The accounting basics of E-commerce The fundamentals of an online store that's profitable

Aug 27, 2023

The success of an online business is more than just good business strategies, thoughts and products, but also inventory. Also, it requires an accounting procedure to keep track of the money. What are your expenses? How much are you making? Do you have the right amount within your business's budget? Do you have the permission from the government to manage your company? Ecommerce accounting employs well-known procedures for keeping track of the financial data of your company transactions, and also keeping you current with taxes along with payroll and profits.

If you're just getting started with the steps to create your own store online or you're in the process of putting together your own store for a period of time and are realizing that you need help in monitoring your finances for your business This guide to accounting will help you get moving in the right direction.

The Ecommerce Accounting software allows users to evaluate the financial situation of your company, and create more precise financial projections when your company expands.

What is the implication of ecommerce accounting?

The fundamental principle behind eCommerce is the exchange of transactions and also inventory. An organization is the one who makes trades. You deliver the products. Buy and replenish your stock. The fundamentals of e-commerce accounting start with a method for tracking and reporting the transactions. This includes purchases, invoices of sale, purchases expenses, taxes, and purchases.

But it goes much further beyond the scope of this. Accounting firms will then utilize their data and use it to prepare financial statements which allow their clients to analyze and show the financial health of their business.Ecommerce firms also require extra attention to comply with the basic rules of business.

details from a customer order

Think about what happens if you have a sale on your online store. It is the case that the customer utilizes their credit card in order to make payments to your processor. What are you going to do with the various possibilities of this transaction to affect your cash flow?

  • Your payment processor has received your funds however they're not yet on your account.
  • Taxes on sales may be incurred that can be paid in various ways. They could also be assessed in a distinct location or even a particular state.
  • Inventory declines
  • The charges for credit cards and cost of the payment processor are added to the total charges
  • The revenue from sales differs from the price of the sales

Whatever method of sales you select Making even one sale can affect a number of aspects of your financial record. What happens to the profits of the sale will be reflected on your financial statements in the coming months. If the order you placed is going to be return most transactions must be reversed or modified.

It is just one deal among many.

Tracking certain aspects of this is the responsibility of a bookkeeper. We'll discuss the difference between ecommerce bookkeeping and accounting at a later date.

Let's start with the most fundamental accounting terms.

Accounting fundamentals: the basics

The most popular words you must learn for your ecommerce accounting


A transaction happens any time the funds are used, transferred or requested from the vendor or company.

An transaction can be one of the of the following:

  • An owner of a company can invest funds into the business
  • Sales revenue
  • Invoices
  • These expenses cover costs for salaries, marketing, travel, as well as construction expenses
  • The assets acquired include vehicles, offices Materials, offices, etc.

Each transaction can have several elements. When you pay an hourly worker such as, it's crucial to know the amount of time they worked, their gross earnings as well as tax deductions, and their net pay. An accounting system that is well-designed will allow you to carry out these duties.

eCommerce transactions can be complicated due to specific reasons, such as taxation or delays in timing due to the disconnect between consumer and businesses.

As an example, would you have to contribute sales tax on your purchases? If yes What will happen to the value of that purchase in the event that you return your purchase one month later?

The accounting for online commerce is created to deal with the procedures and transactions to ensure that these concerns don't impact the financial outlook of your business.

list of  orders

Credits and debits

Every transaction is recorded by an accounting system which tracks the debit and credit. Let's first define some of the fundamental concepts:

Debit Document that details the money taken from your bank account. Credits are listed on your statement of accounts every time you make a purchase.

Credit Accounts for the money that was transferred to your account.

Assets Property (real as well as intellectual) owned by an organization.

"Liabilities" are obligations that the company must meet, however they must be fulfilled. "Liability" is the term used to describe a claim "liability" is a reference to a claim against the assets which are listed in the balance report.

Equity Amount of assets when debits are removed from them.

Let's now consider how these ideas are connected to accounting's fundamental equation.

Assets = liabilities + equity (Owner's or the Corporation's)

The debit gets added to the left of this equation. It's an asset. It is then placed on the right.As a simple example for an offer of $500 the $500 value is subtracted before being added to the corporate assets. Additionally, it is part of the capital of the owner via profits. In the event of an account being debited, another item must be reimbursed as it maintains the balance of the account.

