What inspired us to create the Slack Community to SaaS and Software Professionals -

Sep 15, 2022
  • Global perspective.
  • Professionals and businesses with over years of experience (less students ) and businesses that are at the beginning of growth).
  • Moderation by experts.
  • The focus is more on funding rounds, or venture capital.
  • A truely supportive group with no tolerance for rude or indecent conduct.

These are the facts features like international focus on business and expert moderators (that's me!) are what we like to find on forums online.

The article discussed the options accessible to members, specifically when compared to other online groups.

It's possible that you're thinking "But why is this important?"

This is an issue that's legitimate that I'll tackle due to motives (plural) that we must help this cause. This isn't as straightforward as many people who aren't experienced think.

If you're a businessperson and are already familiar with the way it operates. Companies don't just invest in innovative software that aids business professionals online; they make investments in it due to the fact that it benefits their personal business in a particular manner.

In fact, having a strong online community can be an excellent way to increase the popularity of your business, and maybe even create potential customers once you've got the time.

Marketing is only one of the reasons that we're doing this. There's no need to be either a customer or not wanting to be part of the company, as it won't work.

The guiding principle we follow Our guiding principle is that our Software along with the SaaS Community has to be open to your needs in order to be Successful.

The main point is that if you don't feel the community we have created is enjoyable and exciting to live in, then you'll not be part of the community. In our community.

Therefore, it is essential for the growth of this group that we as well as ourselves to work hard in order to make an incredible group for us to be members of.

(And If you believe that it's possible that we're not on the right track on some level or you have suggestions on how we could make the process more efficient, please inform us. Further details can be found in the section.)

What are the advantages of having an online community

There must be something in this for else we wouldn't be required to do this. Now would we?

Absolutely. However, we would prefer our goals to be crystal-clear.

We'd like to achieve with this project.

Understanding the most important aspects for your company

The first thing our Chief Executive David Nachman stated to me in an interview on the mission and mission of the community was that the community provides an opportunity to cut down on the amount of the interactions we have with clients and other businesses, including software and SaaS companies..

There's a legitimate cause to be concerned. We provide real business transactions online and it's easy for any user to fall in the trap of having -- very well an online the ability to connect transactions.

We offer the service. The service earns you money, you can then go on autopilot.

Should this continue for too long, it will rob us of our capability to improve the quality that we can offer our B2B services by adopting strategies that directly benefit your firm as well as helping companies online succeed. This is our top priority.

It's the case for our clients who have already become customers, however , it's applicable for software companies who may be thinking about implementing . If you're unsure if is the right payments system or merchant of records (MOR) suitable for you B2B, B2C or B2C SaaS business, we'd like to learn about the issues and issues you are facing in order to be able to consider that when we are developing new services and products.

For more information on how David is looking familiar with your organization, take a look at the interviews of employees I conducted on behalf of an other member of the company:

We've also extended our community plans by establishing members that are contributors to individual projects, executives, entrepreneurs, and founders members. As we believe we'll be able to better understand businesses (and aid them more efficiently) when we have several layers of community members.

The goal of our organization is to enhance the significance of our interactions with company (and in particular, the people who found or work for them) is yet another reason for why we do things like interviews with our members. Alongside helping our members connect with each other in addition as making acquaintances with member's current concerns in relation to their business.

Strengthening Customer Relationships

Learning more about the company you work for is a great way for us to build a stronger relationship which we have with you regardless of whether.

But, the relationships we have with customers can be improved by allowing members to connect with us through .

We already have an large and flexible assistance team for customers and buyers, as well as people who can help customers succeed for some of our clients that have a large or extensive business.

It is our belief that businesses can always increase the quality of service they provide their customers and improve their relationships with them.

Ninety-nine out of hundred, submitting a ticket is the most effective method of getting assistance. Our support team can effectively respond to requests in accordance with the urgency or nature of the issue. Additionally, it assists us to track the support requirements of companies in the right time.

(That can also be a means for us to get a greater knowledge of the requirements of businesses.)

However, it could be advantageous to get in touch with the executives at the top directly particularly if you're proficient in solving all business issues that do not require technical solutions that are related to the platform. Our team includes a variety of professionals on our platform, not just technical support experts for the end-user.

