Web Design and the Psychology of an Online Shopper

Sep 15, 2022

Each time a customer makes a purchase online there's a variety of psychological aspects that come into play. Knowing how the human brain works as well as, more specifically, the way people make their purchases online, could be a key factor in the success of your online store.

Utilizing the power of psychology to help buyers is much more than creating sales. It helps you provide the best user experience. establish a connection on a deeper level with your buyers, and offer the best solution to your customers.

Look at ways to apply these principles of psychology to enhance your shopping experience.

 The psychology behind web design

 People are crazy about pictures of faces

When choosing photos, try to incorporate images with faces. Why? It's because there's a portion of the brain specially designed to respond to facial expressions and brain automatically shifts our attention to these faces.

child laughing and running through water, face looking at the camera

Facial expressions are generally universal. They're associated with emotion, and are a fantastic method to generate a positive feeling towards your product.

We feel better when we encounter people smiling because smiles are mirror neurons in our brains allow us to experience feelings that are similar to those shown. So if you showcase the image of a delighted person who is smiling when using the product you sell, it makes users feel comfortable regarding your company's image.

It's also beneficial to give a face to your company. People are more connected to others as opposed to a company which could otherwise seem far away. Pictures of your staff as well as founders or customers can be a huge help to connect with potential customers.

 Colors are associated with feelings and actions

Color can affect our moods and behavior and therefore it's important to think about the colors you pick for your branding and website. It's crucial that you know your audience's needs, since the way we react to color is largely dependent on the personal experience we have.

However, here are a few words that are often related to certain hues:

  • Red is energy, power, and love
  • Yellow is joy, happiness and inspiration
  • Green - nature, health as well as money
  • Blue represents peace, trust and responsibility
  • Purple represents riches, royalty, and spirituality
  • Pink is caring, loving, and love
  • Black - black is a place of mystery, seriousness and even sadness
  • White - peace, cleanliness and simple

Do some research on how your customers interpret colors. It is particularly important when you have an international audience since the meanings of colors can be drastically different in diverse cultural contexts. Don't choose a hue that potential customers consider to be a sign of danger or mourning.

 Customers are connected to images and videos

Good images do more than appear nice. They also grab attention, invoke emotions and prompt shoppers to take action. The brain processes images 60 times more quickly than text therefore they're usually the first thing that visitors see when they visit your site.

If you can, make use of the photos you have created yourself, with your brand name instead of stock images. Stock photos can appear fake andtherefore reduce trust in the eyes of customers. Additionally, they're not exclusive to your company's brandmany other businesses might be using the same picture. If you have to use stock photos, choose images that look authentic and natural, not made-up.

In addition, as your competition is physical shops Make sure you show various product images. Potential customers can't experience your items, so include pictures taken from various perspectives. Make sure to highlight details such as textures as well as special characteristics.

Video is also an excellent method of connecting with your buyers. They're both visual and auditory and therefore are more memorable than any other type of media. Viewers are able to remember the majority of message when watching it in videos, as opposed to 10% when they read the text.

Have you ever cried during a movie? This is because videos use the same mirror neurons in our brains as pictures are. It allows us to place ourselves into the shoes of individuals that we're watching. So feature videos with happy customers , or even stories about people whom you've helped. This can go a long way!

 A good design is a sign of the credibility of

Based on the Stanford Web Credibility Project, almost half of people judge the legitimacy of a site based on its visual design. Factors like colors, fonts and layouts, as well as images and navigation are all factors that determine whether or not your site visitors view your business as professional.

Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you avoid blurry or misspelled images and typos. The customer can immediately associate these types of mistakes with an unprofessional attitude.
  • Choose fonts that are easy to be able to read. You are free to think up new ideas to make your site look unique, but it's important that users can still read all of the content on your site.
  • Avoid clutter. Don't cram a ton of pictures and text into your website. Instead, focus on the most important elements and call-to-action. Space that is white -- or unused space -- enhances understanding and helps draw attention on important information.
  • Make sure that your site is consistent. Use the same fonts, colors and style of design throughout your site. Your customers will know they're in the right spot and helps them remember your brand.

