
May 31, 2024

If you're running an online store, then you're aware how important efficient fulfillment is to the success of your company. Even if you're still not there in the meantime, you'll soon figure it that out.

If you've got a sound fulfillment plan, all the logistical processes run seamlessly and your orders are delivered in time. A strong plan also protects your expenses and limits liability.

This means that your clients are satisfied since they receive their goods fast and in good shape Your bottom line is happy because your costs line up perfectly to your budget.

No matter if you're starting on your ecommerce journey or want to improve the processes you already have established, knowing the basics of fulfillment is key. In this article we'll teach you the fundamentals about fulfillment, learn to choose a fulfillment partner and learn some extremely useful ways to optimize your fulfillment along the way.

What is eCommerce fulfillment?

But the truth is that ecommerce fulfillment really commences when you find items you want to sell and store them in your warehouse, and it only ends once there's no chance of a item being returned to you in the procedure.

Effectively managing ecommerce fulfillment matters a lot for business success. When products are delivered promptly, you establish trust and increase customer retention. Additionally, you reduce the costs associated with processing returns.

stack of shipping boxes inside of a warehouse

What's the Order Fulfillment process?

Order fulfillment is an involved process with many steps. Between acquiring products and then the delivery of them to clients it's an enormous task to accomplish and plenty of opportunity for mistakes.

1. Sourcing and procurement

Before selling any products, you need to find a supplier or make an outline of your manufacturing process. This step involves identifying and negotiating with vendors who are able to provide consistent high-quality products. Even if your business makes its own product, you'll have to find a reliable supply of raw materials.

It is important to keep an adequate supply of stock without overstocking. It's a delicate balance to always have enough to satisfy demand, but not so much that you're forced to pay excessive amounts of cash to store items that are not sold.

2. Warehousing and inventory management

When the items are purchased and purchased, they must be organized in a manner that allows for efficient retrieval once you've received your order.

It could be that items are delivered to a distribution centre which is a storage facility where items are stored and sent to the appropriate fulfillment centers as required. From there it moves to a fulfillment center, like your business warehouse, which is where the items are picked, packed, and shipped.

Based on the dimensions of your company and the fulfillment method you choose, this process could look different. There may be the fulfillment handled by a third-party through their warehouses. Alternatively, the products could be delivered to your small business office (even at your home! ).

worker packing boxes in a warehous

3. Processing orders

Order processing starts when the customer makes an order. The process ends when product is ready for shipment.

Checking the availability of stocks as well as the customer's information, and the payment is processed. All of this is done through automated systems. Following that, the fulfillment center is notified and the next steps of the fulfillment process commence.

4. Packing and picking up

After an order has been placed, items need to be located in the warehouse (picking) and then prepared for shipping (packing).

To handle larger-scale operation, automated software is utilized to aid warehouse staff to locate and identify the goods they're looking for, and the warehouse is organized so products are grouped in intelligent patterns.

If you're just starting out at the comfort of your home, there may be shelves for specific items or bins that have different SKUs. In any case it is essential to keep your items organized and readily available for fast processing when you get an order.

The process must be taken carefully to prevent mistakes like sending the wrong item or the wrong quantity, which could upset your customers. cause excessive returns to clog your supply chain and take away your the profits.

5. Shipping and delivery

The procedure involves selecting the right carriers, paying shipping costs as well as providing the customer with tracker information. Balancing fast shipping and cost-effectiveness is the key here. Customers will be happy with their goods earlier, however it can result in unreasonable cost of shipping.

If you're only beginning your journey, you can buy a label printer that is small and use Shipping to save on costs. Through your WordPress dashboard you can purchase and print labels for quick smooth process.

After the product has been received, fulfillment is complete (or is it?

woman packing a box for shipping


Although you may have the most efficient warehouses, perfect automation systems, and the fastest transporters in the world, there will be a chance that something could go wrong. Some products arrive damaged, people receive the incorrect item, or your customer decides that this product doesn't suit them.

Sending a product back through the supply chain is known as reverse logistics. it can be a burden on unprepared systems.

