The Ultimate List of Training Templates: Improve Your Training Programmes

Aug 23, 2023

Make use of our top list of training templates for quick and easy planning your outline, design, and create your training programs, including many different assignments.

The templates are the key to the many internal workings of companies today. From posts on social media to website pages template designs are assisting businesses build their brand with efficiency and flair. But templates are also used to aid companies in internal. Company newsletters, surveys or even training sessions can be simplified with using templates that are easy to use.

But what templates should you choose? In this blog post we'll give you an extensive list of training templates and explain the best way to utilize each. The templates we provide for training are simple and simple to alter, which means there will definitely be one that appeals to you. No matter if you're starting out with your training, or seeking ways to improve your current plan, this guide can assist you in finding the perfect design for you.

  Table of Contents  

Training Templates

Training Needs Analysis Template

The HTML0 template can be ideal for businesses that require help in determining what they should focus on when it comes to their training efforts.

   Job Roles and Requirements:  

  •     Job Role    
  • Job Description (what are the specific duties that a person in this position is required to perform? ):
  • The Skills that are required (what characteristics do employees require for these tasks? ):

   Skills Levels in Existing:  

  •     Employee Name:    
  • Skills Levels Current (use the previous training metrics) :
  • Aspects of Strength (in which areas did this worker perform greatest? ):
  • The areas for improvement (in which of the areas the employee's performance have been better? ):

   Skill Gaps  

  • Identification of Skill Gap (what essential skill is lacking in your employees? ):
  •     employees affected:    
  • Effect on Performance (how has your employees not having this skill made productivity suffer? ):

   Learning Objectives  

  •     Objective:    
  • Knowledge and Skills to Improve (which gaps in your skills do you want to fill? ):
  • Expected Results (what you would like to gain by working towards this goal? ):

Training Agenda Template

When you've identified what abilities you would like to see your staff develop In the end, you must think about exactly what your training will look like. The majority of them are straightforward however feel free to include or take out any elements that are not relevant to your training.       Training Topic:  
    Training Date:  
    Session Title:  
    Timings for Breaks:

  •     Morning Break    
  •     Lunch Break    
  •     Afternoon Break    

Overview of End-of-Day and Objectives: (what did you learn from this experience? what did you want to accomplish? What was the result? (And If not, what can you achieve it with the next training session?)

Online Training Module Template

Many companies are turning to online learning to help accommodate remote or hybrid employees, or to get their employees more accustomed to working online. If this sounds appealing to you, then try this template to plan and summarize your online training experience.

Learning Objectives (what are you hoping your employees to gain from this learning experience? How would you like your company to benefit from this training session? )

  •     The goal 1 is:    
  •     Objective 2:    

Multimedia Content: (online training can utilize a variety of forms of media. Take advantage of this. Use this area to discuss about how they appear and the ways they can make your employees feel part of the learning experience. )

  •     Text Content    
  •     Image Description:    
  •     Video Title:    

Interactive Elements: (online training also allows you to create elements that your employees can engage directly, not unlike the traditional seminar or presentation. Make sure you use them and post about them on this page. )

  •     Quiz Description:    
  •     Interactive Diagram Description    

End of Module Assessment (the greatest benefit of training online is that you can see precisely what your employees acquired through an online assessment. here, you can prepare questions, and provide feedback on mistakes that can assist employees to get it right for the next test. )

  •     Assessment The question:    
  •     Right Answer:    
  •     Feedback for Incorrect Answers:    

Offline Training Session Planning Template

It could be that online training is not suitable for you or the training you receive requires the use of a person-to-person method. This template can be used to arrange all of your offline training sessions.

The session's goals and objectives: (what do you expect employees and your business to get from this course? )

  •     Goal 1.    
  •     The goal 1 is:    

Required Materials and Equipment: (what things do you require for a successful training session? )

  •     1 item:    
  •     2.    

A detailed session plan : (write here specifically what your training program should be as)




Assessment Methodology: (how do you plan to determine the lessons your employees have absorbed? )

  •     Assessment Description    
  •     Scoring System    

Training Materials Template

Undecided on the right format in your class? Go through this template to outline your plans while planning.

