The Must-Have LMS Implementation guide (with printable checklist) --

Mar 30, 2022

E-learning and online learning has been growing rapidly as more and more people are getting ready for experience the benefits of remote learning and remote work environments. The business world is investing in digital learning tools and systems in a way which has not been done before.

JPMorgan Chase is planning to spend $600 million on educating employees in its business. Amazon is investing more than 700 million dollars in an upskilling program for its workers. In addition, PwC is spending $3 billion on training for all of its employees within the next three-to-four years.

If you're exploring the possibilities for a more adaptable, contemporary learning management system (LMS) which can provide thrilling learning experiences, you'll require an LMS Implementation plan that will help you build an effective, successful, and sustainable platform. an efficient platform.

This post will instruct all you have to learn to create a simple LMS implementation strategy. for example:

  • A brief reminder of what a learning management system actually is.
  • A powerful tool to run your company (with the guide that is available for download! )
  • The benefits from the having An LMS Plan of implementation
  • Before, during, and post-launch steps to prepare for the LMS launch (with the launch's preparedness checklist! )

HTML0 What exactly is Learning Management Program (LMS)?

LMS' can be effective devices when used properly. They can be extremely effective when used correctly. LMS could be defined as an electronic platform for learning which allows trainers in creating, uploading as well as manage, distribute and monitor the online learning programs from one place. LMS typically utilized for channel partner or customer training and continuing learning and lead generation.

Selecting the best fit LMS to your company

If you are looking for LMS partners, you should ask these concerns:

  • Does this tool satisfy our technical requirements?
  • Does it have enough flexibility to be able to meet our demands?
  • What is the most important factor in the success of the customer be?
  • Can it be scaled to keep up with the expansion of our business?
  • Provides users with the experience that students require?

Advantages of an LMS Plan of implementation

The selection of the right LMS is an enormous task by itself. It's a time-consuming process that requires dedication, time as well as a variety of interactions with the provider in order to select a solution that will best suit the needs of your company. After you've had the LMS selected, it's obvious that you'll need to provide your most effective ROI by implementing a comprehensive LMS Implementation plan.

Here are a few benefits of creating a project program that can get your system running quickly:

  • It will save you time. If you've got a planned plan for implementation, you'll be capable of getting the new system up and running quicker than if just wing it after your purchase. It will help you save both time and great deal of stress.
  • This allows for an easy Implementation that is seamless. When you outline the steps necessary to ensure that your implementation is successful, you're already on your way to a smooth. With a clearly defined strategy and a crystal clear picture for all aspects necessary for the most efficient implementation for both you and the customers that you are serving.
  • Returns can be generated quicker. IBM uncovered a $30 return on every dollar spent on e-learning. However big or massive, organizations are looking to swiftly reap the rewards of an LMS purchase. One of the fastest methods to achieve this is to employ the right implementation strategy which provides immediate benefits to the customers.

Pro advice: One of the benefits of our premium plan Plus, which is an additional benefit, is that you'll receive the support of the services of a individual Customer Success Manager (CSM). When you sign your Plus contract and sign it, your CSM is there to help you achieve your goals and act as your primary guide when you use the Plus platform. The CSM will work with you in drafting the outline of your execution plan. Create a timetable that's practical, and includes important milestones. You should also take the time to complete an Launch Preparedness Review in order to be sure that you're set to be successful.

16 steps to ensure the most efficient LMS deployment

Making sure that you have the latest LMS in place and ready to deliver the best value in the shortest timeframe isn't a simple task. The task doesn't have to be daunting.

Along with a thorough LMS rolling out plan for implementation, you'll have everything you need to guide you through the essential steps:

  • Pre-Launch
  • At the time of its release
  • Post-Launch

 Steps to Implementation of the Pre-Launch Plan

The task of mapping out an effortless LMS implementation starts when you've decided on the system you'd like to work with and are in the first launch stage. Following are some of our suggestions to help you get your LMS launch off with a bang.

   1. Find a way to align with your stakeholder

Joining stakeholder groups is the initial step for a reason. Your stakeholder group's members could be the determining factor in your success with your LMS implementation. If you are trying to align your stakeholders you must identify the following:

  • Implementation participants (your Launch team)
  • Internal stakeholder (anyone within your company to whom the LMS is meant to provide benefit to)
  • Other parties (any external parties that could impact your plans such as, those that are from the LMS Support team web developers, instructors, or designers, or creators of content and more)

from an internal perspective is important to investigate the managers to find any problems with their process of onboarding and get a thorough knowledge of their training and development plans.