 How psychology impacts the user experience

 People scan screens based on experience

Eye tracking is the practice to determine where users look and how they are looking, when visiting a website. Being aware of how a typical web user is using their time online can be very valuable when it comes to making design choices.

Certain patterns have a commonality. As an example, the vast majority of users view a website in an F-Pattern. If your customer base reads in a way that is in a direction from right to left, the majority of them will browse the website in a horizontal order, from left to right starting at the highest point. Then, they scan vertically down the left side of the webpage, searching for intriguing information and images.

diagram showing the F-pattern of reading a website

What can you do to implement this into your website? Begin by placing the most essential information on the top of the page, also known as "above the fold." Make sure your information is organized into a hierarchy that's simple to read, using clearly written headlines and bullet points. Your visitors will be able to find what they're looking to read easily when they browse your website.

The same applies to patterns used for navigation on websites. Our brains are lazy and seek out the quickest method to complete a task to conserve energy. Visitors would expect to find in particular locations, and if they aren't there, they may leave your website entirely.

For example, site visitors typically expect to find:

  • It is easy to navigate right away, and often at the top of a website.
  • Search bar that is in a visible location, like the sidebar or header or footer.
  • Contact and About page.
  • A logo which redirects users back to the home page by clicking.
  • Your site's purpose immediately, using an image, tagline or something similar.
  • Contact information in the footer.

This isn't to say that your site should look similar to others' or it's not a good idea to try something different and test the limits. If you do, deviating from the norm can be disorienting. You must ensure that the design can be adapted to the requirements of your intended public.

 Users require bite-sized pieces of data

Our brains can only handle a limited quantity of information at a period of time. It's therefore essential to provide your website visitors with the information they want and do not overburden them.

On pages with a lot of text, such as blogs and landing pages make use of headlines in order to help break up the text. Bullet points can also help readers quickly scan through information to find precisely what they're searching for.

Our brains also naturally create categorizing processes. If your site is organized into logical groups and categories, you will be able to help your visitors avoid having to organize content on their own. The exact method by which your content is categorize will differ according to the product you offer it is possible to group products according to size, type, or age range.

 People's minds wander

There's been a time. You find an informative video online, only to get caught up in a humorous cat-themed compilation on the sidebar. Before we know it we've seen 12 irrelevant videos and forgotten all about the info we were searching for.

That's because our minds wander around at minimum 30% all the time. Mind-wandering is a great way to rest our minds and could even help to achieve a higher level of creativity.

 Users become frustrated with the slow and unresponsive website

The research has proven that users expect to receive a response in two seconds of making a request. If it takes more than two seconds, our focus is shattered and our productivity is decreased. Although this is true in all areas of our lives, it's especially applicable to website design.

If your site is taking too lengthy to load, visitors are likely to be frustrated and leave, and purchase a similar product elsewhere. There are many aspects that influence your website's speed of loading. Here are some articles that will help you get started:

Similar principles apply for responsive design. If your website's design isn't uniform and does not function well on the various sizes of mobile devices the visitors to your website will leave for other sites. Why would people stay on your site to read your content if they need to zoom to see the content, or if some page components are not accessible?

Be sure to test your site on big displays, as well as phones and tablets both in the portrait and landscape modes. If you do not have a variety of gadgets easily accessible, you could utilize tools such as Responsive Design Checker to recreate the user experience.

 Everyone makes mistakes

It shouldn't come as a surprise that we all make mistakes. We're all humans! It's important that you understand the mistakes that clients may make, and to avoid these from happening as often as you can. This starts with proper testing.

It's recommended to conduct user testing with people who fall into your target group. For instance, if you offer clothing that are aimed at women who are between the ages of 35 to 55 Try to identify those who fall into this group. Users of different experiences and ages might interact with your site in different ways.

There are many ways to conduct user testing such as sitting in person with prospective customers. You can also utilize services such as UserTesting.com to take care of the whole procedure for you.

When you have identified what your most frequently made mistakes will be, you can try to avoid these from happening again. This could mean changing your site's design, layout or even copy. There may be a need to add more buttons or rearrange navigation to make items easier to find.

