Selling: Eight Experienced Tips From Ellie Discusses Money (7-figure Entrepreneur)

Feb 3, 2023

Are you looking to launch your own business online but don't have the knowledge to develop an audience who will purchase from your business? Perhaps you have an online or an online course however, you're not selling?

There's more than one person to blame. One of the common pieces of feedback we hear from teachers of creators is that they don't know what to do about marketing and selling.

Most often, it's something along like: "I know how to instruct and assist my students, not the best way to promote or generate sales! How can I get my message to the greatest number of people?"

So we spoke with the creator of 7 figures, entrepreneur and educator Ellie Diop of Ellie Talks Money.

Who else can give you practical advice about how to increase the reach of your online course and also make it more attractive to potential buyers?

Following being cut off from work and divorced, Ellie had to start her new chapter in her life. She decided to gamble on her own abilities and began sharing her financial knowledge on the internet.

It was soon clear that the sessions for coaching at $40,000/hour she offered weren't sufficient in order to support her and her four kids. After that, she made the decision to make changes to provide programmes and other materials that led to her making her million dollars for the first time four months later.

Here are her tried and true strategies to market your website and your products.

The tried and tested strategies of Ellie Diop for selling

Skip ahead:

  1.       Perform market analysis in your areas of expertise
  2.       Create your own superhero
  3.       Do not let a day pass without advertising
  4.       Feedback is the most reliable friend
  5.       Try various prices
  6.       Create multiple items to offer for sale
  7.       Remind people of their worst pain points
  8.       Consistency Code is the most effective cheat code

     Do market research on your expertise areas    

We'll say that you're an expert in knitting. You love knitting and spent years practicing. Your specialty is knitting dog sweaters, and now you would like to show others how knit their own. You can go ahead and launch your online training course. You've got an idea of what your specialization is, does this not?

It's not enough to consider an essential element of conducting a market research. The market for dog sweaters alone is not enough. If you discover the market is bigger if you teach how to knit all kinds of dog sweaters including dogs, not just dog sweaters.

You must ensure that you're creating products that are sought-after by the marketplace.

Services to individuals who are not served

Ellie's industry is finance. Women particularly females who are of color do not have representation and, in many cases, are under-served. Financial content isn't typically designed for them. Ellie recognized the potential for this and launched the brand she owns Ellie Talks

If, for instance, you're knitting, you might notice that knitting programs are generally focused on older age groups, and there aren't any courses targeted at younger people. Therefore, you decide to change your brand and your language so that it appeals to younger millennials and pet owners.

     Be your very personal superhero    

Ellie talks in depth about how crucial it is to identify the signs of imposter syndrome. Ellie believes that you should trust in your capacity to be successful.

She recommends a specific exercise which can assist you in overcoming doubts about your abilities. Grab a piece of paper, or perhaps an online or Word doc and begin writing your achievements down. These can be large as well as small, personal, or from your private or professional life, it doesn't matter.

If imposter syndrome keeps calling your name or you're dealing with anxiety issues The only thing you can be able to do is revisit the checklist. The list is proof that you've accomplished everything you've completed, even when you felt scared or uncertain. If you are able to carry on, keep creating the list, and repeat the whenever you are doubtful.

According to Ellie says, "you are the only person who will keep pressing on you."

     Don't let a day go by without marketing    

Ellie spoke about the necessity to maintain a consistent approach to marketing repeatedly during the interview. When she first started the business it was that she posted on Instagram every day, at minimum three days a week (using Later to schedule posts in addition to Canva for the creation of posts). She also posted a series of the posts she made during her wedding day (scheduled prior to the wedding date naturally). ;).)

Note the posts that get the most response and use that information to guide your topics for classes and write articles on. As an example, when Ellie realized that her Instagram posts about credit cards for businesses received lots of comments and questions, she created her first course on this topic. It was an excellent way for people to for online courses since she realized that there was an enormous interest!

Other tips for marketing: Ellie suggests that aspiring entrepreneurs research the strategies used by other businesses and replicate their tactics. There's no need to create your own strategy. It is also recommended to connect with fellow creator-educators and entrepreneurs so that you can expand your circle. It is possible to learn about how they are converting their customers into clients and perhaps cross-promoting the other.

     Feedback is the most reliable friend    

The moment Ellie started her journey on the course, she provided the course for free to those who were the most active in posts on social media during the course of about 3-4 months. All she asked in return was that they provide their feedback about her "beta" course after they were done.

     Try different rates    

Ellie set the price of her first meal at just $15. This was not the result of much of a consideration in choosing this price, apart from the fact that she was looking for it to be affordable for a regular individual. In particular, since her first release took place at the time of the epidemic, she didn't want the cost to fall outside the reach of many people's budgets.

Eventually, after she began to gain popularity and her popularity increased, she increased her rates up to about $100. Current prices range from $297 to $497 for most of her programs. She advises creators to take a look at what other companies in their field charge and then go from there. For example, if someone with more experience than you is charging $150, you might start with $100, and then increase the prices once you have more knowledge as well as your customers.

Ellie's tip to save money. Prices which begin with 7 usually be more expensive than those that are an alternative number.

     You can create several products that you can sell    

Diversifying your earnings is the most effective method to make more money quickly. Ellie claims that she's achieved this right from the start. In addition to offering online classes She also offered PDFs and electronic eBooks for download from the very beginning.

You don't have to do everything at once! Be aware of what topics in your field attract people through social media and the rate of completion for courses. You can create an online community. You can also ask for specific feedback regarding what subjects people are most fascinated by.

When you have found the subjects you are interested in, create other content available for download as well as offering gratis in exchange for interested people's email addresses.

     Make people aware of their pain points    

We're not talking about reminding people of their anger without reason. Ellie swears the best way to get people's attention and convince them to buy is to find their issues and tell them you have the solution on the same blog.

There's a formula for it: If the answer is _____ then you're able to calculate _____. Also, if you're frustrated that you can't complete your tax return If you're frustrated, you should take my simple 5-step guide to complete your taxes in just one hour. It's not the only method of writing about your product, but it's a great start to ensure you understand what your audience's pain points are and ways you can assist them in making their lives more enjoyable.

     Consistency code can be the most effective cheat code    

Ellie's biggest takeaway that she stresses is the fact that only consistency can help you build your business. Although you may take all required steps, it will be difficult to build your fan base and then turn them into customers if you don't follow the same approach.

It means constant marketing, regular communications (for instance, replying to emails and direct messages) with consistent value offerings.

If you follow these suggestions, it can help to increase sales! Sure made it easy for Ellie.

If you're only getting started with online courses, or looking for some more tips on selling your course make sure you read the definitive tutorial on how to create and sell your online course.

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