The Use of Cognitive Learning Theory

May 16, 2023

The 1920s were the time when Swiss educational psychologist, Jean Piaget, worked at the Binet Institute where he was responsible for translating English questions on intelligence to French. In his years at Binet Institute, Piaget became fascinated by the reasons why certain children answered logically wrong and other children got them right.

In the past, behaviorism was the dominant theory behind this; psychologists judged the capacity of children to respond to these types of questions based on the interactions they had with their environment.

In 1936, Piaget advocated for a alternative theory. He believed that the inner workings of a child's brain decide what they do when it comes to logic questions. Piaget's assumptions on intelligence were:

  • The development of children's brains occurs in stages and their behaviours shift to reflect these cognitive changes.
  • The intelligence of children differs from that of adults' quality-wise (not the quantity). It is due to the fact that children see their world in a different way than adults.
  • Children aren't the only ones to engage with the world around them They also keep information about the world mentally which affects how they respond to questions that involve logical thinking

Jean Piaget termed his line of thought as "cognitive learning theory". Over the years, educators across the globe have employed techniques for cognitive learning that have helped their students to become better learners.

Read on to find out:

What is cognitive learning?

The term 'cognitive learning' is derived from cognition, which refers to the mental method of taking in and keeping information using the senses, thinking as well as experience. Learning through cognitive processes, as a whole, is a style of learning that focuses on maximising the brain's capabilities.

Reminisce about your days at high school. Was there a subject that you just gravitated toward? You found it easy to comprehend because it simply seemed to click for you? Did you find a notion or subject that you found hard to comprehend regardless of how hard tried?

In Piaget's Cognitive Learning theory, your capacity to grasp (or not comprehend something will depend on how your brain mentally processes information related to that topic. With the use of cognitive strategies that you can take on topics that would be 'naturally' difficult for you to grasp. These strategies make it easier to make connections between new information as well as existing ideas. This enhances your ability to keep and recall information.

The present day cognitive learning theory has been broken into two types:

  • Social cognitive theory is the idea that the things people see around them and the behaviors they observe affect their behavior as well as the rate at which their brains develop in terms of cognitive development. In other words, a child's behaviour can be affected by how they observe their teachers and other students. This is why teachers are urged to model their behavior.
  • Cognitive behavior theory: This is the notion that the way an individual thinks, feels and acts are connected, and it can influence their capacity to comprehend. For example, if a student believes they're naturally not good at Physics and they don't grasp the concept no matter how it's explained, they'll likely feel frustrated and irritated during an Physics course, this can result in lower performance.

The strategies for cognitive learning are designed to remove obstacles to learning and offer different (and more individualized) methods for students to learn. Mastering the elements can make you a more effective (and more efficient) learner, and increase the likelihood of achieving success at anything you set your mind to.

What exactly are elements of cognitive Learning?

If you are a person seeking to improve one skill (or two) Here are a few crucial components of cognitive development that you must know about:



Learning by cramming to retain it is an ineffective way of learning and cognition techniques for learning hinder the process. In the process of learning through cognitive processes, your aim is to gain a deep understanding of the topic so that you can relate concepts that are new to you with previous knowledge.


Cognitive learning strategies will encourage you to consider the material in your course or lesson and work ways of applying it to real-life scenarios. Doing so helps you develop advanced critical thinking skills in problem-solving, as well as qualities of leadership that you can use at school and in the workplace.

What is the distinction between constructivism and cognitivism?

Jean Piaget's work in cognitive development comprised two distinct notions: cognitivism and constructivism. Both concepts are alike in that they are focused on the processes of mind which are associated with learning as opposed to only externally observable behavior. However, cognitivism and constructivism are different.

Through cognitivism, we are seen as beings who can think, analyze and assess any new information without having to actively participate in it. Instead of reacting to stimuli from outside and absorbing them via conditioning, learners can passively assess the information and store it.

A great example of cognitivist learning is lectures. In lectures, all students must do is sit in their seats (or behind their computers) and pay attention to teachers explain ideas. Although note-taking is great, students are able to process the information the teacher communicates to them without taking notes.

