The easy affiliate and member plugin is available now: Plug Into the potential of referral marketing - WordPress Membership Plugin for Membership Sites

Mar 13, 2024

Easy Affiliate and Member: Sign up to the increasing power of referral Marketing

Title Image  Member and Easy Affiliate Program

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It's never been more straightforward to create and run an affiliate program on the member's site with Easy Affiliate. Here's the scoop as well as tips for getting the most from this powerful growth combo.

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It's impossible to underestimate just how important affiliate marketing is playing a dominant role in the marketing world on the internet. The marketplace for affiliate marketing estimated at over $20 billion that is projected to nearly double by 2030.

This is particularly impressive considering that, for the vast majority of cases affiliate marketers are only paid commissions after they've made a purchase. We're talking about thousands of dollars of earnings and salesgenerated through this particular marketing strategy.

If your business hasn't utilized affiliate marketing or if you're looking to change away from expensive affiliate marketing programs to a stronger membership website, this new update is a great news for the business and also your pockets.

This is the Easy AffiliateAll-in-one affiliate program plug-in that works with WordPress that is now connected to Member.

Check out this article for a detailed through the main features of this plug-in along with tips on how you can maximize its profits-boosting possibilities for your company.

Affiliate Marketing 101

To begin, in the event that you're not sure about Affiliate marketing and affiliate advertising, we've got an easy explanation to bring you up to the pace:

Affiliate marketing is a widely used strategy where individuals are compensated for the advertising of an organization's goods or products or. If a transaction occurs by way of a special affiliate link that is used, the marketing affiliate (or their affiliate) gets a percentage of the sale.

This method of marketing offers many advantages to membership sites and eCommerce websites.

  • Affiliate marketing can be a means of earning money, and you pay only when a sale is completed. This is an exceptionally affordable, low-risk and cost-effective method to expand your member base without having any upfront cost that is typical for traditional methods of advertising.
  • A performance-based approach allows it to be extremely scalable and appropriate for membership sites in every phase of development. When your membership base expands rapidly, it isn't necessary to deal with a corresponding expansion in marketing effort or the associated costs.
  • Affiliates, particularly those that are in line with the purpose of your site are able to target a particular, specific audience. Have a soccer fanzine or an organic cooking class? Niche affiliates are the most best individuals to help spread information. When they are on your side the marketing strategies are highly particular, attracting members who are more likely to be involved in your website's content and community.
  • In contrast to one-day ads, affiliate marketing is a ongoing promotion for your site's membership. Continuous exposure keeps your site in the forefront and also draws new members in the course of time.

Now you're all caught up with affiliate marketing and since the value to your business is obvious, is it time to take a peek at what Easy Affiliate integration will mean for your membership website.

What exactly is Easy Affiliate?

Easy Affiliate Hompage

Easy Affiliate allows you to run a the self-hosted affiliate program straight out of your WordPress Dashboard.

If you run a self-hosted affiliate programme, you will enjoy greater control over the applicant process for affiliates and have the direct influence over commissions and payouts and eliminate the transaction fee paid to third-party platforms.

And as the name suggests that it will make all the process of creating and managing your program easy and there's no particular expertise required. Almost anyonecan make this program to run their own business.

This is since Easy Affiliate is packed with all the tools and applications you'll need to make sure that your affiliate program is a success and all of them are made to be simple to setup and use.

Let the journey of key features commence!

Simple Affiliate Features and Strategies to Succeed

Easy to connect your eCommerce plug-ins

At the click of one button, Easy Affiliate can detect and join with the most important e-commerce platforms including yours truly ( member), PayPal and WooCommerce..

Integrations can be enabled either through the Easy Affiliate installation wizard or by simply going to Easy Affiliate > Settings and then clicking the Commerce tab.

Screenshot of the ecommerce settings in Easy Affiliate highlighting the  Member Integration

    It's simpleto connect affiliate programs with items and services that you sell on your website.