On the front end, this requires stellar communication from your support agents to be able to identify the issue and establish the returns process. At the other end the customer must receive the item that was returned, examine the quality, replenish it if it's still usable, and issue a refund or replacement.

Ecommerce fulfillment service models

Deciding on the most effective ecommerce fulfillment strategy for your online shop is among the most important choices you'll make. It determines the way your items are managed, stored, and delivered to customers.

There's no one best model in this regard. It's entirely about the way you'd like to build your business. From handling all orders in your facilities, to completely outsourcing, each has strengths and disadvantages.

Fulfillment in-house

Do you want to handle the entire logistics process yourself? Manage your own warehouses or distribution centers, pack your own orders and select your own shipping carriers? In-house fulfillment means running the whole process by using the resources you have and your facilities.

While you'll need to use the space for your warehouse and recruit employees (or operate as a one-person show as you grow! ) The model will allow total control of inventory, branding, and the customer experience.


  • You are in complete control of the fulfillment process.
  • Merchants are able to modify packaging and inserts in order for better branding.


  • An expenditure in infrastructure, technology, as well as staffing is required.
  • This can consume a lot of resources, diverting focus from core business activities.
  • Scaling operations is challenging and costly as order volumes rise.

Ideal for:

  • Enterprises and large companies that have specific branding or handling needs that are not easily transferred to a third party.
  • Companies that maintain their margins are able to take on the burden of running warehouses.
  • Companies with a steady orders that do not shift.
  • Small-scale businesses, solo-preneurs or entrepreneurs that have no warehouses and with very little starting capital.

Logistics Third Party (3PL)

When the size of your company falls between "tiny home-based shop" and "sprawling enterprise with dozens of warehouses" Third-party logistics (3PL) is the method that most firms choose to utilize.


  • It eliminates the need for large capital expenditure.
  • Logistics companies are more experienced they make fewer errors than companies that are new, and are able to use the latest fulfillment technologies.
  • It's a process that can be scaled and that can handle a variety of influxes of business growth and orders.


  • It is difficult to control the shipping and handling process that can affect the customer experience.
  • The possibility exists for service issues if the 3PL the ecommerce fulfillment company's practices are not aligned with your organization's requirements.
  • It can be costly in particular if orders are low as 3PLs usually charge for storage space and other functions.

 Most suitable for:

  • Growing businesses experiencing increasing orders and require rapid expansion.
  • Businesses looking to expand into new markets without the requirement to build physical infrastructure.
  • Any business that doesn't have the time, workforce or funds to operate the fulfillment facility of its own.
woman working on a tablet while packing a box


The model does away with the necessity for storing and handling stock, making it cheaper. But it's important to choose the best suppliers for your business and be sure that the products you sell are high-quality. Low-quality dropshipping has a negative reputation among consumers.


  • It is not necessary to have physical storage space that significantly lowers expenses for overhead.
  • It's easy to increase the size of your business as there is no inventory that needs to be managed directly.


  • You are less in control of timings for shipping and packing, which could result in bad customer service.
  • There's no way to ensure quality that could result in poor quality items and unhappy customers.
  • Lower profit margins because of competition and dependence on third-party suppliers. There are also potential stock issues if suppliers fail to effectively manage their inventory.

 Most suitable to:

  • New entrepreneurs who want to establish an online business with a minimum risk of investment and risk.
  • Business owners who want to experiment with the new product without making large stock purchases.

Hybrid fulfillment

You don't have to stick exclusively to in-house, 3PL or dropshipping model. It is possible to combine components from each in order to build an adaptable fulfillment plan and scale based the needs of your company.

Businesses might manage some products internally, while outsourcing certain items to a 3PL business or even mix dropshipping for particular items. With a hybrid model, you optimize your fulfillment and customize it according to the specific types of items you sell.


  • You can choose the best fulfillment method for different products or markets.
  • Businesses can enjoy potential reductions in fulfillment costs by taking advantage of the strengths of each method.
  • Ability to expand particular segments of the company as needed without overextending resources.