It's a short explanation. It will help you understand the basics of what accounting software is going to be doing when you enter the transaction.

The cost of the items that are offered for sale (COGS)

When accounting for commerce online, you is required to pay attention specifically to the costs of items which are being sold. This includes all costs required for selling an item, which does not include costs like payroll and marketing.

COGS will cover the cost of inventory, including storage and purchase management, as well as shipping, and storage. Inventory is among the most expensive expenses for sellers on the internet. In the absence of an accounting plan that clearly shows the cost of items which are being sold the margins of profit and tax deductions you receive could be incorrect.

A flawed COGS makes it hard to make your decision on what to spend on marketing, at what cost to determine, as well as the amount of stocks to buy as well as whether you should hire staff as well as the quantity of storage space you should purchase.

Profit margins

Margins are the amount of cash your business receives when the deal is accepted. Methods to determine the margins is to use this formula:

 Margin is (Revenue and the price of the goods) + the revenue

The essence is the net earnings you earn in percent. If you're able to sell around $10,000 worth of merchandise within a week, when your COGS stands at 3000 dollars, the margins will be 75 75%.

product data information box in

Accounts receivable that are repaid and accounts payable

They are the terms that refer to money that hasn't been transferred, but is set to.

Receivables is the sum due into your account at the bank. If, for instance, if you send an invoice to a customer then the amount will be transferred to accounts receivable until the time that the customer can pay the invoice.

It operates exactly but it's reversed. If your company is able to make an acquisition from a supplier and they then issue the purchase order, it goes in the balance of accounts payable until you complete the purchase.

Accounting and bookkeeping in eCommerce What's the difference?

There is some overlap in bookkeeping and financial accounting. In general, however, the distinction is that bookkeepers oversee events while accounting experts examine the event's chronology for the most accurate and exact picture of your financial plan.

If a game analogy can help accounting professionals, they could be compared to the announcer of accountants who are play-by-play experts. They're like analysts or the color commentary. The bookkeepers track what occurred. Accounting professionals explain the reasoning to this.

What does an ecommerce bookkeeper do?

The task of bookkeeping is the record of the transactions of banks and financial institutions. If you have employees on your payroll The bookkeeper handles payroll. The bookkeeper can also manage matters like

  • Invoice processing
  • Receipts need to be sent
  • Keep track of what goes in and what goes out of your business financial account.
  • Purchases of inventory that are recorded in the purchase record
  • The bank accounts of your clients should be consolidated every month
  • Create a monthly financial report
  • Create year-end financial reports and tax-related documentation

A thorough bookkeeping system for the online company will aid you in creating a stable and reliable business model.

working on a paper with a calculator

What exactly does an ecommerce accountant achieve?

The Ecommerce accountants can perform tasks such as

  • Review and analyze operational costs as well as company performance
  • Conduct financial forecasting
  • Check your financial statements that include those supplied by your bookkeeper
  • Plan a tax strategy, which includes filing tax returns
  • Examine the cash flow management

Accounting professionals' main function is to help ecommerce businesses make sound decision-making about their financials.

Are you able to afford employees who aren't? Are you able to establish your presence across different states and other countries? What is the minimum amount required for your new products?

Ecommerce accounting in its most effective format can help in answering the types of questions.

Methods of accounting employed by sellers who sell on the internet

There are two primary alternatives for accounting in online business - either in cash or of accrual. Amount accrual accounting is the most popular and, depending on the size and nature of your organization, might be legally be required.

The primary difference between the two methods is the way in which the transaction is acknowledged.

Accounting on cash basis

Cash basis accounting is the way for tracking transactions. A transaction is declared when the exact amount was transferred. If you're able make payment to an invoice, the cash basis accounting classifies the transaction as of an expense. When you receive the invoice in January, but make the payment in March, the cash accounting categorizes the invoice as an expense for March.

Income works the same way. Suppose you make a sale in which a buyer agrees to a payment plan each month to spread their payment across 4 months. Cash accounting allows you to use this amount into a monthly figure the month. into.