After you've established the alignment of your stakeholders, you're ready to build your team to help to create the structure that you envision. It's time to make sure everyone is aware of their role. The RACI matrix is an effective method for assigning roles, by assigning who is responsible for being accountable and who is kept informed at each stage of the planning process.

   2. Create an outline of your time line (and adhere to it! )

Once you've identified your main people to be involved, you're now able to establish a solid schedule that's beneficial to all involved. One way to do this is by working in reverse from the start date. Make that date a priority in the back of your thoughts while you consider the major milestones you'll need in order to complete your task on time as well as assigning your milestones with a deadline. Gantt charts provide a visual representation of your timeline, so that everyone is able to see every milestone that has been completed up to the launch date.

Pro Tip: Make sure your timelines fit into everybody's schedule as well as ensuring make sure your project doesn't have opposition to major projects, which can distract them from their work.

   3. Be sure to invest in a needs analysis

An analysis of training requirements can help you determine what your LMS must do and what gaps it has to fill. Analyzing your training needs will help to determine the changes that students have to undergo in order to move from their current situation to their desired future.

First, you must assess your audience's specific needs based on skill expectations for certain groups with an analysis of training needs. For this, separate your groups within the categories below and identify the particular skills or expertise that an individual must have to excel in the particular class.

  • Job Role
  • Department
  • Organizational Niveau

You must determine the gap between the abilities your employees already have and those they will need to develop in order to reach where they'd like. This information will assist you in creating an outline of content to plan the LMS deployment to come.

   4. Make sure your content is in the same row

At this point, you've created your team, decided on your date, and decided on the training deficiencies which your LMS will be able to solve. Now you're ready to develop the actual content - that may be utilized in many ways.

In the beginning, you are able to upload your course materials directly into your LMS platform to get started sooner. We have the Bulk Importer function that lets you to upload all of your course's video, audio and PDF lesson plans using drag and dropping. This makes the transfer procedure much easier! When you sign up for a Plus membership, The Customer Success Manager (CSM) will be able to help you through custom migrations , too.

You can also create your own course material entirely from scratch. If you opt to create your own content, we suggest creating a plan of content and then integrating the interactive features your new LMS features - such as surveys, questions or discussions boards. However, keep in mind that this process is time-consuming therefore, ensure that you make sufficient commitment to time within your LMS design and implementation plan as well as plan.

   5. Make sure that your employees are educated on the System

A LMS is a powerful learning tool if individuals are aware of the best ways to utilize it. So, it is essential to make sure that all users are able to access and use the system before letting them loose.

Start by teaching novice users on how to log in and navigate the system to access their learning material. Also, it is an excellent idea to confirm with managers to make sure that they understand the system and what their roles are as it relates to controlling the system. It is also possible to help them develop the group members.

Pro Tip: A simple training guide and a quick-to-access FAQs can help you save hours of solving basic questions such as "What do I have to know regarding my username?" or "Which training should I do prior to doing any training?"

   6. Don't forget about your experience as a user

The experience with your users is crucial in grabbing your students' interest and getting them excited about making use of your brand new LMS. It is crucial to incorporate your users' experience throughout the phase prior to launch, so that, at your day of launch, you're certain that the platform you choose to use is easy to navigate through the entire process.

If you're ready to evaluate the customer experience of your clients, register for beta users. Give them content for training. Verify if they were greeted by an email to them. They should not receive any unwanted messages. Log in to their account to verify that the system is functioning exactly how you want it to. Also, be sure that they received proper training materials.

   7. The test is then repeated and the test will be repeated. the test

Nothing is more frustrating than working hard to launch a system, but then finding that it's not working the way you'd like it to. That's why we're convinced about the importance of testing before launching.

Check the functionality of your device while you're in test mode. Try a range of internet browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox as well as Internet Explorer.

   8. Make sure you are prepared for your launch.

In the final stage, you've invested the effort commitment to time, effort, and energy to get your LMS up and running successfully. You're likely eager to get out to people to see. Prior to hitting the "go" button don't be hesitant to make sure you double- and triple-check your system's setup in preparation for the launch.

