to move beyond the realm of networking towards personal growth.      
  • An area for complaints or judging: Members are able to freely discuss their issues, but there shouldn't be a place for grumbling. The same is true for judgment. the members must be urged not to judge each other.    
  • Hierarchical Groups of masterminds are prone to developing an orderly structure when certain individuals dominate or when someone is thought to be the most than others. As an example, simply the fact that a group of entrepreneurs includes one person who is extremely successful does not mean that everyone has to respect that individual. No matter what social status or achievements, it needs to be an inclusive group that is equal.    

how to run a mastermind

Mastermind Example - The Wealth Without Wall Street

Financial advisers Russ Morgan and Joey Mure were looking to encourage people to consider wealth creation in a different way, moving beyond market trading and keeping an eye on the Dow. They founded a coaching group called Wealth Without Wall Street to change the way we see the process of building wealth.

They also run a mastermind for some of their most devoted members. This is what they have to say about the subject:
"This method of treating groups as a high-value item has really resonated. The paid content is the chance for our members to gain accessibility to the specialists in the room, and to engage in a deeper conversation with those who have actual experience of these topics."

Graphics wealth without wall street

How do you start a mastermind group

We have a full guide on how to start an online mastermind group. should you need an in-depth guide, go there!

However, here's a brief outline of what we'd recommend following:


  1. Develop your initial Big Purpose. A big Purpose is the raison d'etre of a group, or the purpose that draws you together. We have a free mastermind group name generator which will make a big Purpose that is perfect for your needs (and the name in case you don't have one!) You can try it!    
  2. Select your Ideal Members. As you can see in the above examples, most groups handpicked their participants. Be careful when selecting who (or types of people) that you'd like to include in the group, perhaps even interviewing them, helps to create a successful basis.    
  3. Consolidate the Big Purpose Be sure that your participants agree on your The Big Purpose! This can be done in the initial meeting (and modify it if needed). ).    
  4. Select an option: If you're hosting a group on the internet or if you're looking to ensure that your group is organized and discussions are ongoing between sessions, pick an online mastermind system to hold your meetings sessions on.      
  5. Make the rules clear: Establish and accept the terms of engagement of your group, and then define community guidelines.    
  6. Set a price that you can afford. We'd recommend an annual membership fee. Read Dan Miller's quote above again. This may sound counterintuitive but paying a fee for membership will make your group more successful.    
  7. Pick a time: agree on how often you'll meet (and the location if you're having a meeting via video).    
  8. Choose a structure for your meetings Select the format of your meeting should look like (and keep it in mind). Masterminds tend to allow members to bring in a issue, or a round table meeting, as well as Q&A sessions.    
  9.         Launch!            

mastermind group

Different types of mastermind groups

There are a variety of mastermind group, and usually they're arranged between those who are in the same lateral levels of responsibility within a company structure or that share a particular identity. CEOs of similar businesses might gather to discuss the overall strategy, while middle managers might gather to discuss specific problems that are hands-on (for instance helping employees transition from working in a workplace and work from home). Entrepreneurs could join a mastermind of those who run similar companies.

Mastermind groups can run as ongoing events or may be created as a mastermind course or session, or class dedicated to thinking on a specific difficulty or problem.

These are the most popular types of mastermind groups. you know, there's crossover between these categories:

Entrepreneurial mastermind groups: Napoleon Hill created the concept of "mastermind" through looking at the most successful businessmen of his time and it's perhaps not an unsurprising fact that many successful entrepreneurs are in mastermind groups (and attribute them to their success).

Masterminds for leadership: Leadership is a lonely job This is the reason why so many people sign up to mastermind group meetings in order to receive access to other leaders to assist them in their growth.

Career advancement masterminds Masterminds are now being a crucial element of every career (not just entrepreneurs). Masterminds help their members become conscious of their careers and advance by sharing knowledge.

Masterminds for personal development: Growth is hard, and masterminds are a wonderful way to accelerate personal growth.

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Masterminds of technical skills: Nathan Lively's account above demonstrates the importance of masterminds to share technical expertise as well as mastering the most valuable capabilities.

Personal finance or investment masterminds: Like Wealth Without Wall Street, thriving masterminds are built around sharing financial knowledge and generating wealth.

Parenting masterminds: These aren't so common, however parenting is tough. Parents can benefit from masterminds that help them grow and learn in a group.

Where can you locate a mastermind group

If you're more interested joining a mastermind group rather than starting one, where can you locate the group? Here are some ideas for how to locate mastermind groups:


  • Websites such as Meetup.com and Facebook's calendar of events are fantastic locations to discover the mastermind events that take place in your neighborhood.        
  • Find LinkedIn for "mastermind." You can sort by the region OR by using modifiers to locate a particular group (e.g. "parenting mastermind). Note that this will help you locate facilitators via their LinkedIn profiles. You will be able to then message them.      
  • If you are a fan of creators or thought leaders, check their websites for masterminds. A lot of creators run them.      
  • Ask friends in your industry for recommendations or suggestions.        
  • Find your local business support organizations or bulletin boards for community groups.        

And if all else fails, don't be afraid to begin your own! We've given the steps above.

Do you want to create an organization?

This overview of all things mastermind groups has helped to get a better understanding of the difference between what they're and don't. Also, if you're planning to create your own mastermind group quickly and effortlessly, join us with Mighty!

It is a platform for members that is unifying which allows you to connect the community, course, and content along with live events. You can create private mastermind areas, charge members for access and establish meeting times with the feature for events (and collect RSVPs). This is the sole software you'll need to start an online mastermind group-and with our mastermind group generator, you can be ready to start inviting your first members within 10 minutes.

Test it out for yourself! The trial is free for 14 days.

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