Accrual method of accounting

When accounting for accrual transaction, the transaction will be deemed to have been completed once the work is complete and the invoice sent. If you make a order for a new piece of paper to be used in the office in January, then put it on your credit card for business usage. You receive the office paper instantly, but don't purchase the paper until February. After that you receive the bill from the credit card are delivered to your account.

woman putting together a stack of papers

When you're preparing your recording accrual expenses, this is that moment when you get the receipt. When you receive the receipt, keep the receipt in your system of filing and note the expense. The cost was paid in January, despite the fact that you won't have to pay for it during the entire month of February.

Same scenario can be applied in accounting accrual. Accounting for accrual would declare the purchase cost as an income when the purchase is made however the buyer may not get total amount of money until completion of the four-month period.

Which method of accounting is most appropriate for companies that offer their products on the internet?

Accrual accounting provides you with a better understanding of the price of goods sold each month. If you purchased paper in August, it was a part of the expenses for running your business- it was in August but not the month you pay your invoice. If you sell something in the month of May, it was a sale that was made in May, not in July, which is the month in which you pay the invoice.

It also works as a complement to managing inventory.

If you are earning $30,000 from the purchases of inventory that you made in September. Then, you can make it available for sale prior to the holiday season. With cash accounting, you are able to mark the entire purchase as a cost in September at the time of its end. If you use accrual accounting, you would declare it as an expense once you have sold the product.

With the cash-based strategy it would result in a significant expense in September as well as excessively high margins during the months of October, November, and maybe even December. This is because it is as if you do not have any expenses for selling your goods.

Accrual accounting allows you to reconcile the costs of doing business every month, and you are able to identify which months produce the greatest revenue.

Three major financial statements

If you're considering outsourcing your accounting and bookkeeping for books or e-commerce, then you must know how to read and comprehend the financial statements you receive. If you're handling the task yourself, employing an online bookkeeping program that allows you to input the details of your transactions, it helps you prepare three of the most crucial financial statements which include income statements (also known as "profit and loss reports" (also known as P&L) and balance sheet, and cash flows.

Statement of earnings

Income statement will show the total amount of profit that was earned during the period of time specified such as one month. This profit is what is being discussed when they refer to"bottom line. "bottom line." The profit you earn is the net amount you make. If you've experienced losses over the time frame, it's your net loss.

Balance sheet

Balance sheets give information about the balance sheet's assets, liabilities, and equity at the date that is arbitrary. Most often, this occurs after the end of the month, quarter or even a whole year. It's a snapshot of your financial situation.

Assets are things that belong to someone essential to them. They are also liable, and include accounts payable are the things that you are obligated to pay.

If you take a look at the fundamental accounting equation that was discussed earlier, you'll see that equity is simply the sum of the liabilities and assets. Combine assets with liabilities and you'll end up with an amount known as "book value" commonly referred to as equity. It's the value of your company.

Cash flow statement

The cash flow statement reports the amount of money in the account. It also shows how much it fluctuated over the time.

Three reports are able to be produced using your accounting software providing you've made sure to fill in your financial details. If you're not able enough time, this is yet another reason why it is recommended to hire an online bookkeeper.

table of numbers with a calculator

Important financial metrics are vital in eCommerce accounting

Taxjar has published a great article on the ecommerce accounting metrics. Make sure you are aware that accounting goes far not just about accounting for financial details. Accounting also tells the story of your finances and the development or demise of your internet company.

These are the most significant accounting variables:


Revenue is your total income, even before expenses have been deducted. It's relatively easy to keep track of. But by itself this gives an impression of having a blurred perception.

Margin of contribution

It's the cost that you set for selling your product, less costs to sell the item. This is similar to the COGS number from the prior article however, it is for each and every product you provide. The figure doesn't account for operating costs.


Profit is earned by taking all the costs out of revenues, which includes the operational and marketing costs. If you're making a profit, but the profit margins aren't as great or as high, you'll need to improve your profits or cut back on expenditure.

Conversion rates for eCommerce

The percentage is the number of people who come to your store who buy something.