Download The launch preparation checklist to ensure that everything is in order before you start your new system.

Implementation Methods to Follow During Your Launch

Now that your LMS is officially in operation There are a few steps that you should take to ensure the system running in tip-top shape, so that it performs at the top of its potential.

   9. Create a list of all the contents you own

With your LMS implementation already underway this is the timing to perform an audit of the content you have. What other content or courses are you looking for? Which classes are performing well as well, and which do students struggle with?

Furthermore, you may make efforts to boost your classes' participation by using layers of tests, quizzes as well as certificates that students may share broadly.

   10. Organize your curriculum

In the process of hammering out your content approach that is an ongoing endeavor Also, you can take some time to ensure that the design and structure is in tune with the demands of your viewers.

If you do this, make certain to look over the course's categories, sections and categories and also the your navigation. These ensure the user experience is informative as it's engaging.

   11. Review of the individual course

If you've taken a glance at the big view, it's time to concentrate on taking your course of revisions step by step.

Does your course connect students with them and providing students the chance to excel with the skills they need? Are there prerequisites to the classes your students might be able to benefit from in setting their course for success? Are the course's completion leaves the students wanting to find out more?

These are essential concerns to consider as you take your classes to higher levels and also ensure your LMS continuously provides worth.

Pro suggestion: On , you can let course reviews directly within your course curriculum to easily collect feedback from students. You can also create the format of a survey asking students questions about the course's content.

   12. Make student support channels active

Many of your students will be able to complete the training by themselves. There will be questions, or they'll want to work with other students who are taking the same courses. That's why including channels for student support during your class is crucial for keeping students involved and inspired.

The channels that fall under HTML0 could comprise:

Discover more ways to enhance the experience of students here.

   13. Enhance the brand image of your website

Course branding and customization is an effective method of linking your students to your organization through the entire learning process. If you have the proper LMS tool, you can personalize your course by using themes you prefer, logos, colors, and fonts. You can also create custom layouts, navigation headings, headers, and footers that will impress your students. Discover more about our brand choices here.

   14. Engage your students and your teachers.

Engaging students well following the launch is a skill that takes a touch of perseverance and plenty of support that is automatic. Particularly for students that are not talking to their peers, the better that's why emails for students along with drip-campaigns can be hugely beneficial to an LMS.

The drip-based campaign is an extremely popular method of marketing that requires sending an enthralling number of messages to students who are slipping away from the courses. This is why it's important to use drip-based campaigns to re-engage someone with their education online after they've fallen off.

Instructors can also benefit from the frequent communications, especially via notifications. By using notifications, instructors are able be enrolled in numerous notifications and messages as they want. No matter if the lead is new or a student enrolls in their class or a brand new blog post regarding the topic. Instructors remain informed in all instances.

 Post-Launch Implementation Techniques

After the launch phase, your LMS preparation for the implementation phase is a reason to celebrate! It means you've completed planning and have launched your new platform , but you're still working hard.

The post-launch steps to adopt HTML0 will help you stay at the top of your game. It will also allow you to make needed improvements to create incredible learning experiences via the internet.

   15. Monitoring system usage

Analyzing your system's data will reveal a variety of stories, such as:

  • Who is the user of your system
  • How often are they using the frequency?
  • Which courses are most and least popular
  • How are your students developing in your classes?
  • In which areas you can improve

There's more to discover through analytics and data but at the heart of this is that it will be able to tell you how effective your LMS implementation went and ways to improve the any future versions of the system. Learn more about the features of LMS's reporting using this link.

   16. Ask for feedback

While this may be the most important step in your LMS implementation project plan however this is likely essential to the ongoing development of your program and your online learning course. The direct feedback you receive from users who use your system can help you identify exactly what's working well and the areas in which it's not performing, and also how possible to alter the course.

Whichever method you use be certain to ask questions. That way, you can determine exactly what people think of the system you have created and the value it brings to them.


At this point, I'm hoping that you've got a good understanding of what steps you need to follow to develop an effective LMS implementation plan that will add value for your company. If you have a clear plan, a competent staff, and the right technology, you'll have everything soon enough to go live with a system that will take the users you want as well as your company into the position that it is required to be.

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