  • This is a more complicated strategy that requires managing various fulfillment options and fulfillment partners.
  • It requires careful coordination and integration of automation systems.
  • It is possible to have inconsistent customer experience if not managed properly.

 Most suitable for:

  • Businesses with a diverse assortment of products or different customer demands.
  • Companies that want to transition slowly between fulfillment models without disruption.

Problems with fulfillment for ecommerce What can you do to improve Ecommerce fulfillment

Ecommerce fulfillment poses a variety of problems that may affect your productivity and satisfaction. However, by improving the efficiency of ecommerce fulfillment, you can take on these issues head-on and ensure that everything is running smoothly.

Whether you choose internal fulfillment, 3PL, dropshipping, or any combination of them all, check out these common problems with fulfillment and the potential solutions.

someone packing up a box to ship

Expensive fulfillment costs

The fulfillment of ecommerce orders can be extremely expensive quickly. Increased operational and overhead costs could really hurt your business, and that's applicable to businesses, startups as well as everything else in between.

Below are a few aspects that are responsible for high costs:

  • Warehousing. Storing your products in a fulfillment firm or distribution center can be quite costly. This is true whether you lease the area yourself or contract with the help of a 3PL service.
  • Labour. Staffing a warehouse involves hiring employees to oversee stock, take orders, pick, pack and deliver productsIt's expensive.
  • Expectations for free shipping. These days, many consumers expect the delivery of their items for free. However, that also means you have to pay your own costs.

Solution:Strategic cost management

As a seller, there are multiple strategic options you could employ to reduce your expenses associated with fulfillment for ecommerce. Although this might be more convenient for large companies that have more power, there are options for small businesses.

 Shipping page

Here are some ways to more effectively manage fulfillment costs:

  • Negotiate with the shipping and logistics companies as well as suppliers. Large businesses have the option of making agreements with suppliers/carriers and getting their items at lower rates. Review these agreements regularly to ensure you're getting the best deal.
  • Incorporate shipping costs into product prices. If you choose to offer free shipping include a small portion of that costs into the overall cost.
  • Consider a hybrid model. Use a combination of fulfillment strategies. In particular, you can handle large-volume regular items at your own facility with dropshipping of slower-moving products to reduce holding costs.

Warehouses that are poorly organized

Unorganized warehouses (or the garage at home) can lead to operating inefficiency, which can clog up the supply chain, and causing upset to your customers. This can also cost time and money.

Here are some of the potential consequences of a poorly-organized storage facility:

  • Inventory that is lost. Items not properly stored are more difficult to find and can cause delays in processing orders.
  • Unefficient utilization of space. Poor layout can cause unused space, or overcrowded spaces that can make it difficult to fulfill orders and slows down the process of packing and picking.
  • Mistakes. A lack of organisation can lead to more frequent packing errors, leading to clients receiving incorrect items.
  • Safety concerns. Cluttered and disorganized places increase the chance of injuries and accidents, which can pose a risk to staff.

Solutions:Organize and optimize warehouses

If your warehouse's performance isn't as efficient A revamp may be necessary to sort your items. If you're not responsible for this, then it could be time to shift to a more organized 3PL firm.

Here are some suggestions to improve your warehouse organization:

  • Optimize the layout. Redesign the warehouse layout in order to optimize space use and workflow efficiency. Ensure that fast-moving items can be easily accessible.
  • Make sure you use transparent signage and labeling. Use clearer signs to help workers get around and pick faster. Additionally, adopt systemic bins or rack labeling systems in order to minimize picking mistakes.
  • Conduct regular audits and training for your employees. You should regularly review the efficiency of your warehouse and determine whether you are suffering from any issues that can be fixed. Continue training staff on how to operate the WMS and efficiently navigate.

Overstocking and backorders

Backordering happens when buyers purchase more products than you're ready to ship. If you purchase more products than buyers are prepared to purchase, that is overstocking. Both can be a big issue for your company.

Backorderingoccurs when demand exceeds supply. Customers who are currently customers could experience delays in shipping times, while potential customers may be turned away with the "out of inventory" message.

