What happened when Asha Downes got started in her career as a natural hair stylist based on self-acceptance and science

Jan 27, 2023

Discover the ways Asha Downes has turned her natural love of hair into a coaching and education business that is based on extreme gentleness as well as science and self-love.

From a young age, Asha Downes dreamed of having hair that was long. She was a hairdresser who enjoyed spending time with her pals, as well as trying hairstyles of different types, however, she kept hearing that she was unable to grow her Afro-textured hair into the lengths she desired.

All of that changed once Asha was at the end of her teens. When she was browsing YouTube and stumbled upon another creator who had the same hair type , but with long natural hair. In spite of everyone telling her it was impossible her hair was strong and healthy. Asha knew that if her creator could do it, she would be able to too.

In the present, Asha runs Naturally High Hair, a company that helps other women grow hair naturally by providing personal guidance as well as information-packed courses . Asha has been awarded the 2022 Fall Creator Fellowship, and we were awestruck by her caring, holistic way of looking after the clients that she works with. On top of that she's working toward the highest level of trichology certification to deepen her expertise in the area she's working in.

This is how Asha transformed her love of hair into a coaching, education and coaching business that's transforming women's hair and livesand lives -.

Making a passion-driven project an authentic business by being authentic

As Asha began to learn about the benefits of having natural hair, she wasn't the only person to do so. Many women from around the globe were sharing their experiences with natural hair care. In her words "This was before YouTube was the internet-based commercial platform it is now, so people were just sharing their experiences, tips recipe, and mishaps."

"It was an eye-opener to witness the sheer number of Black women discussing the same thing regardless of living in different places. All of us are going through this journey which is now getting an official name: The Natural Hair Movement."

In the end, Asha chose to publish her own story, she found herself drawn to YouTube since it's where other creators were already spending time. "I joined with them," she explains. "I was unsure of what I wanted to do. I simply wanted to join to."

Through her YouTube channel, Asha captured everything that she encountered while she was attempting to understand and master how to properly take care of her hair. This was something personal to her, and was an obsession for her, and Asha was focused on sharing what she knew to be real self. The people who watched her videos loved going the journey with her and over time, her YouTube channel as well as her her Instagram page have grown.

"While I was writing down my journey at first, I was not taking in the views, or even the readers," she recalls. "It served as a way for me to talk about my experiences in revealing my hair. Many who read my post took an interest and decided to follow."

The audience for Asha's media was growing, her content-creation process became more deliberate, and she thought of new ways to help her followers.

Meanwhile, Asha was working full-time as a freelancer while living in different cities throughout Europe. Her search was for the possibility of working in hair-related fields for big companies, but it was not the right fit for her.

Asha began her journey as a filmmaker to tell the story of her personal experience. The films she made using her energetic, clear style attracted attention from viewers and she realized she had the potential to create a positive impact. The purpose of monetizing was in order to let her give back to her viewers and advancing her knowledge. Her mind was that the activity was going to change from a hobby to potential business opportunity if she pay it all concentration. After that, everything was right place.

Asha was heading to the Caribbean at the time that the epidemic triggered global locks. With nowhere to go and a lot of spare time, the situation was like an opportunity to jump in.

"There was no chance that I could pursue my passions that I love to do. When I was locked down, I was able to be me that I thought to create my own opportunity."

Then Asha began to do her job.

Simple and effective, it's a powerful launch

Asha initially intended to sell products for her hair, but a mentor looked at her internet presence and recommended to provide a customized consultation instead. This suggestion, along with difficulties sourcing supplies for a pandemic that was global, led Asha on a digital journey.

The first item she created was a 1-on-1 regimen-building session. She wasn't sure what her customers would think of it and therefore came up with a basic launch strategy. She created the Typeform application, then posted the URL on Instagram along with a brief description of her coaching service.

"I spoke about the work I was doing and encouraged candidates to think about applying," she shares. "I received over 200 applications. They were only applying for the coaching I provided and didn't need to pay, but they provided me with their email addresses as well as a list of the issues with their hair. I then got in touch with them and sent me a booking form."

It is a great method to try your ideas without having to pay a huge cost upfront. Asha put her idea on a platform that was easily accessible, and then analyzed the amount of interest she received from her intended audience.

Through the use of apps, they assisted her in understanding the needs of her readers through their own words, and also increased the number of email users. People who believed it was the right for them became her initial customers. She also proved that her idea had legs prior to spending hours and money on an enormous launch.

Asha began to meet with clients. She soon realized the needs of clients' deeper than recommending products and formulating custom hair care regimens.

"I discovered that my job involves much more than picking the right products and styles. It's going to be necessary to conduct some mental work."

"There's an important link between self-acceptance and making your hair long and healthy in the very first time. Your hair can only be maintained and not be damaged. Hair is a dying fiber. It is impossible to replenish it. So whatever you do to your hair's hair's memory will influence the direction of your hair's growth."