Check for affiliates with high-quality and excellent quality.

Opening your affiliate program for everyone could be a good option, but when it comes to affiliate marketing, the amount isn't always the same as the level of quality.

It is found that less than 1percent of affiliates account for 90% of the sales and conversions. It is clear that affiliates are affiliates who have the highest performance and collaborate with them. most effective affiliates.

The acceptance of all applicants can take your time and energy from making lasting connections with affiliates of high quality. There is a chance that you'll be overwhelmed with queries and support problems from an array of affiliates. Instead, you'll be paying attention to those who drive outcomes.

In order to get a better return on investment, take the time to examine the manual process and then approve the new affiliates and be sure their target market is compatible with your target market.

Easy Affiliate streamlines this process through the integration of an application in the an approval process. Here's how to install it:

Click on click on the Easy Account Settings page. select Affiliates and choose Application as the registration Type.

Screenshot of the Easy Affiliate Application Process

You can opt to send emails to notify applicants they have been accepted and subsequently approved.

After you've chosen the kind of registration, Easy Affiliate will immediately design an online registration form. Potential affiliates have to complete an application form. They'll need to wait for the confirmation of your business before they can begin promoting your products.

The form will require the following information which include:

  • First name
  • Names with the last name
  • Email
  • Websites they plan to use as a means of promotion
  • The strategy they use for promoting their products
  • Social media profiles/links

This detailed information allows users to assess the compatibility of each candidate to your business. Through requiring applicants to list the websites they will be employing for promotions and allowing Easy Affiliate to monitor and detect fraudulent activities through flagging fake advertisements on websites and more details on that later.

Enhance Conversions by Implementing Engaging campaigns

In order to reap the maximum advantages of affiliate programs you're enrolled in, make sure to get your affiliates involved with each of your advertising campaigns

If you have a new and unique launched product or feature or sale you want to promote. This is a great opportunity for your friends to speak about your brand.

Affiliates constantly seek new content ideas and reasons to interact with their clients. Make sure to include them in your recent promotions and feature launches to create a positive symbiosis in interaction.

As an affiliate program administrator, you are able to boost their effectiveness and incentivize your affiliates even more by providing them with tools to ensure that each campaign is unbeatable.

Easy Affiliate makes it easy to develop unique links to particular websites.

Imagine that you've got the landing page to give all the details about the feature that you've launched. By sharing your unique link to this landing page, you'll have the ability to guide your affiliates' customers to the heart of your offering, and avoid the main page for an more precise dive into your funnel of sales.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate Add New Creative feature

Easy Affiliate can also make it simple to share banners and other images to promote campaigns.

Arm your affiliates with eye-catching brand-branded content that's only easy to access however, it can increase the exposure of your campaign. This is a win-win situation: effortless material for them and more exposure to your company. Transform your affiliate program into a feature which propels your company forward every step of the way. every time.

Follow Affiliate Performance through Google Analytics

Easy Affiliate is not just easy Affiliate offers its own immediate reports, tracking clicks and sales, but unlike other affiliate plugins Easy Affiliate is also able to keep track of other crucial KPIs within Google Analytics.

It's due to its monitor of Affiliate Links used for the UTM features.

UTM Affiliate Tracking EA

When you turn on this feature, Easy Affiliate will automatically include UTM parameters to affiliate links, so you can learn more about aspects like...

  • Top performing affiliates
  • Highest converting campaigns
  • Which sites are they writing on?
  • What type of content works best?

...right there in Google Analytics.

This allows you to enhance the affiliate marketing programs and methods to guarantee maximum earnings.

Encourage Marketers to sell more via Special Commission Rates

Encourage affiliates to pull out every stop in your affiliate program, with a reward for those who do well with specific commission rates.