Overstockinghappens in situations where demand exceeds supply, you tie up capital in unsold goods and spend more on storage unwanted products.

The two issues are generally result of poor forecasting for sales or problems with the supply chain.

Solutions:Optimize inventory management

Here are some things to think about for better management of inventory:

  • Investigate advanced Demand forecasting. Utilize advanced analytics as well as historical sales data to improve accuracy in demand forecasting. Make sure that your inventory levels are in line with sales trends to avoid over or understocking.
  • Set up real-time tracking of inventory. Use an inventory management system that provides immediate inventory updates.
  • Take into consideration just-in time inventory (JIT). JIT is a technique that involves ordering goods so they're received "just at the right time" in order to sell. This minimizes storage costs and prevents the overstocking. However, it makes your more susceptible to risk -- should there be a glitch during the supply chain it could be a matter of minutes before you're out of stocks.
  • Keep the safety stock. If backorders are a big issue, consider holding a certain amount of safe stock that can handle the unexpected spike in the demand.
  • Make sure to use reliable providers. Those using dropshipping models, or those who rely on suppliers should work closely with their providers to prevent severe backordering.
woman packing a piece of clothing in a box to ship

The slow shipping speed

Slow shipping is a common problem, and unless you're managing a big company and have your own carrier service, this is something that you're bound to encounter. It's not just the case with items being damaged or lost.

These are a few shipping issues you may be faced with:

  • Carrier inefficiencies. Certain carriers may have frequent delays because of improper setup. This could lead to longer delivery times or damaged products.
  • Poor logistics planning. Inadequate routing, lack of carrier integrations, as well as suboptimal warehouse location can all contribute to slow shipping.
  • There are a limited number of shipping options. Relying on a single carrier can lead to slow shipping in the event of the possibility of a service interruption.
  • International shipping complications. Transborder commerce often has more time for transit and could be slowed even more by delays at customs.
  • Limited shipping locations. You may struggle expanding beyond a narrow region due to the lack of warehouses within the area which can result in slow delivery or no service at all.

Solution:Enhance shipping efficiency

If you want to please customers by speedy delivery, it is essential choose the most reliable shipping providers. Users of 3PL suppliers should make sure that they can satisfy your standards, and dropshipping businesses should carefully select reliable vendors. Here are some tips to improve efficiency

  • Find more durable packaging. To reduce damage, consider the use of a stronger container that is able to stand up to the elements, particularly when shipping internationally.
  • Implement strategic warehouse placement. Place warehouses carefully or make use of multiple fulfillment centers closer to your clients to cut down the delivery time.
  • Integrate advanced logistics technology. Use logistics software that optimizes routing and carrier selection in order to speed up shipping.
  • Develop connections with reliable transporters. Partner with multiple trusted carriers and negotiate for better service quality and competitive price. Also work with customs brokers, and utilize carriers with simplified international shipping options to reduce delay.
woman calling customer service

Poor management of returns

There are a few things you should be aware of in relation to returns management:

  • A slow refund or replacement time. When you're slow to process refunds or provide a replacement product this can seriously damage your reputation.
  • Costs of managing returns. If your supply chain is unprepared for reverse logistics, stocking is expensive.

Solution: Streamline returns

With a proper strategies for managing returns, you can redirect disappointed consumers to a solution beneficial to all. It is possible to avoid the majority of negative reviews and make a situation that was negative a positive one to the consumer.

If you're looking to increase the effectiveness of this area of your business, you should:

  • Provide flexible choices. Provide multiple options including credits for purchases, exchanges and refunds that can be tailored to various needs.
  • Optimize logistics for returns. Establish dedicated areas at the back of the warehouse that handle checks, packaging, and restocking.
  • Prioritize Quality Control. Implement stringent quality controls to ensure that the orders are fulfilled accurately and reduce the number of complaints and returns.
  • Choose reliable third-party suppliers. If using a Dropshipping or 3PL model make sure the warehouses and their systems are designed to accommodate returns. Do not choose dropshippers who do not allow returns because you'll have to pay the cost your self.

