The introduction of Easy Affiliate + Member Join the power that is growing of referral marketing WordPress Membership plugin. Membership sites

Mar 13, 2024

Introduce Easy Affiliate and Member: Be a part of the growing Power of Referral Marketing

Title Image  Member and Easy Affiliate Program

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There's never been a simpler way to set up and run an affiliate program on the Member website using Easy Affiliate. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know and offer strategies to get the most out of this effective increase in sales.

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It's difficult to quantify the extent to which affiliate marketing has a dominant position in the digital marketing world. The affiliate marketing market was estimated to be more than $20 billion which is predicted to nearly double by 2030..

That's particularly impressive considering that most affiliate marketers only get the payment when they've actually made an actual sale. It's trillions of dollars of sales and revenuegenerated by this type of marketing.

If you're a business that hasn't yet embraced affiliate marketing, or you're looking to change to less expensive affiliate marketing platforms to increase the amount of users on your site, this latest integration can be an enormous benefit to your business and your pocket.

The debut of Easy AffiliateThe All-in-one Affiliate Program Plug-in to WordPress which is integrated into Member.

Look up more detailed information on the main features of this software, complete with suggestions to maximize the benefits of it to generate more the profits of your company.

Affiliate Marketing 101

In case you're completely new in affiliate marketing this is an easy explanation to bring you up to speed.

Affiliate marketing is a widely used strategy that allows individuals are compensated for their efforts to promote a company's products or products or. When a transaction is made using their exclusive referal link, the Marketing Affiliate (or more commonly, an affiliate) receives a portion of the seller.

This marketing technique offers a number of advantages for members and eCommerce sites:

  • If you make use of the affiliate method, the only time you have to pay for a purchase is when it is completed. This makes it an cost-effective, low-risk method to increase your client base without having to pay the initial expenses that are associated with traditional methods of advertising.
  • This fact that it's dependent on performance, it is also a sign that it's highly adaptable and is suitable for websites with memberships, no matter their stage of development. If the number of subscribers you have grows rapidly, you won't require a expansion in your marketing effort or cost.
  • Affiliates, specifically those who are in alignment with the site's goal, can directly connect with a certain people. Have a soccer fanzine or perhaps a vegan cooking class? People who have niches are the most most effective persons to share details about your company. With them as part of your marketing, you can be very focused, attracting members who are more likely engage on your website's contents and community.
  • Contrary to single-day ad campaigns affiliate marketing offers an ongoing marketing campaign for your membership site. Continuous exposure keeps your site in the forefront and also draws new members in the course of time with time.

If you've gotten all the information on affiliate marketing, and its value to your company is evident, it's now time to look at the benefits of Easy Affiliate integration will mean to your membership website.

What exactly is Easy Affiliate?

Easy Affiliate Hompage

Easy Affiliate permits you to run a self-hosted affiliate marketing system directly from your WordPress Dashboard.

When you have an affiliate program hosted by yourself and having more control over the affiliate registration process. Additionally, you will have direct control over the payouts and commissions as well as avoid the transaction costs that third-party platforms charge.

As the name implies it makes the whole process of establishing and running your application a breeze with not requiring any expertise. It's almost everyonecan run this on the sake of their business.

This is because Easy Affiliate comes filled with each tool and device that you'll need to ensure your affiliate program is successful Each one is made to be simple to install and use.

Let the story of some major characters begin!

Simple Affiliate Tips and Techniques to Achieve The Success

Simply connect to your Ecommerce Plug-ins

After you hit an icon, Easy Affiliate can detect and sign up with the top e-commerce platforms such as me ( member), PayPal and WooCommerce..

Integrations can be enabled via Easy Affiliate's setup wizard, or via Easy Affiliate > Settings and then the the eCommerce tab.

Screenshot of the ecommerce settings in Easy Affiliate highlighting the  Member Integration

    It's easyto join affiliate programs to products and services you market on your website.

