The way to scale the impact of Charitable Causes by utilizing online education

Sep 19, 2024

Since the outbreak started numerous organizations have had to think about ways they can increase the effectiveness of their initiatives and sustain their presence within the community through on-line channels.

The field of charitable work isn't among the fields which is considered to be an early adopter of technological advances, however this is said by Thrive For Good's director of operations James Woller. "Charities are more conventional and cautious in regards to their efforts to grow. This was the reason it was crucial to Thrive adopt a new method of growth and this meant taking an attempt to bet on the house, while also revealing the potential for online education ," He explains.

Learning online has enabled businesses to expand their perspectives. "Before the introduction of internet-based learning, we had impacted approximately 30000 students. Now, we're affecting more than an eighty thousand. The number of people we've assisted has grown from 550 people to nearly 800. We've helped seven countries to 47 and now we're expanding to places previously unimagined," says Woller.

Another organization that's been in need of new ideas for dealing with the responsibilities ensuing from covid-19 includes Vayu Global Health Foundation. Before the epidemic, Burke was traveling every week to teach medical professionals in person. As traveling wasn't feasible due to the epidemic The Vayu team has created an online program that allows to train and educate and also to connect across the world with people around the globe.

"We utilize the facility only to educate pupils," says Vayu's executive director Thomas Burke. "Without our intervention, it would have been spread to an enormous amount because of the spread of the epidemic ."

We spoke to the staff of Thrive For Good's James Woller and Vayu Global Health Foundations' Thomas Burke for a greater idea of how they were able improve their efficiency during this turbulent time across the globe. We discovered that they could accomplish this through two ways that included online education and by looking at their charitable work from the perspective of a progressive one. This is how they increased the impact of their charitable work:

1. Online Teaching

Thrive For Good

2. billion people don't get the nutrition they require. Thrive For Good supplies individuals and their communities all over the world with tools and resources for sustainability in the cultivation of organic, healthy foods that are appropriate to our modern world by offering education for all those who wish to learn how to grow food to feed their families, along with those who can incorporate the basic principles of Thrive in their own programs. The company generates more than one million Canadian dollars every month from fruit and vegetables grown in their communal gardens dependent upon the 50 cents per meal.

Collaboration with other partners in Europe, South America, Africa as well as Asia, Woller says they could not extend their reach to all corners of the world without advent of online courses to facilitate education.

This has not only created a better environment for company, but also made it much easier to deal with those challenges. "Just the other day, I received an email message from one of my acquaintances who is from Uganda located in a nation which has its borders shut down, and mobility severely limited... It's very difficult to locate any trainers in person in the present, and that's why online education could be helpful ."

Woller states that the firm has saved a lot of cash by moving to the Internet. "We're saving thousands of dollars through the help of . If we were to hire experienced and knowledgeable teachers from Thrive for all of our partner community for one month, we'd be unable to expand as much like we did," he says.

Vayu Global Health

Thomas Burke, emergency doctor and professor of The Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health He is also the director of the two companies which he supervises : Vayu Global Health Foundation and Vayu Global Health Innovations.

The Vayu Global Health Foundations is an charitable trust focusing on supporting and finding innovative solutions that can improve maternal, newborn and children's health. Vayu Global Health Innovations Vayu Global Health Innovations, which is also known as the Vayu Global Health Innovations arm of the trust is an official business that means that they are acknowledged with the World Health Organization as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and are fully committed towards global communities as well as the cause of good.

In Vayu they've designed medical devices to help relieve CPAP that Burke states is one of the leading cause of death for youngsters under 5 years old. of age. The equipment used to treat this condition has the capacity reduce the likelihood of dying by up to 66 percent. Because most respirators require energy to operate, which can be expensive, they're not suited to be used in countries which are resource-poor. The Vayu team is able to offer an option that is priced at $300, which is only a fraction of the price of the traditional CPAP machine, which cost $12,000, and that provides similar quality. The device doesn't require energy or support from bioengineering, that makes it affordable to those who have only few resources to use. By using this device, individuals can instruct the local medical professional on how to utilize the gadget.

Since this time since then, it has been a success. CPAP course has proven to be extremely efficient, and the team is currently developing a second course that will instruct medical professionals on how to operate their brand innovative equipment called the oxygen mixer. The typical price is $1200. But they've developed this equipment for only $50, for children with pneumonia or having difficulty breathing.

Furthermore, the platform online provides greater accessibility to the users. It aids in standardizing training for medical equipment. "We have master instructors from every country, but they're not enough. Our training program enables us to increase the quality of instruction that is provided as well as to evaluate. The program is available to everyone." He says.

2. Utilizing a lense with advanced technology

Thrive For Good

Woller states that conventional methods could not be the best approach to improve the charitable impact. "The foundation's success is based on donations from donors as well as contributions. Traditional relationships between the individual donor or philanthropist and the foundation responsible for the program can cause challenges when sizing," he describes. "Donors tend to be reluctant about spending money on technological improvements... They prefer to spend their cash on programs... Actually, enhancing capabilities with technology, there is an opportunity to increase ."

Innovative ideas from the company come from research into companies that are currently focusing their efforts in organic farming as well as nutrition. The company is increasing their operations. "We didn't have to double the amount we invest to improve our performance. The business has moved away from a model that is B2C-based and has become B2B. It's great to think of ourselves as Java in your laptop. It is not necessary for us to change into Dell and Apple. White-labeling helps us to label what we offer. This is a major breakthrough within the realm of giving to charity ."

The company has been able to expand their operations since transitioning to the web, Woller explains. "We were contacted by an organization based in India which has several training facilities, employees of 8000 and members of the community as well as hundreds of individuals that are the beneficiaries. We were contacted by them with their concerns about the security of food in India as well as the Covid-19 crisis as well as their request for all of their instruction into the"Thrive" programme. That's scale."

Woller believes that charitable organizations are crucial to exploring new ideas, and also taking risk. Online training provided by the charity was a gamble that paid positive outcomes. "I think that a dose of innovation for the charitable sector are sought after. For a positive impression, you must take a risk. I'm extremely happy we took the initiative to look into the potential of online learning." he declares.

Although, Woller acknowledges that taking risks could be scary, He believes that the outcome cannot be predicted and is a fundamental aspect of the business process. Woller says the following "Ninety percent of companies fail. not successful, yet entrepreneurs keep striving to improve ."

Vayu Global Health

This is the Vayu Global Health Innovations approach that is based on development of a stable income source to scale up their operation on their own without having to rely on donors. "This is an innovative approach to charitable giving" Vayu Global Health Innovations founder says.

Utilizing a modern lens, they've tapped the internet for online education. The organization is now able to connect with a wider population than they would have been capable of if restricted to in-person training. "We are able to examine the larger picture in relation to people and the systems of care more readily than the demonstrative methods ."

If you're considering the possibility of online education, Burke believes that the outcomes are as great in the amount of work that you've invest in. "You need to be aware the difficulty to develop high-quality educational tools," he says. "Teaching involves some kind of enjoyment as you seek to draw the attention of students. This is not only about creating a compelling presentation. It is important to think out of the box and be awed by your work ."

Burke suggests that charities work with the locals in the areas they're educating in order to create their own course. "It's a great idea for organizations to collaborate with locals instead of using an Americanized instrument, which is attempting to transfer across oceans. That's not likely to be successful," he says.

In summary, establishing an online course is an exciting move towards charitable giving that can greatly increase the chances of an organisation to expand. The risk of taking a chance, being innovating and challenging the status quo could allow charities to expand its reach and effectiveness.

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