Product managers, tax experts expert in payment, experts in customer service , and even the sales director could be available to answer business-related queries. They may even be able to discuss the latest developments that are coming to the platform.

We want the experience of our customers to become memorable experiences they'll enjoy talking to their friends and family about. Our belief is that having closer to customers will improve the chance of having that. If you're a client who is not having a satisfaction however, we have an online platform to let us know about your concerns.

Yes, Leads

This is the section of the report where we are required to be able to pinpoint the exact details.

We'd like to have some members who don't have a merchant of record would enroll in our services.

It's a blessing they don't have the main goal of this individuals.

Since we have also set as our goal to improve the customer relationship and to learn everything possible about SaaS and the software needs of businesses:

  1. It is safe to know that the process of registering new members only one of the objectives for this group. Additionally, we won't ask any person to sign-up who doesn't have an interest in us at all..
  2. There are better chances in attracting new users if we're achieving the two goals we discussed above, which is why we'll be working more to connect with these users.

If our community members notice the attention we pay to our customers and are actively seeking feedback from them and they'll soon be interested in our role as a commerce platform or as a retailer, since they'll be given an opportunity to experience the work we do as well as the respect we offer to our customers firsthand.

If you've had an idea that you've thought about for a while, it could be an ideal moment to begin relationships with us in an informal manner. Community members can connect with customers from other companies as well as take part in conversations with customers and (remotely) get to know the individuals responsible for the organization that manages it.

The benefits you will gain from joining this Community

The story focused on the various features offered by the GSL community , but it did not discuss the actual advantages from joining a community like this.

We're currently making plans for our next big project for global SaaS Leaders -- and we're constantly working on creating a sense of community. Here are some benefits that we have already made available to both software-based and SaaS CEOs as well as founders and entrepreneurs along with developers, engineers, marketers, and more.

Join a Network of Software Professionals From Everywhere Over the World

If you're an SaaS marketer looking to enhance your search engine optimization by the region, or if you're a human and culture supervisor who's worried about international processes of onboarding, and meeting in person or that is an SaaS creator who is looking for suggestions on how to market your product in specific areas, having access to have a global network can assist in "going global" simpler.

We have members who hail from more than 50 countries spread across 17 time zones.

Explore new markets you'd like to expand into or enter

One of the main benefits from having the global network is the ability to use the network to receive support as you attempt to enter new markets.

Post a message in the communityand ask individuals of specific countries who can assist you. If you want to contact me as the moderator in chief, and I'll connect to the appropriate users.

It is also possible to keep the discussion in the forum for previous questions that are relevant to the SaaS market you're planning to get into.

Also, you'll have the opportunity to see our member profiles videos we're recording on a rolling basis to those who want to be part of the group (like the video that was previously shown with David Nachman, our Chief Executive Officer). David Nachman).

The most frequent questions we usually ask interviewees is "What's something that's not acknowledged by those who market software to your own country?" The purpose of this question is to assist you to understand the local culture and standards of company that might affect how you sell software within your own country.

Look over SaaS Company Leaders and Experts

As our members have various roles and levels, there are many executives, SaaS founders, and department heads in Global SaaS Leaders who are eager to share their experiences to fellow members.

Certain members are software or SaaS founders, who own numerous SaaS startups, some have been employed at internationally-known firms, and a few are entrepreneurs who have shifted career paths or sectors and possess a wide range of experience to help inform their recommendations.

Furthermore, numerous executive and leadership positions are on hand, like Our Chief Executive Officer as well as Our Global Tax Director and our Vice Chief of International Customer Operations. There's a wide range of them as they're eager to help the members however they can.

example of answer in the Slack community

(For more information about this issue, get more information from Kurt about this issue, make certain to attend his in-person seminar on SaaS Pricing Strategy that will can be used to create an ideal Pricing Model in the course of SaaStr Europe prior to 2022.)

We're pleased to respond to the issues that these people have raised, and we're delighted to provide an online forum where such topics can be discussed among world-class colleagues.

