Ten Methods Jo Kelly Coaches People To Become Great Actors--Online

May 8, 2024

Jo Kelly isn't your average acting instructor.

In fact she does not employ the term "teacher" in any way "I do not give people directions on how to behave" she states. "I assist people in not act in a manner that is not appropriate."

Through exercises that are experiential, Jo coaches mainly actors and artists of any variety, in addition to non-artist "seekers" regarding the ways they can achieve the inner peace and be their true self. By doing this, performers will stop acting and become themselves. "I like to call myself an acupuncturist, rather than a coach because I assist people in returning to who they are and be reborn," she explains.

She believes that the performance of an actor depends on their level of fulfillment and the capacity to dedicate themselves completely to their role. "When the character is being protected in its entirety, the story and the audience are impacted" she says.

In her unique style of guiding performing artists She helps them connect to their child's fascination, creativity and even playing. And the result? They give truthful, alive, and raw shows.

In 2016, Jo made the switch from coaching in person and started an online-based business by . Since then, she's led three consecutive learning journeys and has been able to assist more than 8,000 clients. The team has seen amazing outcomes since they joined Jo and also have secured roles in many of the most famous studios, including Netflix, HBO, Disney, Showtime, ABC Studios along with many others.

Here's her story of how she developed an online company that she's particularly enthusiastic about:

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She conducted her own research

Jo had an unusual route in her journey to become an actor.

In Belgium She completed her MBA after which she specialized in the area of human resources management and the psychology of systems. The following years she worked with corporate coaching. "The corporate environment never felt exactly like the one I was accustomed to." She reveals. "I made the decision to stop all my work, move to Paris and begin afresh. ."

A big part of her newfound ambitions was trying her hand at acting. She fell in the attraction to. She was dedicated, hardworking and invested her entire money and time in learning how to be the most effective actor she could be.

In spite of her commitment to her profession she claims to be an excellent actress, but not an outstanding actress. Similar to other actors, she was plagued by stage anxiety. "Most of my colleagues who worked in acting also suffered from similar problems," she says. "We loved acting, however when it was our turn to be on stage, we were anxious. ."

The actress wanted to know what was blocking them from becoming the most effective actors. "My curiosity became an obsession," she says. "I wanted to know what drives actors to be so committed and intense shrink when it's time to perform ."

Over the course of several years, she analyzed the reasons why so many actors felt stuck. Through her research, she came to her to realize that while children play it's like they're playing with their own control. When adults play, it's like they're losing their autonomy due to social rules. "When I realized this, I spent the rest of my life aiding actors to break out of their limitations and let them show up and be themselves in the same way that they used to be," explains Jo.

She began her coaching

Jo's experiences-based research led her to research different practices and tools that she later tried on other people by either group or private coaching in the beginning of 2000. In the following years, the business was named To Be Or Not To Act.

She soon realized those she coached were lacking accountability. "No no matter how dedicated the individuals whom I worked with, they didn't be present on a daily basis. Even if we met every week three times but there was no obligation during breaks. The ball would be dropped easily when they weren't with me." Jo explains. Jo.

The concept was that online courses could help people stay consistent with their practice. They are "journeys," and the first journey she leads students to can be described as The Reset: From Resistance to Freedom, which she created in the year 2014. "I created The Reset so that I could assist people on the 33 days of journey," she explains.
    "Since the site is live, customers can use it at their own pace and make their own plans."

Jo is of the belief that humans are born with an authentic core. However, our society's conditioning requires us to behave in a certain way, to be a certain way of thinking and act in a particular way. According Jo, the reason for The Reset is for people to do daily exercise routines which help them shed their habits and revert to their natural nature. Each day during The Reset, Jo offers recordings of exercises. Jo offers two Q&As and two group exercises using pods, and a semi-Q&A session during which Jo addresses frequently asked questions in the private Facebook group.

The flexibility offered by the online course allows Jo's members to participate in the lessons at any time during the day, whether they get up, prior to when they go to bed and whenever they've got spare time throughout the day. "The best part is the fact that it enables them to make them fit into their routines," she explains.

She built an online business that enabled her to enjoy a with more flexibility

When Jo first launched her own online Reset journey, she had every single day a session via her website. After a few years her switch was made after being recommended to the site from her trainer. "You are aware of the way you're going, but I don't" she laughs.

Following her move into coaching via the internet, Jo's life has been transformed. At the time of our interview, she was calling from the hospital, where she was joined by her daughter. "Eight decades ago, my daughter was born with a genetic spectra, which implies that she requires medical attention every month" she said.

" It allows me to be a mother, and in charge of my children while maintaining my company while I'm being treated in a hospital and my daughter receives her monthly transfusions" she adds. "Working online allows me to charge of my child in the way I would like to and stay in my home all the time with her. It allows me to travel to the hospital in case of medical emergencies while being able to do the work I'm passionate about, without anxiety. ."

Her subsequent travels were her creation.

When people are done with The Reset, they have the option of enrolling in The Intentional Actor, a three-month course. The Intentional Actor. It is a 3 hour session over twelve weeks. "The participants here are a little more autonomous with regards to accountability and proving their worth. They have certain rules to adhere to every morning, yet they can't rely on my energy to do it. They have to think of their own goals, and that is why they are here." Jo says.