The difficulty of growing and scaling

When your business expands, you'll experience increased orders, but will your infrastructure cope? When you outgrow the capacity of your logistics the result could be an obstruction that slows the ecommerce fulfillment process.

Here are some common challenges that businesses face in their growth:

  • Capacity restrictions. Existing infrastructure, such as warehouses and staffing levels, could not be enough to cope with the increased volume of orders.
  • Supply chain limitations. Scaling often exposes flaws in the supply chain, such as the limitations of suppliers or logistical bottlenecks.
  • technology gaps. Inadequate technology can hinder a business's ability to grow efficiently.

Solutions:Strategically plan ahead

Be proactive is the most effective option here. This is how you can prepare for the possibility of scaling before it's a big problem:

  • invest in the scalable technology. Implement advanced ecommerce and warehouse management systems that can optimize and streamline operations as volume increases.
  • Enhance the options for fulfillment. Consider adopting a hybrid fulfillment strategy that combines internal operations and 3PL to flexibly manage varying demand levels.
  • Enhance supply chain connections. Develop strong relationships with multiple logistic providers so that your supply chain is more durable.
  • Improve the customer support infrastructure. Scale customer service capabilities through the hiring of more employees and using AI software, or outsourcing to handle more requests.

Tools and integrations of poor quality and low-quality

Integrating the right tools will save time and cash. Below are the consequences that you could face if you select the wrong software:

  • Unproductive operations. Tools that don't properly integrate with each other may result in inefficient processes as well as data inconsistencies. Inventory management and order processing issues are common and slow down operations.
  • An unsatisfactory user experience. Inadequate tools can be unable to deliver an effortless shopping experience customers want.
  • Limits scalability. Tools that are not designed to be scalable with your business can become an obstacle to growth.

Solution:Upgrade your technology

Investing in high-quality tools and systems is among the best choices a business can make. Here are some suggestions for working with the right equipment:

  • Make use of connected systems. Ensure your ecommerce platform as well as fulfillment and shipping processes as well as logistics and fulfillment systems fully integrate with each other for data accuracy.
  • Assess and upgrade software. Regularly review the applications your company uses, and update to the latest solutions when available.
  • Make use of automation. Utilize tools that use AI to reduce manual tasks and eliminate mistakes. The use of predictive analytics can help with managing inventory and ordering software ensures that orders are accurate.
order statuses in

Lack of communication

At every step in the supply chain starting from carriers to suppliers to the end-users Communication is essential at every step. A lot of companies struggle to maintain an open and consistent communications across every channel and it's the primary step for fortifying your fulfillment. A lack of communication can result in:

  • Internal alignment issues. Poor communication between sales, fulfillment, and inventory management teams can cause delays and inefficiencies.
  • Supplier and fulfillment company discrepancies. Insufficient coordination with logistics and logistical partners could create delay in fulfillment, inventory shortages as well as quality problems.
  • Customer dissatisfaction. Failing to communicate openly with clients about their orders erodes their patience and trust.

Solution:Strengthen communication channels

Communication is important throughout the process. Improve the manner in which you communicate with customers, suppliers, and partners and to automate the process whenever possible. Here are some suggestions for more effective communication:

  • Use integrated tools for communication. Utilize centralized communication platforms that permit all employees and partners outside to share information immediately.
  • Regular updates and meetings. Schedule regular meetings with the internal team and important external partners to discuss potential problems, as well as update.
  • Be proactive in sending customer alerts. Set up automated systems that provide customers with immediate updates regarding their order's status, which includes shipment tracking and potential delays.
  • Give customers access to support. Provide straightforward access to customer support, so prospective customers or clients can quickly receive answers.
  • Set up feedback loops. Establish feedback loops that include suppliers, customers and internal teams. Utilize their feedback in order to improve the efficiency of business operations as well as solve pressing problems.

Use cases for optimizing fulfillment of orders in Ecommerce

Established stores looking for efficiencies in their operations to fresh businesses looking to establish an excellent foundation right at the beginning, the approach to fulfillment could make a huge difference.

