The Easy Affiliate and Member plugin is available now. Members can benefit from the Increasing Power of Referral Marketing This plugin is for WordPress Membership plugin for Membership Sites

Mar 13, 2024

Introducing Easy Affiliate and Member Connect to the Power of Referral Marketing

Title Image  Member and Easy Affiliate Program

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It's never been easier to create and manage an affiliate program on the Member website by using Easy Affiliate. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know and offer strategies to get the most out of this powerful combination of growth.

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It's hard to understate the degree to which affiliate marketing is a major factor in the e-commerce market. In 2022, the market for affiliate marketing was assessed at more than $20 billion which is expected to almost double by 2030.

This is especially impressive given that, for the vast majority of cases the affiliate marketer is only compensated compensation after having achieved a sale. This is millions of dollars worth of sales and earningsgenerated by this method of marketing.

If you're a business that hasn't been able to make use of affiliate marketing or you're trying to get rid of costly affiliate marketing programs to expand the number of users on your site The latest technology integration great news for your company and also your pockets.

Introducing Easy Affiliate- the all-in-one affiliate program plugin designed for WordPress that integrates with Member.

Check out more details on the primary features of this plugin complete with suggestions about how to get maximum profit-boosting possibilities for your company.

Affiliate Marketing 101

To begin to get started, if you're totally unfamiliar with the idea of affiliate marketing. A simple introduction that will get you up to speed:

Affiliate marketing is an extensively utilized strategy that permits individuals to earn a fee for the effort they put into promoting a company's products or services. In essence, when a purchase happens through their referral link an affiliate advertising affiliate (or often, an affiliate) earns a commission from the company selling the product.

This type of marketing provides many advantages to members as well as online stores:

  • Affiliate marketing is a means of earning money, and you only pay out when a purchase is made. This is an affordable, low-risk way to expand your base of members without incurring the upfront costs associated with traditional advertising methods.
  • The fact that it is based on performance also means that it's easy to scale and is suitable for membership-based sites regardless of what stage that they're in. When your membership base expands fast, you won't have to manage a similar expansion in marketing effort or expense.
  • Affiliates, particularly those who are in alignment with the site's purpose, will be able to connect with specific niche groups. Do you have a soccer magazine or even a vegan cooking class? People who have niches are the most efficient people to spread the word about your company. When they're with you, your marketing strategies are specifically specific, attracting members who are more likely engage with your content and your online community.
  • Contrary to ads that are only viewed once, affiliate marketing offers ongoing promotion for your site's membership. Your site is constantly in the forefront and also draws new members in the course of time.

If you're now fully informed about affiliate marketing and the value to your company are obvious, it's now time to take a peek at the benefits of affiliate marketing. Easy Affiliate integration will mean for your website for membership.

What exactly is Easy Affiliate?

Easy Affiliate Hompage

Easy Affiliate lets you manage a a fully self-hosted affiliate marketing platform directly off of your WordPress dashboard.

When you run self-hosted affiliate plans You can gain more control over the procedure for submitting affiliate applications Additionally, you are in total control of payouts and commissions and get rid of the transaction fees charged by third-party platforms.

And as the name suggests that makes the whole procedure for establishing and running your plan simple and there aren't any specific requirements for skills. Actually, everyonecan make the effort for their company.

It's due to the fact that Easy Affiliate is filled with every tool and systems you need for your company to succeed Each one is designed for ease of setting up and run.

Let the journey through the main features get underway!

Simple Affiliate Strategies and Features for Your Success

Connect effortlessly to your eCommerce Plug-ins

When you press a button, Easy Affiliate can detect and join with the most important e-commerce platforms like yours truly ( member), PayPal and WooCommerce..

Integrations can be enabled by using the set-up wizard of Easy Affiliate's process, or via Easy Affiliate Settings > settings and then clicking the shopping cart tab.

Screenshot of the ecommerce settings in Easy Affiliate highlighting the  Member Integration

    It's simpleto connect your affiliate program with items and services that you sell via your site.

