Speed up the workflow of your content with this WordPress Editorial Calendar

Jul 13, 2023

Speed up the workflow of your content with this WordPress Editorial Calendar

Strive WordPress Content Calendar review

We welcome you to our world at Member in which we are proud to have not just one, not two, nor six flourishing blogs! I can assure you that it's no easy task to manage the volume of material.

Six distinct blogs are on different websites, each catering to specific products, keeping up to date isn't easy. Don't forget the talented group of writers that contribute their talents to our blogs, there are a lot of chefs in the kitchen, making a lot of plates.

At least that's how it used to feel until we discovered a game-changing WordPress editorial calendar. And let me inform you that it's totally revolutionized our approach to managing content.

It's called the Strive Content Calendar, and I can't wait to share the magic of it with fellow creators of content and bloggers like you.

Since using Strive for the past few months, I've come to recognize how useful it can be in streamlining the content management process.

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Here's why you probably need Strive

If you're involved within the realm of blog content or management, you're aware of the crucial role played by blog content calendars. They are the backbone of your operations, enabling users to:

  • Create and track topics
  • Concepts for structure
  • Assign tasks
  • Schedule posts
  • ...and so much plus!

Now, if you're as organized as we are, you realize that your blog's content calendar is just a part of the puzzle. You can access the powerful primary content calendar. It lets you can manage not just blog posts but also many different types of content, such as guides, infographics advertising, and PDFs, all neatly organized according to topic.

At Member, we rely on Asana to construct and maintain our colossal main content calendar, which effectively captures the larger image. But, we ran into a couple of challenges along our journey:

  1. The sheer dimension of our main calendar made it too cumbersome for a practical working blog content calendar.
  2. Our writers aren't all are at our offices giving them quick access Asana. It led to a lengthy sequence of emails back and forth, as well as Google Docs exchanges when assigning subjects to writers from outside.

Thankfully, our salvation arrived in the form of the Strive Content Calendar It rapidly streamlined these obstacles and gave us an easy solution. Allow us to shed the light on the way Strive efficiently solved our problems with content management.

The best part is here: your Strive Content Calendar

Strive menu easy to access from WordPress dashboard

This clever solution is directly addressed my primary issues:

  1. Through the incorporation of our blog's content calendar within the WordPress backend Every one of our six blogs has an individual calendar independent of our primary calendar. This streamlined approach simplifies the managing and organizing of blog subjects, which ensures an efficient workflow. (Curious to know how we integrate each blog's calendar into our Asana primary calendar? Stay tuned, and we'll share the secret!)
  2. Every writer we employ has access to the WordPress backend. Through Strive the blog's content calendars have been integrated within WordPress its own platform. It's easy to create reviews, assign, and then process posts for all involved! No more back-and-forth Google Doc sharing. (We'll explore more detail about this later on!)

Furthermore, Strive's drag-and drop functionality only adds to the overall amazing ease of use

Strive drag and drop feature

Are you looking to change the date on which your blog post was published? No problemo! Strive lets you easily arrange posts according to your preferences, swiftly moving posts between scheduled slots as well as the sidebar with drafts not scheduled. Each relocation instantly triggers automatic scheduling within the WordPress editor to ensure that your posts are organized in a seamless manner.

This feature stands out as an absolute favorite of mine, but it's not the only one. Strive program comes with a variety of additional impressive features. Let's look some more.

The Strive's other great content

Additionally, in addition to its simple setup and seamless integration, Strive is tooled up with impressive features designed to help you save time. For instance...

Effortless content revisions

To get your blog's ranking high and remain there for a long time is a constant process of revisions to your content. The process of revising can be a real headache. It is not a good idea to disrupt the SEO effectiveness of a live article that has already gained significant significance.

Strive create a revision from the WordPress admin bar

Enter Strive's Revisions feature, the ultimate solution to streamline your revision workflow. Upon installing the plugin, there will be a "revision" option attached to each published post. It's accessible via the admin bar in WordPress or the list of posts in the backend.

Strive create a revision in the back end of WordPress

This feature works its magic with just two easy steps:

  • By clicking the "revision" button will generate an entirely new version of the post, separate from the version that was published.
  • As you make updates after which you click "Publish," Strive seamlessly merges the revised version with the original. The result? A well-optimized article, free of the hassle of jumbled redirects. The SEO juice stays intact, while you save precious time.

Notably, the Strive calendar display clearly labels revisions. This lets you effortlessly track the ratio of new-to-updated content.

Alternative Pipeline view

While the Calendar view is my primary space The Pipeline view gives you a big-picture perspective. By clicking in the Pipeline tab, you get access to the statuses of every post in an organized, single space.

It also prevents posts that are not being read giving a complete overview of how they are progressing. Whether they're being planned, under construction or ready to be edited and not even started, you can easily identify the post's current status and monitor it. In addition, you can will be able to change between columns and rows depending on the workflow you prefer.

Customizable Checklists

Crafting a well-structured blog post involves juggling numerous details including syntax and style, to meta-data and image settings. The challenge is even more pronounced when working with new authors.

The Strive Checklists tool comes to the rescue, eliminating any guesswork and ensuring consistency. Just make a list of essential details under the Checklist tab and you'll be ready to start.

