The illustrator of a book, Soosh, talks about her fairytale art.

Aug 6, 2022

While I was looking up Soosh to begin this article properly, I stumbled upon her video clips. If you've ever seen her work, you'll notice that it seems as if the fairytale of dreams was revived. In addition, she adds her voice in the form of stories, she makes the whole experience a complete and enchanting one bringing her fairytale characters to life. Continue reading, but ensure you stop by on her YouTube channel and sip a cup of hot tea, and get ready for a pretty special fairytale evening.

We asked Soosh about her secret for capturing those small details of life every day in her work.

"Hello, I'm Soosh. I was raised and born in the company of people. I do not identify myself with any country, nationality, religion or other. My life is spent observing people and myself, diving deep into the particulars of each. It's a tricky path, I didn't choose it intentionally however, I'm in the path. In terms of conventional art education, I have none whatsoever.

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   A blog post that was shared by Creative Mind Class (@creativemindclass)

Although I am aware that there are different ways of painting and drawing can be described as styles, I have never given an ounce of thought about what type of style my drawings would qualify as. If I were for the right words to describe it, it would be a "fairytale realistic" style. But speaking frankly, no style.

I think the key, as I understand it is to look with your heart as much as with your eyes. You may need some time to be able to see the little details, just like every other ability. The trick is to remain still for a while and very much present in the moment. Be attentive. Be attentive, and not hurry.

My main focus has always been individuals. The way they express themselves as well as their imitations of their actions, their gestures kind acts, as well as their weaknesses - all of it is so fascinating and intriguing to me. Afterwards, it's just the matter of some pencils, and some watercolour to dive into and bring life to these everyday pictures on paper."

Check out Soosh's Instagram to view her artwork of sweet fairytale settings and adorable fairytale characters. For prints and information about her books, you can go to her web site .

soosh artist
Big Brother's love
Birthday Girl
Tea party with flowers
Make sure your feet are warm and keep your heart open
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   A shared post via Creative Mind Class (@creativemindclass)

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