Jo will also be hosting Q&A sessions through the journey of The Purposeful Actor, scheduled every once a week for a period of three weeks. Once people have completed that The Purpose Journey, they can opt to become a member for the year that is known as BAMF Actors In Action, which is a reference to Bad-Ass Mom Fake Actors In Action. "I started this program because those who have completed these two walks wanted to continue practicing on this route," she says.

The membership program is in operation for the past four years. It includes a content programme every month. It also includes group discussions with weekly pods. It also includes each month, Q&A together with Jo, and a six-hour summit that occurs every three months. "The membership lets people choose how they'll take on the world and become the person they're supposed to be, connect to their work environment as well as create the content they want to make, and elevate the standard of their instruments," she explains.

She has trained artists of all kinds

As per Jo she thinks that most of the clients she works with during her journeys include actors. But there are different kinds of artists, such as writers, storytellers, dancers and musicians as well regular people who "want to improve their conditioning," such as mothers and professionals like professional athletes, television hosts, professional athletes, and therapeutic professionals. "Freedom is a concern to everyone who wishes to be fully expressed," she says.

Since the tour is conducted in English these tours attract tourists around the world. "We have travelers from every continent, but mostly America, Europe, and Australia," she shares.

The majority of her listeners are aged between 20 to 50. Some are even at the end of their third decade, and it's not uncommon for her to invite guests aged 70 or 80s, to come along as she travels.

The client let her handle her talking.

In the case of advertising her travels, Jo says the word is shared through spread of word.

On her homepage has embedded in a testimonial video reel. This adds social proof and gives credibility to the work she does. Plus, website visitors can sign-up to her newsletter via email newsletter on her site. To collect emails the author offers two seminars at no cost to help lead generation and leads: Stop Being an Actor of Excellence to Give Yourself The Chance To become a great actor and The Instinctive Actor. They not only aid with collecting the readers' data, the workshops also provide people a taste of her style of coaching.

She also posts on her Instagram page, which has over 10,500 followers. Her page also receives press coverage from interviewing people on podcasts, blogs, and magazines.

She chose to pay a rate that is affordable.

Jo is determined to make sure that her trips are cost-effective for people, especially because actors are constantly changing with their income. "If you attended an acting studio once a week, the cost would be about $300-$400. In the majority of cases, you'll sit down and watch other people do the scenes, and occasionally, you'll have the opportunity to play," she adds.

"These online trips offer a low-cost alternative," continues Jo. "The worth of our trips exceeds the value we offer the journeys for." ."

The Reset is priced lower than $1000 USD. The Purposeful Actor cost $1,250 USD and membership costs $270 USD per month.

She never left the area of genius

While she is the head of To Be Or Not To Act, Jo is firm in her resolve to invest on her time in her field of expertise, which is coaching and creating material. Jo doesn't consider herself a tech expert, and prefers to remain "in in the flow" doing the things she is skilled at. "The other aspects that run the business aren't things I'm interested in since they're not my realm of genius," she states.

Jo says her success is due in obtaining a coach an early stage. She was looking to design evergreen experiences and took a chance and purchased an education course at 20k, in order to understand the art of creating these. "It was an enormous sum of money, which made me to get an loan of half the price. But I'm glad that I did it," she shares.

She is convinced for anyone to build a successful online course business. However, she suggests to be aware that it's not an easy job.

"It takes dedication and persistence. Also, it's important to be really committed to what you do. As for me, this is all I've ever accomplished since I changed jobs when I was in my 20s and that's the only thing I'll take on. Because of my passion that, even when it gets difficult, I stay through it ."

She was inspired by her desire to make art.

The creators of online businesses should be realistic about the difficult work required to create an online enterprise. She recommends doing it only if the area they're educating is one that's near to their heart.

"The chance is now that when you are posting on social media, everyone is asking you questions and everyone is trying to sell to you the possibility that you will make millions in a matter of seconds, but that's not the case," says Jo. "It is an established fact if you hold something you're passionate about, and would like to make it known to the world, you will have to reach out to a larger audience than the people in your local area. It requires effort, and it takes falling before getting back up. It is important to receive coaching, and investing your time and cash until you can build the structure ."

As Jo When you create an enterprise from the heart It gives you the strength to endure the tough times.

"An online company isn't merely an opportunity for you to earn profits. It should be created by your heart, based on your purpose for doing. If you don't, you'll fall off the ball because the ball will be too difficult to handle." she shares.

"If you're serious about it, then you'll be able take on the challenge. If you're trying in order to make quick money, you won't be able to face the challenges. I suggest that you apply your passions to you. It is essential to excel in your field because there is a lot of competition. You must be able to be confident in the work you're doing. ."

She remained true to her work

When asked about trending in online courses we can see in 2024 Jo is of the opinion that there is always a high degree of use of online classes. She says that the main difference between "McDonald's" courses and "gourmet" courses is that are created by a professional with integrity.

"When you're surrounded by an abundance of items, there will be two different kinds of online jobs. There'll be McDonald's type courses, and then there will be those that are reliable, like Gourmet. Everyone is going to have plans to achieve the other thing in your everyday life. It won't come from a place of integrity And then there will be people who've done it for quite a while," she says.

To create the most exquisite dining experience, she recommends you to return to your heart.

"There is a huge potential for those who are grounded by their hearts and desires to serve others," she continues. "The individuals who require their services will be able to find they need you ."

"I'm content that this allows us to have a connection with each other in the things that matter to us. It's incredible."

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