Screen For High Quality Excellent Affiliates

Open your affiliate program to all of the people in your company could be a good idea. But in the world that is affiliate marketing quantity doesn't always equal high-quality.

Research shows that less than 10% affiliates account for more than 90% of all revenue and conversion. This highlights how vital it is to concentrate on finding and working with high-performing affiliates.

In accepting all applicants, you could waste the time and effort away from building partnerships with top-quality affiliates. There is a possibility of being overwhelmed with queries and support problems from an array of users, but not paying attention to those that drive the results.

In order to get the most ROI from your investment, it is recommended to take the time to review any new affiliates, verifying that their target market is compatible with the market you are trying to attract.

Easy Affiliate streamlines this process by integrating an application as well as an the approval process. Install it

Go to the settings of Easy Affiliate, then click Affiliates, and select"Application" as the type of registration.

Screenshot of the Easy Affiliate Application Process

You can opt to email applicants to let them know that they've been accepted and vetted.

After you've chosen the type of registration the Easy Affiliate program automatically generates the registration page. Any prospective affiliates you pick need to complete an application form, then be patiently waiting for approval before they are able to begin advertising your products.

The form requires essential details which includes:

  • First name
  • Name of last name
  • Email
  • Websites they plan to utilize as a means to promote their products
  • They employ a strategy to market their product
  • Links to profiles and social media accounts of various kinds

This information is comprehensive and will allow you to assess each candidate's fit to your company. By requiring candidates to submit their website for promotion purposes, this allow Easy Affiliate to monitor and stop fraudulent activity by flagging fraudulent promotions on websites More on that in the future.

Enhance Conversions through Compelling campaigns

To really reap the most rewards from an affiliate programme be sure to get your affiliates involved in your entire marketing efforts

When you've launched a new feature or sales or product you'd like to announce: this could be an ideal opportunity for affiliates and partners to advertise the company you represent.

Affiliates are constantly on search for new ideas to improve their content, and creative ways to provide their followers something new. Engage them in the latest announcements and new features to give an increase in participation.

As an affiliate program host you have the ability to boost the impact of your affiliate program. You can also encourage affiliates to join by equipping them with the tools to make sure that every campaign will be unbeatable.

Easy Affiliate simplifies the process for you to develop unique links to particular websites.

If you've created an online landing page that has all the details on the latest feature that you've published. When you post a distinct hyperlink for your landing page, you'll have the ability to guide your visitors or affiliates to the core of your offer, avoiding your main site for a more specific look at the sales funnel.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate Add New Creative feature

Easy Affiliate also facilitates the distribution of campaign banners as well as images.

Give your affiliates eye-catching and branded content that's not just easy to find and share, but also increases the exposure of your advertising campaign. The result is simple information to them, and increased publicity to your brand. Transform your affiliate program into a dynamic powerhouse which propels your brand forward each step at a a time.

Monitor Affiliate Performance with Google Analytics

Easy Affiliate does not just Easy Affiliate provides its own instant reports, tracking sales as well as clicks. However, unlike the other affiliate program plugins additionally, it makes it very easy to monitor other key KPIs inside Google Analytics.

This is due to the UTM Affiliate Link Tracking feature.

UTM Affiliate Tracking EA

Simply by enabling this option, Easy Affiliate will automatically add UTM parameters into affiliate links, so that you can get in-depth information about things such as...

  • Top performing affiliates
  • Highest converting campaigns
  • Which websites your affiliates publish their content on?
  • What content type works best?

...right there Google Analytics.

This will allow you to maximize your affiliate marketing program and strategies to ensure an unbeatable ROI.

To encourage Marketers to make more sales through offering Special Commission Rates

Incentivize affiliates to pull every trick to join your affiliate program by rewarding the winners with specific commission rate.

