This is a must-have LMS Implementation guide (with printable checklist) --

Mar 30, 2022

Online and e-learning have gained momentum as students are preparing for the prospect of remote working and distance learning spaces. Which means businesses invest in digital educational devices and platforms that have never before.

JPMorgan Chase is planning to invest $600 million in enhancing the abilities of employees of its company. Amazon is investing over 700 million dollars in providing an education program for its workers. Additionally, PwC is spending $3 billion on training all of its employees for the next three or four years.

If you're considering the possibilities of an adaptable, modern Learning Management System (LMS) that can provide exciting learning experiences, you'll need an LMS implementation project plan to help you build an effective, successful and long-lasting platform. a successful platform.

In this post we'll teach you the essential information you must know in order to make a more efficient LMS Implementation plan. like:

  • An overview of the basics of what a management system does.
  • What's the ideal software you can use for your business? (with an online guide! )
  • The advantages of having the LMS Plan of implementation
  • Pre-, during, and after-launch activities to make sure you are prepared for your LMS launch (with the launch's online preparation checklist! )

What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?

They can be effective in the right way. They are an e-learning tool that allows instructors to develop as well as upload, organize, disperse, and track their online training initiatives in one place. LMS' are most frequently employed for channel partner training, in addition to continuous learning as well as lead generation.

The most appropriate LMS that meets your requirements

If you're searching for LMS Partners, don't forget to ask the following questions:

  • Can this software be used to meet our requirements in terms of technical?
  • Is it flexible enough to satisfy our requirements?
  • What is the most important factor that will determine the performance of the consumer be?
  • Does it grow in tandem with our expansion?
  • Provides users with the experience they require?

The benefits of having an LMS Plan of implementation

Selecting the best LMS is an achievement in itself. It takes time, dedication as well as numerous meetings with the vendor to find the one that is most suitable to your business's requirements. After you've selected the LMS selected, there's no question you'll need to provide the highest ROI by implementing your thorough LMS Implementation plan.

Here are some advantages of implementing a plan that can allow the system to be operational in a short time

  • It can save you time. If you follow a solid plan, you'll get your system up and running more quickly than if you just wing it after your purchase. You'll be able to save time , and probably some headaches.
  • It allows for a smooth Implementation that is seamless. If you can outline the steps to make sure that your implementation is successful, you're already on your way to the success you've been looking for. If you have a thorough plan, you'll have the ability to consider all the factors that are necessary for a smooth an implementation as possible to both your clients and the customers who you provide.
  • It's easier to earn profits. IBM discovered a return of $30 for every $1 spent in e-learning. No matter how big or small firms are trying to quickly reap the rewards of your LMS purchase. One of the most efficient ways to do this is to employ strategy for implementation that has been planned and provides instant value for clients.

Pro tip: One of the advantages of our premium plan is that you receive the assistance of a personal one-on-one Customer Success Manager (CSM). When you have signed the Plus agreement, the CSM is there to support the goals of your company and act as your guide while you work through the Plus the platform. This includes working with you to build a detailed implementation plan, make a timeline that is feasible and includes crucial milestones. Then, do an analysis of your launch Preparation for you to be sure that you're up to be successful.

16 steps to ensure an effective LMS implementation

Making sure that you have a fresh LMS operating that can provide immediate value isn't easy. This doesn't have to become too overwhelming.

A detailed LMS deployment strategy for rolling out you'll have everything needed to help you through the crucial stages:

  • Pre-Launch
  • During The Launch
  • Post-Launch

 The Pre-Launch Steps to Implementation

An effortless LMS setup begins as soon as you've selected the platform you prefer and are in the phase of the pre-launch phase. Here are the steps we suggest to get your LMS launch in the best direction towards successful completion.

   1. Align your stakeholders

Being a part of your main stakeholders is the primary action to have a purpose. The role of your stakeholder can make or break your success with your LMS implementation. If you're looking to bring your stakeholders together, you must identify the following:

  • Implementation Users (your group of launchers)
  • Employees who are stakeholders within the business (anyone inside your business that your LMS is intended to give the value)
  • Other stakeholders outside the organisation (any third party outside of the organization that could influence your strategy for example, the LMS Support team Web instructors, developers, or designers, content creators and much more)

in an internal view. It's equally crucial to inquire with the managers about any issues they have and get an accurate understanding of their development and education plans.