Cost of purchase for customer

The reality is that it costs more difficult to generate more sales for existing customers compared to acquiring an entirely new client.

If you've got a very high CAC, but you're still not yet ready to end your marketing, you have two options.

  1. There are many ways to enhance or improve your marketing
  2. Start to promote more efficiently to your existing clients.

Customer lifetime value

If you're a new online seller who's just starting out, you'll have difficulties making this choice in the initial couple of years. If you have a solid accounting system, it's easy to determine the amount that will be within the next few years.

The figure will help to justify the marketing costs. If, for example, you've got a higher CAC, but your lifetime value of a customer is greater than that, it's worth the effort to spend the money in order to gain the clients.

Average order value

If you're dealing with e-commerce companies that are still in their early stages, this might be a better metric to apply than the lifespan value. If you spend just $10 to attract a new customer however they'll spend an average of $25 for each purchase It's an incredible bargain provided your other expenses aren't excessively expensive. If you're able to scale this upwards by introducing more customers, you'll be able to do well.

Cart abandonment rate

It's a shockingly high number for ecommerce stores. Based on TaxJar's sources approximately 70% of shoppers on the internet add items to their shopping carts but don't purchase the items.

The most effective way to minimize the chance of abandoning your cart is to email abandon cart customers it is simple to automate with the right email system, for instance MailPoet. MailPoet.

MailPoet abandoned cart information page

If you are able to lower the rate at which carts are abandoned down to 50 or 60 percent, this will result in an astounding rise in sales. All it takes is the delivery of just a handful of automatic emails, and it's not a trouble.

Refunds and returns at a cost to the buyer

Are you dealing with a large number of customers who return products for refunds? It could be a sign that things are not going well. Take note of this and try to minimize the risk.

Five crucial accounting aspects that eCommerce should consider when deciding whether to accept

If you're still in the early phase of becoming an e-commerce business proprietor, you must have the ability to manage your financial skills today in order to avoid ending with hot water later on. Clear clear"hot water" can refer to various things such as:

  • Taxes that are not payed -- such as taxes on income, sales taxes, local and state taxes
  • Tax returns that aren't correct
  • Insufficient funds for inventories
  • You don't have the funds to pay
  • The equity can't be retracted in a sufficient way.

These are some of the steps you can take to get your accounting process for e-commerce starting off with a bang:

1. Set up a separate bank account for a business account

Small-scale owners of Ecommerce often forget the long-term goals of their business because they're occupied with their own business activities when they begin their business.

someone using an ATM

However, business accounting isn't always easy when you combine personal and business transactions. The business account will be used to cover every business expense and also the account where you will pay any earnings earned from sales.

For opening a bank account for business account, you'll require the tax ID number of your corporation.

2. You must be well-prepared for both employees and contractors.

If you're planning to hire employees, you'll need to establish strategies to collect taxes withholding. Although you may opt to run your company entirely on your own It is likely that you'll still need hire contractors to complete specific duties. Contractors that are paid more than the amount each an year throughout America U.S. must be sent an 1099-form. It is crucial to fill it out.

  • You can track who you've paid as well as the amount that you've owed to them.
  • You should request a W-9 form from each contractor
  • Make sure you have current address records for each employee.

3. Get accounting software

If you are planning to manage hundreds or thousands of transactions each month, you'll require accounting software such as QuickBooks Online, Xero, or FreshBooks. Businesses with fewer transactions could be able to use an Excel spreadsheet. However, businesses with lots of transactions may not be able to keep up through manual entry of information.

Accounting software for ecommerce can be utilized to streamline many financial tasks and make your life simpler. It stores, records, and retrieves financial details as well as generating financial reports and statements.

list of accounting extensions

4. Make sure to keep all receipts, invoices and records of payments

The Reliability Principle of Accounting states that all transactions with supporting documents should be documented. If you do not have evidence of the transaction and you don't have documentation for that transaction cannot be considered income or as an expense. If you try to claim tax benefits in the expense that you don't have proof of paying for and it was a tax evasion, then it's tax evasion.