You should appear to be an authority

If you're already recognised as a SaaS market expert or market influencer in your field, congratulations! We'd like to see you actively contributing to the SaaS community with the aim to enhance your professional and personal reputation by sharing your expertise.

If you're looking to build your own brand, then taking part in professional forums can be a great option to get started. It doesn't mean that we have to become SaaS founders to be the experts in the areas we are experts in. However, actively sharing our knowledge with other people positions us as being not simply knowledgeable but friendly and gracious. It's a great public image to cultivate.

The Community will shape its future as it grows

This program began along with the SaaS community in the month of March 2022. The growth rate is rapidly increasing. But, since we'd like to provide a fantastic place to allow people just like you to simply "hang out" the community can be modified and we're open to suggestions.

For example, a member has recently suggested the creation of an account for a certain type of instance.

We then turned our request into a poll inviting members to share their thoughts on the channels they'd like to be added to the workspace of Slack.

example of poll to members in slack community

So, whether you'd prefer to cast your vote without trepidation regarding community news, or even make suggestions of ones own, you should be looking to suggestions!

If you're in search of specific suppliers, forums, LinkedIn and social media connections, then a podcast or Facebook group might provide the solution. webinars, online meetups templates or even other software or SaaS tools for development in general and we'd love to hear about it.

Vote Your Opinion

There are many other avenues for users to share their thoughts than just to the community itself, but. One of our most recent demands, we wanted to invite members to let us know what measurements and statistics for benchmarking they'd like to see published.

These kinds of measures can assist software companies and SaaS industry businesses better form strategies that can increase their earnings.

We would like to provide relevant information that will aid in the development of and success for software and SaaS companies, we came into the community to find out more about benchmarking data we might want to create within the next few months.

example of opinion question about benchmarking data

The solutions comprise retention rates for an industry in particular, MRR growth in a particular industry, failed payments metrics (unintentional the inadvertent the inadvertent) as well as conversion rates and churn in different areas.

This vote is open to anyone regardless of their level of service.

It's been mentioned that being aware of what's important for software and SaaS enterprises is crucial for the purpose of building this Global SaaS Leaders community to be a platform in which members can talk about the issues for moving your company to the next level.

Join the community site to find out more about (If you're in the market)

The poll above was posted on a channel specific to the community. Discussions regarding (as as opposed to general discussions about business) can be found on the channel, and remain off the main feed.

This is because we don't intend for our users, especially people who don't have customers to feel as if we're always selling . We've said before that our software as well as SaaS community has to offer something you can benefit by to achieve success. Salespeople who tend to be too aggressive could cause them to become a place it doesn't would like to become.

If you're currently not an existing customer, you've thought about trying our services out. GSL is a great option to join. GSL offers a chance to gain knowledge about us by watching our customer interactions with our staff and by observing the types of questions and comments customers have about GSL and other services. GSL is available to everyone who is a member.

What happens if you don't need to know about something ? It is possible to leave the site that interests you but without having to read. There are plenty of other ways to join the forums without reading blog posts on a platform that which you don't have an urge to join.

Be part of to be part of the Global SaaS Leaders Community

We're very proud of our Global SaaS Leaders community already We're delighted to offer an international community along with a discussion area that includes features like live interview events, member intro videos and more offering a wide range of experts' opinions.

The future intend to build communities. As the members' numbers increase and we expand our offerings We'll add more possibilities. We'd like to help facilitate the growth of personal connections and podcasts, as well as host live events as well to integrate social media functions in the future.

When you sign-up right this moment, you can determine what the group develops to be.

To ensure that you get that you have the highest quality of membership To ensure the highest standard of customer service for members I'm looking over all the new applications submitted to join and ensuring that there aren't any automated processes that permit spammers to enter or bots. Therefore, providing an application with your LinkedIn URL is vital. Thank you for being patient as I review your profile. You can contact us via email should there are any issues before submitting an application!


Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the Social Media and Community Manager of the company. In addition, she also serves as moderator of her position within the Global SaaS Leaders community. She is a graduate of the MFA in writing creative nonfiction in addition to being a post-college instructor of writing.

The article was published on here

This post was first seen on here