How could this take shape in real commercial setting? We'll look at a few things that new, old, or expanding stores may do.

Optimizing fulfillment for existing stores

Your business is up and running, but you're encountering issues in your supply chain. Costs that are prohibitive, a lack of scalability, and inability to handle a growing customer base are just a few of the issues you face every day.

Optimizing fulfillment for an existing business will look distinct from the ones just beginning. If your company grows and grows, so should the method you use to fulfill your orders.

An excellent place to start is by switching to , if you're not using it yet. With a myriad of extensions to select from, many of which are specifically designed to enhance the fulfillment process You can incorporate every feature you require to expand.

Next, review all of your processes and determine how you can make them more automated. Automating your processes saves you tremendous amount of time -and allows you to concentrate on other aspects of your business -- as well as reduces the risk for human error. For example, you might make it possible to set up email notifications that go out to customers after their purchase is shipped. Perhaps you've got an extension for synchronizing the inventory levels across all your tools.

 analytics dashboard

Maximizing fulfillment of store openings

The most effective way to get started is with . It provides a strong, solid foundation for your business, offering all the tools you require to build your business to any size. It comes with a wide range of built-in inventory tools and fulfillment systems, however, it also comes with a variety of additional extensions to allow you to connect with fulfillment companies as well as platforms.


In terms of the tools you can use externally be sure to put some time in selecting the best ones for your fledgling business. Ideally, they'll support you where you are today, but also allow you to grow without needing to learn a new system. Check that your eCommerce platform, inventory management system, shipping partners, and CRM work together seamlessly to ensure you don't have any information gaps.

Then, you should spend time establishing clear communications to customers. Show out-of-stock notifications as well as ensure that your stock levels are regularly updated based on your inventory across every storefront. Make emails that notify them on major touchpoints in the fulfillment journey, like when an order has been placed or shipped. It will also be delivered at their door. You may even want to look into letting them track their order status in their customer account.

Putting all of these practices to use from the very beginning can set you up for success over the end.

Expanding to multichannel selling

And remember: each service you utilize is unique in its attributes and needs. Each fulfillment or shipping system is suitable for each platform. Find out about every one and customize your options for shipping, return policies, and other strategies as appropriate.

blank makeup and skincare products

Consider dropshipping, and printing on demand

Of course, when another company is handling fulfillment and shipping, it's absolutely critical that you choose the right supplier. Your image is directly related to the quality of their service and their reliability. Make sure you do your homework and read the reviews prior to time, and order product samples to ensure quality. And make sure that you are aware of their fulfillment times to ensure that your customers are informed.

If there are any issues with an order, make sure that you contact clients immediately to let them that you are aware. This might include shipping delays and items out of stock.

Six great ecommerce fulfillment services

Now that you know how to set up an effective fulfillment plan We'll look at handful of top online fulfillment providers. If you are looking for the top ecommerce fulfillment service, consider factors including scalability and integration with the ecommerce platform of your preference, the cost effectiveness, reliability, geographic reach as well as the level of support for customers.

Here are 6 great options to fulfill partners that can integrate seamlessly with :

  1. Red Stag Fulfillment. It is a flexible solid, reliable 3PL and fulfillment service provider with 100% inventory and order accuracy guarantees.
  2. ShipBob. ShipBob offers a comprehensive solution that includes warehousing, inventory management, and ecommerce fulfillment services designed to scale with your business.

The fulfillment of Ecommerce is at every stage

Fulfillment is directly impacted by your supply chain's efficiency, stress levels, satisfaction of your customers, as well as the overall performance of your enterprise -- take the time to establish a solid procedure into your place.

The best place for businesses to begin is by using . It provides powerful e-commerce tools that streamline inventory management and order fulfillment for every type of business from beginning-up company to an established enterprise.

By using, you'll be able to maintain complete control over your store and enjoy unlimited possibilities, access a wealth of equipment for inventory and fulfillment as well as meet a community of business owners that just are eager to see their business succeed.