Screens that are high-quality for excellent affiliates

Opening your affiliate program open to all might be the best option. In the field of marketing through affiliates, the volume does not always mean high-quality.

The research shows that less than 10% affiliates account for 90% of revenue and conversions. This shows the significance of focusing on the best performers, and working with those. top performers.

Simply accepting all applications can take the time and energy of building partnerships with top-quality affiliates. It is possible to be stressed by the support and about concerns of a large number of applicants, rather than paying attention to the people who drive the results.

In order to get a higher return on your investment, spend the time to carefully examine and approve the new affiliates, verifying that their target market is similar to the market you want to target.

Easy Affiliate streamlines this process by integrating the application process and authorization system. This is how you can set it up:

Go to the settings of Easy Affiliate, then click Affiliates, then select Applications as the registration type.

Screenshot of the Easy Affiliate Application Process

In this section, you may also choose to automatically notify applicants via email that they've been accepted and accepted.

After you've chosen the registration type the Easy Affiliate program automatically produces the registration page. Potential affiliates will need to fill out an application form, and wait for the company's approval prior to them being able to begin advertising your products.

The form requires the most important information, which may include:

  • First name
  • Names that are the same as last names
  • Email
  • Sites that they intend to utilize for promotion
  • Their strategy used to market their product
  • Social media profiles and links

These details will allow users to examine each applicant's compatibility to your business's specific needs. Through requiring applicants to list the websites they use for promotions it allows Easy Affiliate to monitor and stop fraudulent activity by flagging unauthorized site promotions More on that in the future.

Increase Conversions by Compelling campaign

In order to reap the maximum advantages of affiliate programs make sure that your affiliates participate in every aspect of your advertising efforts

It's your first feature or product or an occasion to promote: this presents a perfect opportunity for your affiliates to speak about your company.

Affiliates are always seeking new concepts for content and ways to provide their users with something different. Engage them in the latest promotional and features, giving them an opportunity for a an increase in involvement.

As an affiliate program host you have the ability to boost their effectiveness and encourage affiliates to participate even more by equipping them with equipment to make sure that every campaign will be a smashing achievement.

Easy Affiliate allows the user to create unique links for specific websites..

If you've got a website, it is important to include everything you're required to know about the latest feature which you've made available. If you share a distinct link for the landing page it will direct affiliates' audience straight to the center issue while avoiding the main page to take a more thorough look at the sales funnel.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate Add New Creative feature

Easy Affiliate allows for the easy distribution of campaign images and banners.

Arm your affiliates with eye-catching name-brand content that's simple to utilize, but it could also increase the visibility of your campaigns. This is a win-win situation: easy information for them, and increased visibility for your company. Transform your affiliate program into an efficient tool to propel your business forward, one campaign at a time.

Monitor Affiliate Performance using Google Analytics

There's more than that. Easy Affiliate features it's own live reports that track sales and clicks, however, unlike the other affiliate-related plugins Easy Affiliate is also extremely user-friendly to track other important KPIs of Google Analytics.

It is due to the monitor of Affiliate Links to UTM function.

UTM Affiliate Tracking EA

Just by turning on this option, Easy Affiliate will automatically include UTM parameters to affiliate links so you'll get in-depth insights about things such as...

  • Top performing affiliates
  • Highest converting campaigns
  • What sites do your affiliates' partners have their content published on?
  • What content type works optimally?

...right there in Google Analytics.

This allows you to improve your affiliate marketing program and methods to guarantee the highest return.

Motivate Marketers to Sell More through Special Commission Rates

Incentivize affiliates to pull all the stops in your affiliate program by rewarding the top performers with specific commission rate.

