Selling Coaching and Courses with Melissa Bolton -

Apr 20, 2022

What role does branding play in helping creators sell smarter and more effectively? After years of running successful ventures and consulting dozens of others, Melissa Bolton had a idea: In order to successfully sell, you first need to understand what you're about and what your target market is. After that, it's a matter of aligning the message and the. Turns out she was right and her vast network of accomplished clients can confirm. She shares what designers should learn about branding, as well as how helped take her coaching and classes up a notch.

 By age 23 you were producing 7-figure sales. At 27, you achieved Vice President status in an Fortune 500 financial company. Today you're a highly sought-out Brand Therapist - a specialty you've trademarked and made your unique. Tell us how this amazing journey began and what the most important lessons you've taken away to date.

I've never treated a customer as a prospective customer, or thought of them as a potential chance. They're real people with actual needs, objectives and desires. It's up to you what you do to help them. The answer you give should be longer, but in reality, this is it be kind to people, treat them as you would want to be treated, take note, then assist.

 Could you tell us an explanation of the importance of branding as a therapy and the archetype-based approach?

I've always been interested in behavioral science and psychology However, I've never wanted to become a traditional therapist. In my free time I would read up on the psychology of behavior and its principles and decision making, particularly. I began applying these ideas to my branding work and the result was almost magical. As someone who believes in individuality, I'm big on creating 'titles' to represent your professional identity. "Brand Therapist" was a great choice.

I created the brand archetype course back in the year the year 2010. The time was when there wasn't a similar course in the marketplace. The use of archetypes was commonplace for branding purposes, however the course wasn't yet out there. The idea is to take the scientifically proven principles and apply them to buying behaviour. It is possible to doubt the behavior, but patterns are hard to ignore. Archetypes show patterns of behavior and make it easy to cater your words or style and offerings to those who need them most.

 In your research You realized that the majority of businesses and entrepreneurs did not succeed because they neglected branding and focused entirely on marketing. What are some easy steps creators can take to create a brand that is authentic?

You can't be able to market something if do not know who you are, what products you offer, who your ideal customers are, or what you're actually selling. What I mean is, we're never really selling products or services. We're selling solutions; We're offering people an improved version of themselves. Being able to understand and define the essence of your brand and carry it into all that you do is essential to the success of every brand.

Your website provides a variety of helpful, no-cost resources to potential customers including your free Brand archetype questionnaire and study. What impact have these resources been for your company? And how can creators integrate freebies into their marketing efforts?

The free quiz has had a huge effect. I have spent a lot of time learning not just what questions to ask and how to solicit the best responses. A million people took the test throughout the years. It's still awe-inspiring for me. However, it's extremely informative and goes deep, so I get the attraction. I'm glad it's been so useful to so many. It's allowed me to grow my email list as well as expand services to the people I want to reach as well.

It is suggested to create the freebies you want to distribute that match the style you prefer. As an teacher, I am a Luminary (archetype) teacher I enjoy taking my time and learning, and then sharing the knowledge. For me, a quiz seems appropriate. If you're like me, the freebie might look like something else. It could be a template or a blank paper, an ebook, or some other downloadable information. Just make sure you get some kind of reward, with which is most well-known being their email address. They can always unsubscribe if the content doesn't suit them.

 Being someone who has several years of experience as a consultant What advice do you provide to creators that are thinking of offering coaching services?

Oh , I've got a lot of tips on this topic:

  • Don't give your time away for free. Free consultations are a good way to see if you're a suitable candidate, but be sure you don't offer to much. It's best to have several questions that you want to ask before you make the phone meeting. Try to stick to the time limit. Keep them interested and wanting to know more.
  • Set boundaries, and then adhere to the rules. Everyone will try to get more from you. If they want or need more then they will be willing to pay for your time. If they do not, they don't respect your time, and you ought to move on. Simple as that.
  • I'm focused on working with the ideal customers. Be a good judge of your own. If you think a client does not seem to be a suitable fit for you the first time you speak with them, they most likely aren't. Don't ever try to defend your pricing or try to convince people to cooperate with you. People who are right for you are happy to collaborate with you and excited to trade their cash to give you their time.

 In terms of branding, what role should social media have and what kinds of content are your most efficient as a creator?

I consider social media more a part of marketing more than branding. Personally, I prefer Pinterest in comparison to other platforms. There's less noise and greater focus. It's a time for people to sort and arrange. This is very deliberate. I love that. Additionally, I am able to find out what other things people are saving. Those are unique features in comparison to Facebook and Instagram. I would suggest logging onto an account on which you've got the highest number of followers. Look at your statistics on visitors to your website to determine which sources your visitors are coming from, and then spending your time and effort on the places you have those.

 What tools have proven to be the most beneficial in creating and marketing your services?

One of the best tools is actually a feature rather than a tool.

Reviews can be very beneficial when it comes to selling. Social proof is extremely valuable for buyers who want to understand what they're in for when investing into something. Receiving authentic feedback from someone else that the seller (the seller) is pretty powerful.

Additionally, I utilize coupons frequently due to various reasons. The ability to customize codes has been amazing. My customers love whenever I create a personalized code using their name or their business name. It's entertaining, and it adds a touch of professionalism to it.

I can't get enough of's "Courses" feature even more. It's my favorite online tool and makes it so easy to create and develop courses. I've not even made use of the many features such as quizzes and video, and I can't wait. I launched my courses within the last month and already have lots of satisfied students.

 How has helped you promote and sell your services online?

I had been selling digital downloads on a regular basis on my website until GDPR came into force. Being a US-based company I found it frustrating and confusing and tiring to attempt to navigate the recently implemented tax situation, so I just paused selling downloads completely. After I discovered they took care of all aspects VAT taxes for me. I was immediately intrigued. Having has allowed me to sell tens of thousands of dollars worth of digital items without losing any sleeping over VAT issues.

Also, the name is growing in popularity and notoriety. Since their name inspires confidencein buyers, they know they can purchase without worry.