Error messages can also be highly efficient. If your customer enters an incorrect credit card number be sure to send an obvious message that let them know what the issue is. Similar to your contact forms! The form helps the customer be aware of any mistakes they may make, and the best way they can correct these mistakes.

 Many options confuse people

Have you been in an aisle, in awe of the many toothpaste choices? Cleaning, whitening, sensitive teeth protection, tartar protection -- which one's most appropriate?

The more options you provide your customers with, the longer it will take them to come to a an informed choice and the higher the likelihood is that they'll be overwhelmed.

Categorizing is really important in addition, particularly if there are a number of goods.

PrintingNewYork website, with categories and subcategories in the main menu
Photo (c) https://www.printingnewyork.com/

PrintingNewYork uses their primary menu that allows customers to locate the exact product they're seeking. Under Services, they include the categories of Offset Printing and Digital Printing as well as other. Then, they have categories like event signage. The subsets mentioned above are a big help in helping people process information.

 Language and psychology

 Customers react to the urgency and offer

Urgency appeals to people's fear of losing out. Research has shown that we attach an emphasis on products that are scarce. If you're worried about not the purchase of a premium product, they're likely to purchase right away.

  • Get it done now!
  • Limited
  • Right away
  • Out of gas!
  • Right now
  • Last chance

So you might say, "Stock is limited! Get your before we run out." You can create the same urgency by offering coupons, but only offer a discount for a set duration of time.

Guarantees are also integral to making shoppers convert. Your customers want to know that they're in good hands with your business and they're getting a good, reliable product or service. If you're certified or have accreditations, be sure to display them on your website. Testimonials and reviews make a big impact also. Customers will spend 31% more on a business with favorable reviews!

When you write your copy for your website Make use of words like

  • Guarantee
  • Certified
  • Return of money
  • Genuine
  • Proven
  • Authentic

Perhaps you can offer 30 days of money-back assurance, which allows returns for one month after purchase with without any need to ask. Customers will see that you're confident about your product and will to uphold your word.

FitLife Foods site, with a 100% satisfaction guaranteed notice
Photo (c) https://delivery.eatfitlifefoods.com/

FitLife Foods  is one example. It guarantees 100% satisfaction with a promise of an unrestricted meal in the event that a customer isn't completely content.

 People love stories

Everyone loves a good story. And including stories in your website can add authenticity and personality to your company. They also grab attention and help consumers keep your product in mind.

If we are told a positive story, our levels of the happy hormone, Oxytocin, increase. This increases our feeling of confidence and compassion and improves our attitudes towards a product and brand.

Scratch Pet Food website showing their eco-friendly iniatives
Photo (c) https://www.scratchpetfood.com.au/

Here are some ways for storytelling to be used:

  • Tell stories of customer satisfaction, especially ones that have a strong emotional impact or are thrilling. Airstream provides fascinating stories about their customers' adventures around the world.
  • Create a story around your brand. Bloomscape shows the history of their company, a compelling family story that spans generations.
  • Be transparent about your practices and manufacturing. Scratch Pet Food promotes eco-friendly practices, even incorporating a bit of time travelling.
  • Give back to the community. Osana Bar offers the soap bar to children in need with every bar purchased.
  • Make sure you are focusing on the benefits of your product or service. Bobo & Boo takes on the role of their patrons, talking directly to mothers as they explain their product's advantages.

Most important is to show your true self. Tell the world your reasons for why you enjoy what you do. Customers will be able to tell whether you're fake or not, but will fall in love with your authentic story behind your products.

 Other psychological factors

 customers are more likely to begin with a modest purchase

If you're trying to market to new customers of your product or services, you'll want to start by asking them for a small amount. Why?

It's easier for people to give into a small demand because of the danger involved, and it's usually simpler to refuse than "no." Later in the process, when clients are being asked to do something more it's more likely that they'll agree.

It is known as the foot-in-the-door technique. It goes all the way to door-to-door salesmen. If the salesperson could literally get their foot in to the entrance, they would be less likely to get it slammed in their face.

