Tips for online security to ensure your accounts on lock

Mar 30, 2022

1q2w3e. Qwerty123. 123456789.

That's not a cat walking through my keyboard as I type this (sadly). These, dear readers are just three of the most used -and also hacked passwords from last year. Together, they comprise 63.1 million passwords around the world - which is a chump change compared to the 103.1 million accounts with the airtight "123456" as their password.

Internet We can be better.

The following are a few easy internet security tricks that you can apply to your accounts (on and elsewhere!) to start building strong security habits. Are you looking for something more technical? We'll dive into some ideas here, too.

 Tips for online security to protect your expanding business

There were 1,862 breach of data in 2021. This is a rise of 68% from 2020. While IT and security practices could change as your business expands, one thing that you must keep in mind and pay attention to is security for your account. Details about your accounts are wanted by hackers. someone with your password means the ability to access systems and information which aren't intended for all.

Imagine this scenario: nearly 70% of internet customers in the U.S. admit to using the same password across at least some of their accounts on the internet. This can lead to a potentially dangerous domino effect: if just one account in your group is compromised, chances are that others could be at risk too.

 Security sense is good and makes great business sense.

The first and most important step to security for your business or team as well as your customers is securely managing the numerous accounts it may require to manage your business. If you're part of a team consisting of two or 20 people you must all address basic security concerns for accounts.

Here are five internet security tips we follow on .

1. Password managers

Do utilize a password management system for storing passwords.

Don't write these down on sticks or in notebooks.

A computer pop-up modal showing a password entered and unlocking an account

Password managers save your brain. They not only store every password for every account in one place, but they generate strong passwords, modify the information on your account, and even log you into the account in one go. Popular password management tools include LastPass, 1Password, and Dashlane (freemium as well as paid versions offered).

2. Unique passwords

Do use unique passwords for each account.

Do not make the same password across all.

If you use the same password for every account and your account or system is compromised, it means that password is now unsafe. A compromise of the password for a social media account, though not fantastic, will have different implications than, say the bank account of your business password.

3. Strong passwords

Do utilize strong, complicated passwords. Don't use passwords that could be easily deciphered or googled.

A pet's name for a password isn't going to work for any reason. Except if your pet's name is {jr8Cc[ (pronounced with an elongated "j," of course). Fortunately, the handy password management tools we mentioned earlier can create strong passwords for you. Even if you're not using an account manager they will provide a password generator for free on their sites, which means you can start tightening up your accounts as soon as possible.

4. Install 2-factor authentication

You must set up two-factor authentication.

Be careful not to compromise security just for a simple login.

2FA blog art

Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA) is a method of adding a second layer of security to your account. Rather than requiring a one-and-done password, 2FA demands an additional authentication step in order to prove the identity of you and block someone from accessing your account even though they have your password.

The 2FA system can be set up with a security code that must be sent at your address at the time of login or by using an Authenticator application that confirms that you have logged in using the mobile device. Setting up 2FA could add another step to your login process However, it's also one of the most effective ways to be sure your account info is for your eyes only.

5. Individual accounts throughout the board

Do use individual accounts across systems.

Avoid using shared accounts. use shared accounts.

Individual accounts that are dedicated provide solutions to a wide range of issues for fast-growing businesses. A great example is onboarding/offboarding where shared accounts are in play. If someone quits your business, resetting account passwords is a safe bet, but what happens when there are many accounts? What happens when those account credentials get distributed?

It is possible to solve this with Team functions to ensure everyone has their own account instead of sharing an account. Enterprise provides plenty of admin users as ensuring you're covered as your team grows.

Asking your team or whole company to oversee accounts with too many credentials could inadvertently lead to more don'ts than there are do's. However, there's a silver bullet win for all users with Single Sign-On (SSO ).

6. SSO is the hero of the day.

No "don'ts" here for you to consider If you have the option of using Single Sign-On (SSO) make sure you do it. SSO takes care of everything you need all in one go, superbly.

SSO is a one-time account which gives access to all connected, but still separate, systems. SSO signifies that users won't need to keep track of a different password. SSO can help administrators can save time since they don't require setting up or manage additional accounts. It's fairly turnkey, making the adoption of SSO within your organization simple and efficient.

Every account or password you create grows your company's attack surface (the number of entry points that a hacker has to infiltrate your company system and information). Shortly, SSO means no extraneous passwords: nothing to reuse to write down or use to make your password too weak.

If there's one lesson to be learned from these Internet security tips, it's that it only takes a mistake once to cause an issue And nobody wants problems with security that distract your expanding company. If your security procedures for video aren't up to scratch could be improved, these tips can assist.

Enterprise offers that magic silver SSO tool for each customer. Whether your team is creating, collaborating on, live streaming or watching videos, Enterprise's SSO makes sure that every user who has access to your video content is on locked.