Through the extension's Custom Rules add-on, you are able to set customized affiliate commission rates to reward top performers and reward specific actions. It is possible to, for example, set up a higher commission for affiliates that sell above a certain amount, or offer a special rate on the latest item to promote the launch of your product. This is all feasible and simple to implement using custom rules.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate's custom rules setting for special commission rates
Set up custom affiliate fees based on the volume of sales using Easy Affiliates. Include Custom Rules in

Be sure to protect yourself from fraud by preventing it

By installing the Easy Affiliate Fraud Prevention add-on it is now easier than before to identify or block commissions you suspect of being fraud before paying the cent.

Decide if you wish to let block, flag or immediately block commissions that come from:

  • Referrals from your own Affiliates when they purchase via their affiliate link.
  • Websites that have unapproved referral programs - the site that referred to the click does not belong to among those listed on the affiliate's application.
  • Affiliates that have a questionable conversion rate - Address anomalous rate of conversion that is significantly divergent from the norm, suggesting possible fraudulent tactics.
Screeshot of Easy Affiliate fraud settings

This method of protection protects your income and also ensures the integrity of your affiliate programs and provides a strong foundation of confidence and trust.

You can pay out reward money to affiliates fast and easy with one-click payouts

The One-Click Payout function in Easy Affiliate distributing rewards is easy as it sounds, making payment to affiliates fast and simple.

Instant payouts - A single click is all it takes to transfer your affiliates your profits. This eliminates delay or problems.

Increase the morale of affiliates Fast payments make affiliates more motivated, happy and more enthused about your brand.

Automate your processes:Forget the inconvenience of manually processing payments. One-Click Payouts simplify your workflow and allows you to focus on strategy and growth.

Screenshot showing Easy Affiliate one-click payout.

When your affiliate reaches the payout threshold (which is easily adjustable within your personal preferences) it's just a click away from distributing their profits. Easy Affiliate is compatible using PayPal 1-Click Payments giving you a speedy and secure method to pay affiliates.

How To Integrate Member with Easy Affiliate

Member is now integrated into Easy Affiliate, meaning they're designed to work together and joining them is an easy way.

Easy Affiliate currently supports the above integrations of the following payment processors for members.

  • PayPal Legacy,
  • Stripe,

Here's how you set up Easy Affiliate set up and connected to member:

  • It is possible to purchase an Easy Affiliate license.
  • Go to your Easy Affiliate account downloads page for downloading your account's plugin .zip file to your personal computer.
  • Login to Your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Select Plugins, and then add a New plugin. Upload the plugin
  • Click Browse, select the .zip file, and then select Install Now. Install Now
  • Once download is complete When download is completed, click the button to activate.
  • On your WordPress Dashboard, go to Member > Setup > Integrations Other Services and click on the Easy Affiliateicon.
Screenshot of  Member integrations with Easy Affiliate selected
  • It should appear as Easy Affiliate to the left within your Dashboard. Choose it, then select Settings.
  • Visit"E-Commerce" tab. "E-Commerce" tab
  • membersshould be identified automatically and then turned on.
  • Click on the Update Option

And you're done! The process is as simple as that.

Your next goal is to get the message of your program. It is then time to begin accepting applicants.

Within a few days, the site will see an increase in revenue and membership site will grow.


With the assistance of Easy Affiliate and Member With the help of Easy Affiliate and Member, you have everything to establish an effective affiliate program for your website and become a member.

Easy Affiliate offers all that you require to set up and maintain a seamless and efficient affiliate program that can increase the reach of your affiliate program while adding active participants to your affiliate network.

Be sure to keep your affiliates engaged by offering transparent communications, timely payment as well as by implementing the best methods of promotion. Make use of the information that you get via Easy Affiliate and Google Analytics to refine your strategy and focus your attention in transforming your affiliates to real brand ambassadors.

Your success will depend on their success. when you work together, you'll see incredible expansion of your membership site.

All of it starts with one Integration!

Have any queries or would you like to share your experiences with affiliate marketing? Send us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

Don't forget to join our pages via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube as well as LinkedIn for additional tips and best practices to grow your membership company.

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