Here are some ways you can put this into action:

  • Request an email address in exchange for an offer. A third of customers who sign up to email receives a product from the company they have signed up to.
  • Sell a box of sample-size product samples. Your customers will be happier getting the chance to try the products without any risk.
  • Free trial. A staggering six in ten free trials turn into paying customers.
  • Make sure to allow for small contributions if you're a nonprofit. People who donate will feel better at themselves and are more likely to contribute another, bigger contribution in the future.

Start with something simple and allows you to engage with your customers and show why your products or services provide the ideal solution.

 Customers need education for new product

People have certain expectations for how things work based on their experience. If you offer a brand new product or service that offers something different from what the public is used to, it's important to provide education.

In particular, the most robust software may have a growing curve. Jetpack provides a great support section which allows users to navigate to the areas most relevant to your problem and swiftly access solutions for commonly-asked questions. Jetpack also has a team of Happiness Engineers who work full-time to ensure that you have personal, high-quality support, with no scripted replies and long slow processes.

It is your responsibility to supply your customers with the necessary details for a successful use of your product. If they don't, they could not be satisfied and request to be refunded or leave without purchasing another.

There are a few ways that you can provide customer education:

  • Create a library of tutorials for users free with videos on how to make use of a particular product.
  • Include links to documentation and manuals in your transactional emails.
  • Write blog posts with use instances and success stories from customers.
  • Create a sequence of messages between the order and delivery, along with any additional information.
  • Provide a help desk or online support channel.

The information provided helps customers to fall in love to your product.

 People love reward programs

A lot of us carry many loyalty cards we take from our favourite places. It's satisfying to receive that stamp or watch points go up in the app. But why?

Rewards can be a positive way to reward customers. When a customer completes purchases, you present your customer with a virtual slap on the back and a, "Good job!" You encourage them to do that same action repeatedly and in doing so establish a connection with your company.

The rewards program can also result in a long-term commitment. If a customer is offered the possibility of switching to another provider and lose the points they've accrued. It makes purchasing elsewhere much less appealing.

 The customers must be able to feel your brand and products

If they shop online, shoppers are unable to touch, feel, experience the smell and feel of products prior to making a purchase. A solid and robust web site will provide a experience that's just as valuable.

Start by telling your story. Develop a personality for your brand and let your readers know what you're all about. Create a good reputation by gaining positive, reliable reviews. These tactics are all critical in building a loyal, satisfied customers.

 Customers make decisions using common factors

Although the motivations of your customers will depend on your target audience, there are some universal truths. A recent study consumers said that the following impacted their buying decisions:

  • Free delivery
  • Discounts, coupons and coupon codes
  • Customer reviews from other customers
  • Easy return policy
  • Points for loyalty
  • An easy, quick online checkout process

Although not all of them make sense for every company, including all of them can influence conversions. Find out about your clients and find out what they value the most. Surveys can be a fantastic method to accomplish this, whether you send them out to your email list or ask them on Instagram Stories, or use tools such as Crowdsignal.

It's fascinating to observe that a lot of purchases are not made consciously. Scientists have discovered that we only utilize approximately 20% of our brains in conscious thought, meaning there's an array of variables that affect the decisions we make that we're not even aware of.

It's a reference on one of the most common themes we've discussed that is appealing to our feelings. The importance of emotions is so great that neuroscientists have also found that individuals whose brains don't produce emotions aren't able to make decisions.

When choosing photos, writing product descriptions or creating ads and creating a brand take into consideration the impact on your customers' emotions your products. Don't just talk about product characteristics; describe how they will influence the lives of customers. This could help in creating a loyal client base.

 Psychology covers more than just sales

Knowing the psychology of your customers does not only allow you to boost the sales. This allows you to communicate to a greater extent the people that make up the core of your customer support and improve their shopping experience.

The idea behind it is not to trick consumers, but instead, to be used as an instrument to enhance the way you communicate so that messages you broadcast are interpreted as intended. By focusing to improve this aspect of owning a business and you'll see more revenue, sure, but happy customers too.