With this understanding in mind, Asha shifted to a more universal style and a greater focus on acceptance of hair and self-love .

"One of the fundamental principles in my training program is the concept of extreme kindness. If you're gentle with regards to your hairstyle, then you must be able to accept it. Take your time and be okay that it has a certain look. It was my realization that there is a connection between accepting yourself, being radical and compassion in keeping your hair, to allow it to develop."

The feedback she received from customers was a great help Asha to expand the scope of her coaching program and also establish the framework of her business in general. As she worked with clients, Asha found that one-off coaching could be beneficial to customers with a good relationship with their hair. However, it wasn't for people who needed to take on more responsibility.

The experience inspired her to develop the complete program of coaching that is called Longer Lengths(tm) that provides continuous help for a long time frame and also helps clients establish healthier hair habits and mindsets.

Today, Longer Lengths(tm) is Asha's signature coaching service and is the main approach she takes to working with individuals in a one-on-one basis. In order to accommodate clients of all stages in their journey to hair, Asha is also able to provide an 90-minute Grow Your'Fro Hair course. .

Asha is selling her on-demand class as an evergreen product so customers can have the chance to win quickly at any time and she offers batches of longer Lengths(tm) customers several occasions each year.

A well-planned mixture of different programs can be the best option for those that offer coaching. Self-service products are less expensive and flexible. They give customers an opportunity to speak to the creator prior to making a purchase. Premium 1:1 services are great for those who require more direct interactions. With both options it is possible to reach many greater numbers of people in your targeted group.

In the following installment we'll examine the methods employed by Asha to face the challenges and to ensure a sustainable company that is in line with her interests as well as the demands of the clients she serves.

Tips from Asha to get away from your own obstacles

Every company is susceptible to encountering its own difficulties However, Asha is adept at learning to tackle the issues face-to-face. The secret to her accomplishment? Find experts, overcome an imposter syndrome and then focus on your individuality.

Ability to seek assistance will save you time.

"I am aware that I'm not a professional in all things."
"I realize that I don't have the complete answer... Talking to an expert can help me sort through the chaos and avoid wasting time. That's why I place high value on the knowledge of this sort."

You need assistance with your company but don't know what you should do?

Find evidence to confront imposter syndrome head-on

Start by keeping an optimistic note. "I keep a list of all the good things I've done," Asha elaborates. "I can maintain a record of my achievements which is why I am able to train my brain to focus upon the positive things that happen in my personal daily life."

To build your own positive image, you should create an account on your personal computer where you store five-star reviews as well as notes from customers. When you feel down or uncertain, open the folder, then consider how amazing you're.

Third, you should develop into an expert within your area of expertise. According to Asha, "Another way to battle the"Imposter Syndrome" is being completely in love with the product you're selling. I'm not afraid to be in love with an item to the extent that some find it odd. I've got a huge collection of information about hair. I'm constantly reading on hair, hair sciences and many more."

Exploring your area of competence and learning more about the subject can help ease anxiety. It can be accomplished through individual research, practice or investing into higher education qualifications similar to the ones of Asha .

In her conversation with her accountability partner regarding this incident, she discovered that a lack of specifics made it difficult to record during the present moment. The video's script wasn't completely developed, and its purpose was not clear. After she had defined her objectives, after which she re-watched the film and made changes and her fears that she was suffering from Imposter Syndrome dissipated.

In the present, Asha asks herself, "How can I prepare the project so that regardless of my emotions, I'm comfortable? Why am I creating this film? And what should I expect users to do after they've seen the movie? Once I have that answer it's much more easy to deal with whatever pain I'm suffering."

In simple terms, the condition of imposter is a common problem for creatives , but it doesn't necessarily have to cause problems. According to Asha mentions, "The great thing about dealing with this is that you can begin to be an individual who is not avoid anxiety."

Be aware of the aspects which make you different

Take advantage of the qualities which will help your business stand out as a creator. Being a person with particular expertise or a particular quality makes you stand out from the rest and will provide your business with more customers.

"Apply your self to the challenge and then go for this,"" Asha says. "And then continue applying your skills in different areas to create a unique approach to your work. For me I'm also able to provide advice in German and Spanish."

Asha also has a research background, giving her writing a special scientific spin.

"Don't focus too much on the particulars of what other professionals in your industry do. Find your own way to stand out and then build upon the things that make you distinct."

When you seek help from dealing with imposter's syndrome, and sharing your special skills and qualities, you'll be you on the right path towards creating a business that you're satisfied with .

"Follow your heart's desire. I'm extremely happy that I designed this program which involves accepting self compassion and understanding. It also teaches empathy hair science and cosmetics responsibility and nutrition in addition to the overall health and styling, and finally, to blend all of that to create one."

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