Strive style checklist

When someone is working on an article, they are able to open the list directly in the WordPress editor and mark off the items they need to complete. This not only streamlines practical work but also functions as a useful tool in your process.

Clear Post Statuses

Post statuses play a vital role in organizing your content workflow. What can you tell if an article is currently in the process and ready for edits or be edited to go? With Strive's Post Statuses feature offers unparalleled transparency in this area.

Unlike the default WordPress configuration, which makes it difficult to distinguish between posts that require editing and those awaiting to publish, Strive introduces a crystal-clear solution.

Strive status

The Strive plugin enhances the WordPress surroundings with these simple post statuses for posts:

  • Not Started
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Complete
  • Published

Each status is associated with the color of its respective status, giving an indication of the status all through the Strive Calendar. When you update a status within the WordPress editor causes an instant reflection in Strive as well, which is reversed. This feature enables efficient organization which ensures you do not lose track of your post's progress.

Just a handful outstanding features which make Strive an essential tool to optimize your process of creating content. Let's dive deeper into how Strive can revolutionize your blogging workflow management.

Streamlining Your Blog Workflow by using Strive

In this post I'll show you how the Member Content Team effectively uses Strive to manage our blog post workflow. As we have several contributors to the six blogs we have creating an efficient and well-controlled workflow is extremely essential.

The good news is that Strive provides two great tools that make the process easier and provide seamless management. Let's explore how we leverage these features:

New Drafts

Located on the right part of the Content Calendar page, the " Add New Draft" is your launchpad for the next blog you want to write.

Strive Add New Draft

If you click, it will open a pop-up window where it is easy to input necessary information needed for the creation of a blog post.

We make use of the Title field to identify the assigned writer by including their name prior to the post title.

Strive New Draft Popup

It all is created when you hit the Create new Draft button located at the bottom of the screen.

Strive instantly creates a brand fresh draft for WordPress by importing all data entered in The WordPress Editor. This integration of Strive and WordPress removes the requirement to move data around in a slow process, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

New Draft Blog Strive

If you start a new draft, Strive auto-generates a dedicated box within the unscheduled Drafts column, conveniently displaying the pending tasks for our writers. This feature allows for clear and easy visibility as well as easy access to the current tasks.

A streamlined workflow with color-coded progress

Strive's vivid color scheme does more than just add visual appeal but also serves as a powerful tool in our blog post process.

Each color represents a specific stage in the workflow, allowing us to effectively communicate the next steps and the responsible people. Here's how we utilize these colors:

  1. Not Started (Red): When I start a new Draft and it is automatically reverted to the status of not started and displays a vibrant red color. This informs the designated writer that it is time to write.
  2. Writing (Orange): Once the writer begins working on the draft, they change the status of their post to Writing, accompanied by an eye-catching orange hue. The change informs me that the article is currently in process.
  3. Editing (Yellow): When the draft is finished and is ready to be reviewed, the writer changes the post's status to Editing. This is represented with a vivid yellow color. This notifies me that the blog post needs my attention to review and changes.
  4. Complete (Green): After I've completed my edits and decide that the article is now ready for publication and I change the status to Complete. Post box immediately changes into a calming green.

Green plays a vital role in our lives, since Strive provides an option that automatically publishes each Complete (green) blog post on the scheduled date and time in WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. This feature significantly saves time. It also requires a constant checking of dates and times every time we "go Green."

After a article is published successfully and is published, the page turns black, indicating that the process is completed.

With this color-coded system it allows us to maintain an organised process, which ensures an efficient communication process and smooth progression throughout the content creation process. We'll explore additional advantages and features of the features and benefits Strive brings to the table.

Seamless Integration with Your Main Content Calendar

The individual calendars for blog posts of Strive make blogging easier for us. However, what about the main Asana calendar? Do we keep track of all items that we need to deliver for our blog topics?

Transcribing each WordPress post into Asana is a time-consuming and tedious task. Luckily, our remarkable Dev Team devised an ingenious solution with Zapier.

By using a custom Zap that is activated whenever the creation of a new draft occurs in WordPress The document seamlessly moves into our Asana content calendar particularly that of the "New Blogs" section I established.

The Zap will automatically assign the appropriate job to me, and ensures that I receive an alert about the presence of the draft. Then, I move to Asana and transfer the article to the correct topic section.

This is a huge success streamlining our process and removing any need to duplicate our work.

The Takeaway

Strive Content Calendar Strive Content Calendar is an invaluable asset for creators. It offers a wealth of benefits and features that will revolutionize the way you manage your content at a very reasonable price.

For just $7 a month You get access to all the remarkable options we've talked about and much plus. Additionally that your first two weeks are without cost.

Take into consideration the value of your time that is about $100 an hour. When you purchase Strive it costs less than a penny per hour, making Strive a cost-effective option. Take into account the time-saving benefits it provides, and it's an absolute steal.

Ready to feel the power of Strive in person? Click the button below and begin a trial drive that can transform how you organize and manage your information.

Get started optimizing your content production by using Strive today!

           TRY STRIVE CONTENT CALENDAR Free for 14 Days

We would appreciate any feedback you can provide and would love to hear about your experience using Strive. If you decide to try it and have any thoughts, feel free to share them and thoughts in the comments section.

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