The awarding of quality: Danica Larsen Receives the Q3 2023 Springie Award -
We are thrilled to announce that Danica Larsen was chosen as the 2023 winner for the Quarter 3 Springie Award! Danica is a seasoned Customer Success Manager who provides the perfect model of our core values. Make changes and be proactive, and Be aware of the situation and react quickly. All this with a passion for her job and unwavering dedication to her team.
Danica's contribution to her team can be observed by her many achievements. Danica is more than just there to assist her coworkers and is always willing to share and help others with her knowledge. Danica loves to learn and has developed connections with coworkers which has led to an improved collaboration and efficiency in the working environment. In the event of a challenge, Danica has a drive to quickly respond being proactive and seek out ways to be certain that she's in a position to achieve the objectives. In any job she's involved in. Danica's Vice President for People & Culture, Louise Cherry Barber was allowed to meet (virtually) in person to talk to Danica regarding her recognition and the experiences she has had her work .
Danica's commitment to her work and dedication to her core values helped her grow into an essential employee of the group. Danica's positive outlook and ability to tackle problems and to solve them have significant effects on those who work with her. coworkers and overall well-being of .
We are extremely happy to be able to welcome Danica as a part of our family. We'd like to thank Danica for this deserved honor. Danica's dedication to quality and the way she lives by the values that define our company is a source of inspiration to all of us.
Watch the interview below for an edited version of the interview. Danica:
Louise Cherry Barber: Danica I'm pleased to announce that you've been picked for your Springie Award Winner for our period in 2023! What's the significance of winning the Springie Award here at ?
Danica LarsenIt is really satisfying to feel at ease and realize that I've brought a significant aspect of myself that's my distinctive personal style into my work routine. It was also gratifying to see that people who were around me recognized my capability to be appreciated and loved by individuals who were positive and supportive, as well as being aware that it wasn't just because of the amount that I could receive praise for different positions that I've held. However, it was because of my personal strengths and successes which have allowed me to achieve more than the sum. It was gratifying being recognized as the person I am. It was truly moving.
Louise Cherry Barber: It's awe-inspiring, and definitely deserves to be discussed. Another thing I'm interested in is to speak about specific aspects that are actually, something that you've been told about. When you first learned about it, in particular your participation in the benchmarking program was praised by a few people. Are you able to tell us more about this?
Danica LarsenYes you're right. I've dedicated a great deal of my time into this and am ecstatic to have been recognized. It was no surprise to find out that benchmarking was included among the things which were discussed since it's still just beginning it's journey and there's a lot of work left to complete. It's great to hear people are thrilled about the initiative. It's a good thing because this initiative will bring immense value. I'm hopeful that it will provide a great deal of benefits, not just for the company itself but, to our customers as vendors. And we'll help with our clients by providing the tips they need to help them grow their businesses and, similarly, we've seen it work in the longer term as a viable idea. So, seeing that announcement in the initial week of its launch was a buzz because it shows that the public is aware of the benefits.
Louise Cherry Barber: Recently, we updated our corporate values to be unique, strive to know and be promptly. I'm curious about what you think about the new company values.
Danica Larsen What they are doing is taking the right approach, yet they are also aware of what"right" is. That means doing thorough research in depth, analyzing the issue making quick decisions and deciding. That's the way I do it. Each day I am working... as well as I look around at the other members from our Support Team of our Support Team can be said they're adhering to the same principles like our customers and clients each day. They're leading the way, at the forefront of searching for insight, and executing fast, as a result in being incapable of completing their work. If we fail as a the company, there's nobody who is able to effectively cooperate with us.
Louise Cherry Barber:What do you have to share with those at the other end of the spectrum? Have you met someone who wants to be a member of these values? What advice do you have to help dreamers achieve their dreams?
Danica Larsen It's just that I'm talking from my personal experience. It is essential to keep an eye on your surroundings when you're capable of. In dealing with multiple clients, the companies selling their products, customers, or anyone that we're dealing with, it's the identification of their demands and the motivation of their needs that determine the actions we need to take as well as the way we're required to behave. It's known as "seeking to understand" but it's hard to achieve this in a non-conscious manner. That's why I've made the first suggestion to that you be aware of people who are around you.
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