Once you've established your stakeholder's consensus, it's moment to establish your group that will help in creating the structures that you want. It is best to begin by making sure that everyone is aware of the roles they play. The RACI matrix can be helpful in assigning roles, by defining the person who is accountable, responsible as well as consulted and informed throughout the entire process of the planning process.

   2. Create an outline of your time line (and adhere to it! )

After you've identified the main people to be involved, you're now able to set an effective schedule that's beneficial to all. One way to accomplish this is by moving backwards from the launch date that you'd like to establish. Make a note of that date while also thinking through the major milestones you'll need to accomplish to finish your project on time and assign the milestones to be completed with deadlines. Gantt charts provide the ability to visualize your timetable, so everyone is able to view each step prior to the start date.

Pro-tip: Make sure your timetable is in line with everyone's and that your idea isn't being a part of other initiatives which may distract them from your initiative.

   3. Consider investing in a need for training analysis

A study of the training needs helps you to understand what role your LMS has to perform and the gaps it needs to fill. By conducting a analysis of your needs for training and requirements, you will be able to outline what changes your learners will require in order to transition from the present to their ideal future.

The initial step is to establish the needs of your audience relation to the expectations of ability for specific groups using a an analysis of training requirements. To do this, divide your internal groupings by the categories below and then identify the particular skills or abilities that the person needs to succeed in this group:

  • Job Role
  • Department
  • Organizational Niveau

In the next step, you must determine the gap in the information your employees possess currently and those they will require to acquire for them to reach the level they require or want to become. Knowing the gaps in knowledge will aid you in the creation of the outline of your content to be used in the LMS deployment in the future.

   4. Make sure your content is all in one row

Now, you've established your team, set your deadline, and identified the areas of training deficiencies the LMS will be able to correct. Now you're ready to develop your content, which could be integrated in a couple of different methods.

At first it is possible to import your existing learning content directly into your LMS platform, in order to have it up and functioning quicker. Here at, we offer the Bulk Importer function that permits users to download all their course's video, audio and PDF lesson plans with a simple drag-and-drop. This will make the migration easy! If you're on an Plus plan, the Customer Success Manager (CSM) can be in a position to assist you with custom migration as well.

Additionally, you can make your own course content completely from beginning with a blank slate. If you're taking this route, we suggest starting by creating a plan of contents, then include the interactive features that the new LMS offers - such as questions, surveys and discussions boards. Remember, this method is time-consuming, so be certain to incorporate adequate time in the LMS planning and design and timetable.

   5. Make sure your employees are educated on the System

An LMS is an effective tool for learning if individuals are aware of how to use the tool. So, it's essential to make sure that your students have the ability to use and use the application before they are able to let it free.

Be sure to instruct the novice users how to sign-in and navigate the system in order to gain access to their educational materials. Also, check with your supervisors to make sure they're aware of the system, as well as their roles as it relates to managing the system. You can also assist in the development of the team members.

Pro Tip: A simple guide to learning and easy-to-use FAQ can save you lots of time in answering basic questions such as "What do I have to learn about my login?" or "Which training should I start with?"

   6. Do not forget to think about your user experience

User experience is essential in getting your students' attention and making them eager to use your brand-new LMS. It's crucial to integrate your user experience through the entire pre-launch period so that at launch time, you know the software is easy to use from beginning until the final.

When you're ready to test the user experience of your customers, sign up an anonymous user to your database and give them instructional content. Make sure they got the welcome message , and ensure that they don't receive any spam. Log into your account to make sure everything works as you expect and ensure you've assigned them the correct course material.

   7. Tests, tests, after which you can go through the test

Few things are more frustrating than trying to make the maximum benefit from an application, only to discover that it's not working how you intended to use it. That's why that we're convinced of the importance to test before the release.

Do not forget to test the performance of your gadget when you're in the test mode. You can try a number of different internet browsers, such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox as well as Internet Explorer.

   8. Be prepared for your launch.

This is the final stage after you've invested the time determination, commitment and time to make sure that you have your LMS on the right track and you're likely eager to present it to everyone. Before you press the "Go" button, don't be afraid to check twice and three times your system's preparedness in preparation for the launch.