Constructivism On the other hand, perpetuates the belief that individuals take in and interpret new information on the basis of the previous experience and knowledge. That is, they are actively creating their own understanding and their perception of the world around them. The constructivists think that for knowledge to stay with us, learners have to actively engage in the process of learning.

Therefore, instead of lecture classes instructors who are constructivist are more in favor of conducting interactive group activities, giving students problems to solve and experiments to carry out, as well as real-world situations for them to apply their knowledge to.

Examples of cognitive learning

There are many types of cognitive learning. Below are 10 of them.

Implicit learning

Did you learn something you didn't intend to? If you answered yes, then you've experienced an implicit learning. With implicit learning, you're usually not conscious of the whole learning process until you suddenly realize you have a new ability/knowledge that you didn't have before.

Examples of things you can learn implicitly include walking, talking, or even typing quickly without looking at your keyboard.

Explicit learning

Explicit learning happens when you intentionally seek knowledge. Unlike implicit learning, explicit education requires you to pay attention and put in effort to become proficient at the subject you're studying. Examples of learning that is explicit would be taking an online course for learning about content marketing or returning to school to obtain a fresh degree.

Cooperative or collaborative learning

This form of learning includes four elements, which include:

  • Personal responsibility: Although people work together as an organization, every person must have responsibilities they are personal accountable for.
  • Simultaneous interaction: All members of the group should be able to engage in discussions about the topic they're learning and how they're each utilizing their knowledge.
  • Positive interdependence Each person of the group has their own unique responsibility, they should also be able to get help from others when they need it.
  • Equal participation: In collaboration learning, everyone of the group is equal. There is no one who has more power or ranks above other members.

Discovery learning

When you actively seek new knowledge by doing research on new concepts, ideas or subject matter, you're participating in learning through discovery. In the case of, for instance, you write an article and need a tool such as Hemingway Editor to edit and proofread, you'll end up understanding more about the editor it self through exploration.

Meaningful learning

Meaningful learning happens in the context of relating new information to past experiences. The result is usually the transfer of skills which are applicable to other areas of life, including the workplace and school. An example of meaningful learning is when you work in marketing and take a marketing strategy course to increase your knowledge of the subject.

Emotional learning

Learning to manage emotions involves learning how to manage their emotions, understand the emotions of others and increase their ability to deal with emotions. Whatever you are doing at work, a high level of emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in how you exhibit the ability to communicate, show empathy, and handle interactions with colleagues and other people.

In particular, learning to be emotionally aware helps you to interact positively with both introverts and extroverts in whatever setting that you're in. In the case of customer service, knowing how to handle your emotions and recognize the emotions of other customers will help you navigate your interactions with customers.

Experiential learning

They say that experience is the greatest teacher. Experience allows the person to discern and learn important life lessons learned through your interactions with other people. But, the information you gain through those interactions depends on how you interpret them.

It means that two individuals can have the same experience, but learn various learnings from the experience. If, for instance, you are a CEO's shadow on the job, you might be taught the value of leadership through examples. But someone who is not in your job position could discover how to run the most productive board meetings instead.

The value of your experiences is contingent on how well you reflect on it and relate it to present/past situations.

Learning by observation

Observational learning involves imitating people who possess the qualities and skills that you would like to possess. This type of learning is commonly found in children (as they imitate adults) however, adults may utilize it in specific contexts. You can, for instance, improve your leadership qualities by mimicking your boss in the office. It is also possible to become a more effective team player by observing the habits of great colleagues you share with.

Receptive learning

If you study through lectures in which a professor is in front of the class and talks about a subject while you listen, then you're doing receptive learning. This kind of learning demands students to participate in the class by making inquiries and recording notes.

A good example of learning through receptive is when a school or work invites professionals to instruct your students or team in a classroom hall, workshop, or classroom environment.

Non-associative Learning

Learning that is not associative involves adapting to an unfamiliar situation or thing by facing it repeatedly. This type of learning is classified into two types that are habituation and sensitization.

