The Featured Client: Maria Killam -

Oct 20, 2022

This month's customer spotlight is Maria Killam: a decorator designer, speaker educator and true color expert well-known throughout the world.

at the age of 30, Maria decided to quit her day job to start an enterprise to redesign. She describes her superpower being the ability to understand color and how it can create transformation. When she was working on large colors at a Benjamin Moore Paint Store, she noticed an interesting pattern of neutral tones. The result was her now well-known Killam Colour System.

Once the pandemic of 2020 came to pass, Maria found herself limited in how she could shop for furnishings and decor. Knowing that this issue could be one that other shoppers for home decor would run into Maria decided to write a blog about the rules and guidelines for the online world of shopping.

By launching an WordPress site that included a blog , Maria was able to start her own course, which she calls Shop Online with Colour Confidence!

We'll take a tour of this gorgeously custom WordPress website, and get impressed by Maria Killam's innovative utilization of .

An Engaging Homepage with Multiple calls-to-action

When you land on the website's homepage, you'll find a beautifully-colored website with a variety of ways to learn or work with Maria. You can sign up for email updates above the fold, plus multiple places to check out her products and explore the courses she offers.

Maria Killam website home page

Offering Courses and Products for Sale with a Shopping Cart

Maria invites users to visit her shopping cart with a "save my spot" or "join to the Masterclass" Call to Action button. The website makes an excellent demonstration of the WooCommerce plugin. On the checkout page, Maria will explain everything you'll get during the online or live courses in order to empower future students to have confidence in the purchase.

Because Maria sells a range of items like ebooks , virtual events and even with her courses, WooCommerce integration is the perfect solution. This allows her to provide a shopping cart experience that lets customers purchase courses and other products through one transaction.

Make Money from Your Expertise

Maria Killam uses to monetize her expertise, and you can too! There are a variety of options to make use of your website. How can help you achieve the educational goals of your company, students or even your products?
     Do you want to go for a test drive? Experience it either a learners' or course creator's perspective through our Demo for free.