Download Checklist for Launch Preparedness to ensure you have everything needed to begin your new computer.

The Processes to Implementation You Need to Take During The Launch

Once your LMS has officially been launched, there are several actions you can follow to make sure that the software is kept in good condition so that it's working to its best of its ability.

   9. Review your web content  

With your LMS installation already in progress It's the ideal time to perform an examination of your current material. What other courses or content will you require? Which classes have been successful as well, and which can students be struggling with?

Additionally, you can make changes to improve the amount of engagement in your classes through the layering of assessments, quizzes, and certificates your students are able to share widely.

   10. Organize your curriculum

When you are working on the content strategy that's in the process of being developed You should also make sure to check that the structure of your content is up to the same level as your audience's needs.

When doing this Be certain to go over your courses' categories and sections, and also the navigation. These ensure the learning experience for the student is as informative as it is enjoyable.

   11. Review of the individual course

If you've looked at the whole picture it is now time to concentrate on your course of revisions as a way of course.

Do your courses' content engage students with them and providing them with the support they need? Do the prerequisites of the classes that your students may consider beneficial in preparing students for their future success? Are the students' experiences positive? the students wanting to learn more?

These are essential guidelines to think about when you are taking your classes up and ensure that you are using an LMS provides the highest price.

Pro Tip: On , you could enable course reviews directly within your curriculum so that you can collect student feedback. You can also create a survey lesson type where students can ask questions regarding your curriculum's content.

   12. Activate student support channels

Some of your students are able to complete their training alone. Students will be asking questions and wanting to work alongside other students who are taking similar courses. That's why infusing student support channels in your curriculum is important to keep students interested and motivated.

The channels that can be:

Find out more strategies to improve the student experience on this page.

   13. Enhance the brand image of your website

The ability to customize and brand classes are great ways to help your students connect with your company throughout the learning process. And, with the right LMS program, you'll be able to make your courses unique by incorporating themes you choose, logos, colors, and fonts, as well as personalized interfaces, navigation headers, and footers that will resonate with students. Learn more about branding options here.

   14. Engage your instructors as well as your students.

Keeping students engaged well after your event is a task which requires a bit of grit and a lot of help that can be automated. Particularly, for those that aren't communicating with students more often, which is why emails for students and drip campaigns are important advantages to any LMS.

Drip campaigns can be a successful way to market that requires sending out a flurry of email to students who've abandoned the classes. This is why it's important, in this particular instance to get someone back into their online education experience when they've stopped.

Instructors may also benefit from frequent messages, in particular through notification. Instructors can sign up to as many messages and notifications as they want. No matter what happens, whether brand-new student or brand-new leader decides to enroll in a course or there's a upcoming discussion thread , instructors are able to be informed throughout the day.

Post-Launch Implementation Methodologies

The phase following the launch of your LMS plan for the implementation phase should be a reason to rejoice! It means you've completed your planning and launched your brand-new system - however, the process isn't done yet.

Implementation procedures after the launch will allow you to remain in the loop with your system , allowing you to implement the needed improvements to create stellar online education experience.

   15. Make sure the system is used

Analyzing the data of the system will tell many different stories , such as:

  • Who's using your system?
  • What's the frequency at which they're using it
  • What are the courses that are the most well-liked and which are least?
  • What your students are doing and the way they're progressing in their individual classes
  • This is the place to improve your website's performance

There's more that you'll learn from the use of analytics and data, however, at the core of this is that it will show how efficient your LMS implementation went and what it is that you can improve the future versions of the system. Explore the capabilities of's reporting by clicking here.

   16. Ask for feedback

Though this might represent the end of the LMS plan for implementation, it's absolutely essential for the long-term performance of the system, as well as the online learning applications. The direct feedback of your system's users will help you understand precisely what's working and the areas where it's not working, and also how it's possible to make changes.

No matter what method you pick, make sure to inquire. That way, you can find out what the opinions of people are of the solution you've developed and the impact it will have on people.


As of now, I'm sure you've a clear understanding of what it takes to create an effective LMS implementation plan that can add value to your business. With a well-defined program, the appropriate teamand technology, you'll have everything soon enough to go live with a system that puts the users as well as your company into the spot it's supposed to become.

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