It's the process of learning that you do by the habit of doing something. This means that your reaction to an object (or the situation) decreases over time the more you're exposed to it. For example, if you're new to a house near the station for trains, you may be disturbed by the sounds of trains moving through initially. But the longer you live there, the sound isn't as bothersome since you'll learn to forget about the sound.

Sensitization On the other hand is when your response to an event (or the situation) is enhanced with time exposure to it. In the case of a start a new job as a receptionist, then you will notice right away when the office telephone is ringing. As you remain longer at your job as a receptionist, your ears become more tuned to the sounds of the phone.

Advantages from Cognitive Learning

If you'd like to explore cognitive learning strategies, here are some benefits you stand to gain:

Improved comprehension

Learning through cognitive processes requires that students implement what they've learned in practice. A hands-on approach to learning helps students understand the nuances of the subject and their ability to apply it in real-life situations.

Improved problem-solving abilities

Cognitive learning provides people with the necessary skills to tackle difficult issues swiftly and efficiently. These skills are important for any position of leadership no matter the environment.

Habits of continuous learning

Learning through cognitive methods fosters a passion of learning and makes the process of learning new information exciting and exhilarating. Instead of merely listening to the latest information it lets you apply your learning, and connect the dots between the information you're learning and that you already have learned.

Increased confidence

If you gain a greater knowledge of new subjects through cognitive learning and practice, you'll improve your skill set and gain greater confidence when carrying out tasks.

Faster learning

As you gain new knowledge via cognitive learning You'll discover some of the learning strategies that will benefit you. When you've figured out these techniques and techniques, you'll be able master new skills much more quickly and in the near future.

Cognitive Learning Strategies & How to Apply It within the Education Industry

Spaced learning/repetition

The difference, however, is that each of the three classes will be on the identical subject, however in three different ways. The first learning period might be the video of a professor giving an explanation of the subject. A second learning period could be a test that tests students' knowledge of the explanations in the first period. And the last period might require applying the new information to complete a task.

Breaks of 10 minutes in each learning period prevent an overabundance of information to students. These breaks don't have to be a time for idleness and you could incorporate distraction activities like memorizing words or performing a physical activity which isn't related to the subject you're teaching.

Studies have shown that spatial learning is an extremely efficient technique for learning which can produce excellent results in tests as well as lasting memory recall.


Learning through reflection involves having students write down what they've learned from the class, as well as their lack of understanding, and how they think they can assist their teacher more effectively.

This learning process typically is done at the end of a classroom session You can also incorporate a reflection activity in the final session of every subtopic you teach within your online class. Students will be able to see which areas they're excelling in and what they're not, and they'll be able to revisit difficult subjects. The students will also make use of that moment to make connections between their new and their prior understanding.

Instruct your students to send their reflection activities to you by email. It is crucial because they demonstrate to you:

  • What are your students doing in comprehending the topic
  • What is the effectiveness of your instructing style(s) are
  • Which topic(s) you weren't able to explain effectively?

Once you've this information it will allow you to make changes to your class as well as help students achieve higher grades.

Graphic organizers

Graphic organizers are diagrams showing the connections between facts, concepts as well as ideas. The most common examples of graphic organizers include bar charts, pie charts, flow charts, mind maps, as well as spider diagrams.

The organizers let students to:

  • Consider a topic
  • Visualize procedures and processes
  • Make sure they organize your thoughts
  • Create connections between new information and things they've learned in the past

Use these mental techniques in your class to communicate information and assist students improve their thinking skills. The ability to organize their thoughts into comprehensive patterns can aid students in developing more comprehension of the subject.


Note-taking is among the most efficient strategies for students to develop their listening abilities and comprehension of the subject and retention of information. So encourage your pupils to note down the most important aspects as they go through your course.

Not only does writing down the significance and use of concepts make them stay longer, but those who take notes end up having a resource that they are able to revisit whenever they do not remember something.

Include cognitive learning strategies in your online course