Documents such as receipts, documents and more in a format that is physical. Photograph them and save the receipts in a digital format. Make sure you save receipts as well as invoices you receive in a separate folder for emails too in addition to the regular inbox of emails.

receipts on top of a laptop

5. Pay attention to taxes and tax regulations

Tax laws vary in accordance with the nature of the business and its location. It is essential to be aware about sales tax, and tax on imports, if engaged in international business transactions. Tax withholding tax is applicable to quarterly payment as well as other taxes which apply to your state, country or province, city or region.

Tax is included in your accounting software you employ and in your financial report. Always consult a tax specialist to ensure you're following the proper procedures.There's many more things to consider when discussing tax administration. Two major tax obligations you need to be aware of

Trackers and sales taxes.

Taxes for online sales are extremely complicated. Most US states are now able to charge an online sales tax. Moreover, the EU remains the only one with its own tax on sales.

Within the U.S., each state is taxed differently as well as each state is governed by its own regulations on how sales tax is to be imposed.

The payment of estimated quarterly business tax

Your business's earnings is tax-free. Much like a worker with a 1099 business, your company that operates through e-commerce earns money without taxation having been paid.

As a 1099 employee, it is your duty to pay the quarterly tax. If you fail to do so, the government can punish the taxpayer for not paying the tax to be paid.

stack of tax documents on a table

How do you deal with this? It is important to avoid falling way far behind in your tax obligations. One of the most effective ways to manage tax obligations for the quarter is to determine the amount you will be required to pay in taxes on the income you earn each month, that you will be able to use as tax payments each quarter.

Your accounting software using is able to handle everything, including taxes on sales. It is crucial to make use of software...

There are many reasons why you should use software for accounting

You should take the moment to consider this question again and be sure to understand the benefits of using software to manage the accounting for your online business.

You've seen that tax administration is a huge problem, specifically taxes on sales as well as revenues from different sales channels. If you operate an online company that offers items across the US or in a number of nations, you'll want to handle all of it yourself. There's a company to manage.

The software also takes care of your tax obligations to cover income taxes as well as assist you with filing your end of tax year reports. If you're in the process of paying taxes for local or state tax The difficulty is even more. A reputable accounting system is able to meet all the demands.

chart of accounts

Accounting software can also help you control your income and expenses by creating financial statements which will let you track the profits you earn for the month and your business's equity.

Another benefit to accounting software is that it allows you to control the employee's payroll that are under contract. If you're not planning to pay for the accounting and bookkeeping of the internet, it's crucial to utilize accounting software.

Are you in need of hiring accountants, bookkeepers or bookkeepers? Or can you do everything by yourself?

If you're not using the accounting software or you do get it but don't wish to make use of it, then you'll require an accountant. If your business expands and expands, you'll need to think about one of the many accounting firms who are well-aware about the particulars of companies that depend on online commerce.

Many business owners who are involved in the field of e-commerce are enthralled by the prospect of having the business themselves, which includes having the title of chief financial Chief Financial Officer. And so long as their business is small, you might be able to be able to do this. But let's define "small."

If an online seller earns $100,000 or more each year as income net the likelihood is that it will out of the reach of your accounting software when the products you sell are distributed across different states or nations. Sales tax on their own aren't a simple matter.

Additionally, you must be able to deal with the shipping charges as well as returns, transportation costs, among other things. Most ecommerce platforms sell lower-priced merchandise, as well as deal in volume. If yours is not an exclusion, then it will be a large number of transactions.

An increase in the number of transactions will mean that it takes longer to record and track every single one of them. Even an "small" online company which has less than $100,000 of total revenue per year from sales of goods which range from $5 to $20, is likely to experience a large number of transactions.

If your company does not sell its products in the boundaries of a specific region, state, province or even an entire nation, the amount of tax complexity is lower. In this case it is feasible to do the tax preparation on your own in case you choose to do the extra work.

You can test your favorite method and observe what happens. You can change your thinking within the next few years.

Does accounting have a cover

Recognizes the responsibility the entrepreneurs face every day. The manual entry of transactions as well as preparing accounting reports can be a long and tedious process. Likewise, tax planning could create an mess. Accounting is one of the most important aspects in operating a business that is profitable.

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