Take advantage of the best! Danica Larsen is awarded her Q3 2023 Springie Award

Dec 24, 2023

We're pleased to confirm that Danica Larsen is the 2023 winner of our quarterly Springie Award! Danica is an experienced Customer Success Manager who always demonstrated the viability of  the's fundamental values"Make a Change, Be a Leader, and learn to understand and work with urgency - through the dedication she shows to her job and unwavering dedication to her team.

Danica's work for the business is evident in her numerous achievements. She always goes above and beyond to assist colleagues and always willing to offer assistance and share her expertise. Danica loves to Learn and has developed relationships with coworkers that has resulted in a positive and cooperative working environment. Faced with difficulties, Danica has a drive to act quickly, being accountable and figuring out ways to ensure that this project succeeds. Danica is involved in. Our Vice President for People & Culture, Louise Cherry Barber was able to sit at a table (virtually) for a chat with Danica about her prize and work experience .

Danica's dedication to her work and devotion to the firm's guidelines have allowed her to be an indispensable asset to the team. Danica's optimistic outlook as well as her capacity to assist when faced with problems and to address issues are key to colleagues' lives and the overall effectiveness of .

We're incredibly happy the privilege of having Danica on our team. We thank her for this well-deserved recognition. Danica's passion for quality and the way in which she displays the ideals which define us could be a source of encouragement to everyone.

Stay tuned for a shortened version of the interview. Danica:

Louise Cherry Barber: Danica I'm pleased to announce that you've been chosen as one of the Springie Award Winner for our third quarter of 2023! What does it mean for you to be given the Springie Award here at ?

Danica LarsenIt it was truly nice feel genuine and friendly to learn that I tried to include a significant amount of myself and my gorgeous personalityat work. It was also great to be aware that others were aware of the effort and it was praised and acknowledged, not just not only for the achievement of a certain number, which is previously the way I was viewed by my boss in different work environments I've been to as well as for the kind that I am and for my accomplishments that I've made over and beyond an amount. It was incredible to be recognized by the person I am as a person. It was incredibly emotional.

Louise Cherry Barber: This is awesome and definitely deserves to be celebrated. One thing I'm looking forward to is to learn more from you regarding some aspects which stood out, know, from when you first discovered the software. In particular, your contribution to the project that which you conducted using the benchmarking program has been highly appreciated by quite a few users. Can you provide some details about the project?

Danica LarsenYes it's not a secret that I've put on lots of effort, as I'm thrilled to see it acknowledged. I think I was somewhat surprised to learn that the benchmarking initiative was among the initiatives which was mentioned as we're just on the cusp of a breakthrough, know; there's a lot of work to be done. It's wonderful to know that everyone's thrilled about this program. Since it's likely to bring many benefits. I really hope it'll offer many benefits for us, not just as a firm, but to our sellers, clients, as well. And we'll help to provide an insight into how we can expand in the future, the way we're seeing it helping us to make it a hit. This was a great aspect to see in the early stages of the Beta stages. It was truly remarkable as this means that the rest of the world has been experiencing benefits too.

Louise Cherry Barber: We recently updated the values of our business to make a difference and learn to be conscious and respond with urgency. I'm curious about what you think of the brand new values.

Danica Larsen What they are is doing the right thing being aware of what"right" means. That means you need be able to look into the subject, making an immediate decision before making a choice. It's a fact that I'm able to confirm that every morning... Also as I look around at my colleagues, the people on the Support Team and the Support Team are a great indicator that they are sharing the same beliefs as our clients as well as everyday with our clients. They're leading the way, and on the forefront of understanding and speed, as this is the only approach to get these results. As business, no one can continue cooperating with us.

Louise Cherry Barber:What do you have to say to people who feel similar to your own ? Do you think that anyone would wish to follow these ideals? What are your suggestions that can help bring those principles to your life?

Danica Larsen It is my only right to talk from my perspective. I only speak from my perspective. But, I think the primary thing to do is keep an eye on everything you are able to. If you're dealing with various business accounts, sellers and accounts and sellers, you must be aware of all those people you are involved in, and understanding their demands, and understanding the motive of the necessity to understand the actions we must accomplish and how we need to conduct ourselves. This is the "seeking understanding" that accomplish it without paying attention. One thing I'd advise is paying your attention to people around you.

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