We've listened to more than 30 sales-related podcasts. Here Are The Clear Winners -

Jul 1, 2023

Do you have to mow your lawn? Listen to sales podcasts.

Do you drive to work? Listen to sales podcasts.

Not doing anything? Do you think that's the answer.

Podcasts have revolutionized education for millions of people, and we've compiled some of the best selling and marketing podcasts that you can enjoy and learn from.

Sales Babble

Hosting Pat Helmers (international business consultant and tech startup coach, creator of the Selling With Confidence selling technique)

The average length of time or the frequency of HTML0 is between 25 to 35 minutes per week.

We are awestruck by HTML0. Pat's dialogues are humorous and accessible. Each episode contains practical tips that are easy to apply. The shows cover a wide range of subjects in sales, meaning there's something for anyone's level of expertise and interests. It's the perfect listener for the commute or lunch break.

The episode you must watch is SaaSy Selling to SaaS Sellers (featuring Director of Product Bill Wilson! )

Twitter: @PatHelmers

Sales Gravy

Host Jeb Blount (leading specialist in the impact of relationships on sales)

The most common length and frequency the period: 5 to 10 minutes each week

What we like about this format is: Jeb is a seasoned sales professional with a lot of knowledge in sales, but the part that we were watching most was the duration of his shows. Most of them are in the range of 5 to 10 minutes (apart from a few interviews). The host explains the essentials of what needs to be discussed before moving on. They are great for if you're bored of the same routine, or searching for advice on a specific selling-related subject.

Episodes you need to be listening to An Animal From There Somewhere

Bowery Capital Startup Sales Podcast

Host: The Bowery Capital Team

Duration/Frequency: 20-30 minutes 3 episodes per month

The program is a huge hit with us. Each episode features an interview with a senior executive or vice-president of an SaaS business, who share various opinions and perspectives from the industry. Additionally, Bowery provides a write-up of the key points raised during the debate. If you do not have the time to watch the entire 30-minute show, you can quickly review the main points.

Must-listen episode: Optimizing Your Partnerships

Twitter: @BoweryCapital

B2B Growth Exhibition

Host: James Carbary & the Sweetfish Team

The average length/frequency is between 20-30 minutes per day.

We love the following: "We've conducted interviews with names that who you've likely heard previously... but, you've probably never seen or heard of the vast majority of our guests. It's because the majority of our guests aren't author, speaker or writer. They're in the trenches in the trenches, directing sales and marketing teams. They're forming strategies and trying out new tactics. they're constructing one of the fastest growing B2B businesses worldwide."

- James Carbary, Founder of Sweetfish Media

Must-listen episode: Ep. 856 Why B2B Salespeople Must Build A Personal Brand (And the most effective ways to Create It)

Twitter: @B2BGrowthShow

The podcast for the Advanced Seller

Hosts: Bill Caskey & Brian Neale

The length and frequency of the mean is 20 minutes a week.

It's a blast: Bill and Brian are a hilarious couple which makes any couple great for listening. Their fun chatter and way the two exchange ideas with each other makes this show an instant success. Don't forget to mention their fans interactions, including suggestions from their listeners as well as constantly seeking feedback and new topics.

Must-listen episode: Ep. 518 It's The Relieve Party

Twitter: @AdvancedSelling

The Salesman Podcast

Host: Will Barron (one of the most engaging hosts you'll ever hear)

Average length/frequency: 40 minutes, twice per week

We love HTML0 for: The ENERGY and excitement. Will Barron stands out from every other sales podcast host due to his ability to be a person who is a firm believer in the subject and issues he addresses (this might be the reason why that it's the highest-rated B2B show). Barron hosts the show each week to interview top sales thought leaders and professionals as well as gleaning their best sales strategies and tales. He does so masterfully. Episodes can be found as video accessible on the Salesman website. Being able to follow his moves is a great complement to his fantastic podcast.

Must-listen episode: Ep. 587 - Tips for Differentiating Your Products (So you Never Need to fight over cost! )

Twitter: @SalesmanPodcast

Sales Pipeline Radio

Host Matt Heinz (founder of Heinz Marketing)

Time/Durability: 20-30 minutes per week

What we like about it: Sales Pipeline Radio isn't branded with an "schtick," or unique attributes that distinguish it from other. It stands out for the quality of its content. After listening to just a handful of episodes, it is blatantly obvious the fact that Matt Heinz knows his stuff (and also knows how to conduct interviews). Matt Heinz selects the best interviewees to talk about specific subjects. Additionally, he is adept at asking them questions to obtain the maximum amount of important information from interviewees.

It is essential to hear Episode Cerebral sales the Science of selling: how sciences, the art and metrics Combine to help you exceed sales goals

Twitter: @HeinzMarketing

Catalyst Sale Podcast

hosts include Jody Maberry and Mike Simmons

The frequency/length of the average of HTML0 is 20 minutes per week.

We're awestruck this due to the fact that Jody Mike as well as Mike are a great team on the show, and they talk to a wide variety of participants when discussing sales-related issues. The Catalyst Sale special is its "Questions Answered" segment that can be found on every episode. Are you curious about this issue and require answers? Take a look at the following list and see if any of the shows can answer your questions. This is a kind of "frequently requested questions" section that is for every show. We like the idea of it.

Must-listen episode: Ep. 113 The Prospect or Client is silent. The client or the Prospect is silent. the client is silent

Twitter: @simmons_m

The podcast about sales engagement

Hosts: Joe Vignolo & Mark Kosoglow

Average length/frequency:15-30 minutes, a few times per week

We like this style of writing The format is all about interaction. With a focus on the present sales era, Joe and Mark retain their informal approach when talking about sales. The reduction of the use of complex terms is essential in order to be able to connect with a larger audience. Sales Engage is an important podcast about engagement, and definitely adhere to the principles they advocate in their shows.

Must-listen episode: Ep. 43 Learn to be a successful Networker by asking Only One Question

Twitter: @outreach_io

Taylor Bond Taylor works as an Account Executive and is also the Co-Founder and Head of Growth of SalesRight (Now Interactive Quotes). Taylor constantly talks about pricing psychology, the Canadian technology industry as well as diversity & technological inclusiveness. While he's off work it's possible to meet him in the largest LGBTQA+ tech community, as well as looking for poutine and bagels.

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