Learning Objectives: (what do you think your employees and company will benefit from this course? )

  •     Objective 1:    
  •     Goal 2:    

Key Points and Summaries: (what are the most significant learnings from your experience? what will you be emphasizing throughout your training? )

  •     Key Point 1:    
  •     Summary of Point 1. Point 1:    

Interactive Exercises and Case Studies: (it is important to use the exercises and case studies in the training program to keep employees interested and to aiding them in retaining their knowledge. What will these be like? )

  •     Exercise 1 Description:    
  •     First Case Study Description    

Additional Information: (what else will you require in order to reach your learning objectives? )

  •     Resource 1    
  •     Resource 2.    

Employee Assessment Template

The most crucial aspect of training your employees is what is next. Did your employees learn the things you planned to teach them? And how can you make sure they are able to retain the information? Tests are the most effective option to accomplish this, especially with the help of a template.

Pre-assessment: (it is crucial to ask your employees questions prior to the beginning training in order to know where they were at to get started. this will help you see the effectiveness of your training when compared to your post-assessment. )

  •     Question 1:    
  •     Right Answer:    

Assessment post-test : (asking the similar question that you did for the prior assessment will give you a great gauge of how much was learned, but you can be able to ask questions regarding the actual training)

  •     Question 1:    
  •     Right Answer:    

Scoring System: (it is important that you analyze the scores for each employee separately and also as a group. Determine the score range, and interpret the results in a way that makes sense for you. )

  •     Score Band:    
  •     Score Interpretation:    

Feedback: (scores are helpful, but you also need qualitative information. Utilize your score interpretations as well as employee feedback to fill this part. )

  •     Feedback Point 1:    
  •     Feedback 2.    

Feedback Form Template

When it comes to feedback, you can also ask employees for their thoughts on your training through a feedback form. This is a great idea for informing the next training session.

The Content Rating (Scale 1- 5): (Ask your employees which content they felt was most [5] to least [1] engaging, helpful, etc. )

  •     Content Area 1.    
  •     Content Area 2:    

Suggestions and Comments: (numbers are not always sufficient information to make a decision from. Ask employees what they would have liked to see, what they would have done instead, etc. )

  •     Comments 1    
  •     Comment 2.    

Overall Experience (Scale 1-5)): (ask your employees to rank the most important moments of the training from best [5] to worst [1] with regard to the level of satisfaction, assistance, etc. )

  •     Experience Area 1.    
  •     Experience Area 2:    

Training Report Template

After planning, implementing your program, and collecting data, it's vital to create a written report outlining exactly what occurred and your most significant outcomes to help you plan future training sessions. This template for a report will aid you retain all of the important details.

Training Overview: (what were the plans to train you? What did the training actually end up looking like? )

  •     Instructions given:    
  •     Number of Participants:    
  •     Date and Duration:    

Assessment Results (how you rated the quality of training? What can it reveal about your training initiative? )

  •     Assessment Conducted:    
  •     Report of the Results    

The Summary of the Feedback (what was the most important feedback you received on your training? what did you learn about the training you took part in because of it? )

  •     Feedback received:    
  •     Principal Takeaways    

Recommendations and Future Actions: (how can you make your training more efficient for the future? What lessons have you learned from this training experience? the legacy you're leaving? )

  •     Recommendation 1:    
  •     Future Action 1:    

Template for Training Certificates

Everyone would like to be acknowledged with a reward for hard work. An award for training helps employees feel confident about themselves and allows you to easily identify the employees who are performing in the top notch. Make use of this template using a tool such as Canva to create an educational and congratulatory training certificate.

This is to confirm that    the [Trainee's name]

has completed successfully "Training Description" at [Dateat [Date]

[Training Provider] [Signature]

Training Follow-up Template

One of the best ways to receive authentic feedback is by taking a personal approach. If you are not likely to find your employees on the street or in the breakroom and you weren't in a position to speak to them following the training session was over This follow-up form is easy to fill out and mail without appearing unfriendly.

Dear Employee Name Thank you for your time. We hope that you've found our course on  the subject of your traininguseful. We're looking to find out how you've utilized the new abilities and information gained. Are you having any concerns or do you have anything that needs help?

Let us know what we can do to help you more.

Best, [Your Name]

Remember, these are just basic outlines. They should be customized and developed further to meet specific needs and should ideally include your company's logo and branding as well as personal details.

Customize and download the training templates below:


We hope that these templates help you create blueprints and other materials fast and efficiently.

This list of templates for training included in this blog post will help you find the right design for your needs.

When you're developing new training materials or seeking ways to refine an existing program These templates can save you time, energy and cash. Don't delay - begin making use of them now!