Through this extension's Custom Rules add-on, you can design custom affiliate commission rates to reward high-performing affiliates along with specific actions. You can, for instance, set up a higher commission for affiliates that make sales above the amount specified as well as give a discounted rate for the most recent item in order to advertise the launch of your product. It's all possible and easy to do with custom Rules.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate's custom rules setting for special commission rates
Create your own affiliate fee based on the amount of sales using Easy Affiliates. Custom Rules that you can include to

Stay safe from scams By preventing Profits

Through this Easy Affiliate Fraud Prevention feature It's now simpler than ever to detect and even stop commissions that are suspected of being fraudulent prior to handing over the cent.

Decide if you wish to permit flagging, or an automatic block of commissions coming from:

  • Referrals to your site - when an affiliate purchases via their affiliate link.
  • Sites that have unapproved referral program The site which referred to the click does not belong included as an application for the affiliate.
  • Affiliates that have a suspect conversion rate: Address an unusual rate of conversion that is quite different from typical, and could point to possible fraudulent tactics.
Screeshot of Easy Affiliate fraud settings

This preventive approach protects the affiliate income while also ensuring the credibility of your affiliate program, thereby building a solid basis of trust and confidence.

Reward Affiliates Quickly and Simply With One-Click Payouts

With the One-Click Payout feature of Easy Affiliate, sending rewards is easy as it sounds and makes the pay out process easy and fast.

Instant payouts One click is enough to transfer earnings to your affiliates without delay or issues.

Improve morale of your affiliates Cash-flow payments that are quick make affiliates more motivated satisfied, happier, and involved with your organization.

Streamline the operationsForget the frustration of processing transactions manually. One-Click Payouts make your life easier and lets you free up time to concentrate on growth and the strategy.

Screenshot showing Easy Affiliate one-click payout.

After your affiliate's reached the threshold for payout (which you are able to easily alter within your preferences), you're just one step away from distributing your affiliate's earnings. Easy Affiliate can be used with PayPal's 1-Click Payouts, providing a quick and safe method of paying your affiliates.

How to Integrate Member With Easy Affiliate

Member now integrates natively to Easy Affiliate. This means that both are made to be compatible, joining them in a cinch.

Easy Affiliate currently supports the below integrations with the Payment providers for members.

  • PayPal Legacy,
  • Stripe,

Here's how you set up Easy Affiliate set up and joined with Member:

  • Purchase an Easy Affiliate license.
  • Check out the Easy Affiliate Account downloads page and install the plugin .zip file to your personal PC.
  • Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Click Plugins > Create New Plugin Upload Plugin
  • Select Browse and select the .zip file, then click Install Now. Install Now
  • After the download has complete, click Activate.
  • In your WordPress Dashboard Navigate to the Member Settings section, then Integrations Other Services and click on the Easy Affiliateicon.
Screenshot of  Member integrations with Easy Affiliate selected
  • There should be the Easy Affiliate icon on the right hand side in your account dashboard. You can click on it to access the the settings.
  • Go to the "E-Commerce" tab.
  • participantshould be detected automatically and activated.
  • Click to "Update Options"

And you're done! That's it! that.

Your next step is to promote the word about your program before you begin to accept applicants.

In just a few days, your site will see sales roll in and your membership site prosper.


With Easy Affiliate and Member with Easy Affiliate, you'll get everything you require to create an effective affiliate program to promote your site that is a member.

Easy Affiliate offers all necessary to create and run a seamless, streamlined affiliate program that can increase the reach of your program and attract new members who are more active in your affiliate program.

Make sure you keep your affiliates happy by providing timely and clear communication, as well as prompt payments as well as by implementing the best strategies for promotion. Make use of the information from Easy Affiliate and Google Analytics to refine your strategy and focus your energies in making your affiliates authentic brand ambassadors.

Your success is contingent on their achievement, and when you work together, you can achieve remarkable growth for your membership site.

It all starts with single connection!

Are you concerned or would you like to share some of your personal experiences with affiliate marketing? Let us know your ideas via the comment section below.

Don't forget to join our websites on the social media platforms Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn to get additional advice and best practices to grow your membership-based business.

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