By using the extension's Custom Rules add-on, you can set specific commission rates for affiliates to reward top performers and certain behaviors. It is possible to, for example set a better commission rate for affiliates that sell above a certain amount as well as offer a special rate for the most recent product you've launched to help advertise the launch of your product. This is all feasible and simple to create custom rules.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate's custom rules setting for special commission rates
Create custom affiliate rates which are based on amount of sales using Easy Affiliates. Create custom rules to

Be Safe from Fraud By preventing Profits

Thanks to the Easy Affiliate Fraud Prevention feature Now it's simpler than ever before to block or flag any commissions that you believe to be the result of fraud, before you actually pay the cent.

Choose whether to allow the block, flag or automatically block commissions coming from:

  • Referrals to your site - when the affiliate buys through an affiliate link that is their own.
  • Sites that are not approved to refer clicks - the site which referred the click to doesn't belong among the sites listed in the application for the affiliate.
  • affiliates who have a questionable conversion rate: Contact them about uncommon conversion rates that substantially differ from those of normal and could be a sign of scams.
Screeshot of Easy Affiliate fraud settings

This proactive approach safeguards the affiliate income as well as ensuring the legitimacy of your affiliate program creating a solid basis of confidence and trust.

Rewards to affiliates can be paid out fast and easy with One-Click payouts

With Easy Affiliate's single-click pay-outs, payouts are as simple like it sounds, which makes easy and easy.

Instantly paid instantly A single mouse button is all you require for payment to affiliates. This eliminates any delays or difficulties.

Increase the morale of affiliates Fast payments make affiliates more motivated, happy and engaged your business.

Improve your efficiency:Forget the inconvenience of manual payment processes. One-click Payouts streamline your process and allows your time to be focused on growth and strategy.

Screenshot showing Easy Affiliate one-click payout.

When your affiliate has crossed the minimum payout amount (which is something you can change by modifying the settings) Just one click away from paying your earnings. Easy Affiliate is compatible in conjunction with PayPal 1-Click Payouts, offering a straightforward and secure way to pay affiliates.

How to Integrate Member With Easy Affiliate

Member is now integrated into Easy Affiliate, meaning they're practically made for each other, and joining up is easy.

Easy Affiliate currently supports the below integrations with the Member payment providers.

  • PayPal Legacy,
  • Stripe,

This is how to set up an easy Affiliate setup, and get connected to Member:

  • Buy a Easy Affiliate license.
  • Go to the Easy Affiliate account downloads page. Then, install your plugin .zip file on your personal PC.
  • Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Click Plugins > Add New Plugin Then upload the plugin
  • Simply click Browse Select the .zip file and Click Download Now.
  • After the download has been completed Once download has been completed Once download has been completed, press to activate.
  • From your WordPress Dashboard Navigate to the Member Settings section, then Integrations Other Services and click on the Easy Affiliateicon.
Screenshot of  Member integrations with Easy Affiliate selected
  • There should be an Easy Affiliate on the left side on your dashboard. Choose it, then click on Settings
  • Go to the "Ecommerce" tab
  • membersshould be identified by default - switch the toggle to off.
  • Simply click on "Update Options"

And you're done! It's as simple as you can get it.

Your next step is to promote the news of your program. It is then possible to accept candidates.

Within just a few days, you is likely that your earnings rise and your membership website flourish.


With the aid of Easy Affiliate and Member with Easy Affiliate, you can get everything you require to create a powerful affiliate program to promote your membership site.

Easy Affiliate gives you everything that you need to create and operate a flawless easy affiliate program that will increase the visibility of your affiliate program as well as attract new members.

Make sure that your affiliates are happy by providing clear communications with prompt payment and educating them on best practices for promotion. Make use of the information insights provided by Easy Affiliate and Google Analytics to improve your strategies and put your focus on making your affiliates genuine brand ambassadors.

The site's success will be the same as theirs, and together you will see remarkable increase in membership for your website.

It all starts with this one Integration!

Are you having any concerns or do you want to share your own experience with affiliate marketing? Let us know in the comments below.

Do not forget to follow us via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube as and LinkedIn for additional tips and best practices to grow your membership company.

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