Security vulnerabilities that are essential to security are uncovered within the article"What You Need to Learn About Security".

Jul 1, 2023

Last Update: 23rd June 2021

On the 13th of July, 2021, a significant security flaw in Blocks' plugins, which were built on features was discovered. The Blocks plugins that are made up of features have been discovered. Block feature plugin was identified and released immediately by security specialist Josh through HackerOne. HackerOne Software to protect your data.

Once they were aware of the issue identified, they were able to find the cause through their own team, as well as a detailed investigation of the code is in the same category. They created a patch which could fix the issue for every affected version (90or earlier versions) which was released immediately to all stores that had flaws.

If I have a company What do I need to start?

Automatic updates for earlier versions of the software prior to 5.5.1 start on the 14th of July in 2021. The upgrade is only available to retail stores that are running an Version which includes the plug-in which the upgrade will affect. It is recommended that you're making use of the latest version. The version you're using is updated and is 5.5.2* or the latest version that is currently being released by an release branch. When you're running Blocks,, this means you're running version 5.5.1 of the plug-in that it is running.

is critically vital: soon after the release of 5.5.2 23rd of July, 2021 the auto-update functionality mentioned previously was shut down.

If you're thinking of upgrading to the most current version, or upgrading to a different version, it's recommended to conduct a search

  • It is important to change your administrator's passwords on your site especially if they share the same password for multiple websites.
  • The procedure is to enable Payment Gateway in addition to API keys. The API keys are used to create your site.

Additional details on the process will be provided in the subsequent paragraphs.

5.5.2 appeared on the 23rd day in July 2021. 5.5.2 arrived on the 23rd, 2021. The changes which were included in this update don't have to be in connection with the security flaw that's been found in the past couple of days.

What should I do to determine which version of my software is the latest version?

Here is the full block patch list that is in the market and Blocks. If you're running a version of Blocks which is not listed on this list, we strongly advise you to update to the most recent version that can be used alongside the version that you are currently using.

The purest versions of the substance are removed and refined, and then purified. There are a variety of Blocks that could be employed
3.3.6 2.5.16
3.4.8 2.6.2
3.5.9 2.7.2
3.6.6 2.8.1
3.7.2 2.9.1
3.8.2 3.0.1
3.9.4 3.1.1
4.0.2 3.2.1
4.1.2 3.3.1
4.2.3 3.4.1
4.3.4 3.5.1
4.4.2 3.6.1
4.5.3 3.7.2
4.6.3 3.8.1
4.7.2 3.9.1
4.8.1 4.0.1
4.9.3 4.1.1
5.0.1 4.2.1
5.1.1 4.3.1
5.2.3 4.4.3
5.3.1 4.5.3
5.4.2 4.6.1
5.5.1 4.7.1
5.5.2 4.8.1

What's the issue with this website? What is the reason it's not updating the website itself?

The site you're on might not receive automated updates for many reasons. Sometimes, older sites aren't at risk (below 3.3) There is a possible that updates from automatic sources might be disabled on your site. The filesystem can only be accessible by reading. There is also the possibility of issues with extensions that could cause delays in updating.

Each time (except the initial time when there is no impact to any degree) It's highly recommended that you upgrade your system with the most current patched version you are using (e.g. 5.5.2, 5.4.2, 5.3.1 and on.) In accordance with the table.

Are you aware of the possibility that data about you was used or gathered?

Based on our recent studies We think it's possible to make money using this species even at smaller scales.

If the business suffered through the events and had its place of business affected by the event The retailer may not be able to access the data that is stored at the site. This information may be linked to transactions made by clients with information specific to customers' data along with administrative details.

What can I do to determine when my website has been compromised by hacking?

In light of this flaw as well as the way it works, WordPress (and its related software ) lets web requests be handled, but it's not easy to determine if the problem is present. There is a chance that an attack utilizing this flaw could be identified via a search of the logs of hosting, as well as determining users' access rights (or seeking help from hosting companies on this issue). The vulnerability was identified on the 19th of December, and in addition, on the 19th of December along with the 19th day of December and so on. It could be an indication of a plan to take advantage of the vulnerability

  • REQUEST_URI matching regular expression /\/wp-json\/wc\/store\/products\/collection-data.*%25252. */
  • REQUEST_URI matching regular expression /.*\/wc\/store\/products\/collection-data.*%25252. */ (note that this expression could not work or may take longer to process in a variety of configurations which rely on logs)
  • Any non-GET (POST or PUT) request to /wp-json/wc/store/products/collection-data or /?rest_route=/wc/store/products/collection-data

The attacks we've observed due to this vulnerability originate via IP addresses listed below. The majority of requests come from an IP address that is is listed. If you discover any of the IP addresses in the access logs it is likely there is a security flaw that has been hacked to:


What passwords do I can modify?

Your password is at risk since it is being processed.

WordPress passwords are secure due to salts. They are almost impossible to crack. The procedure used to secure your password is based on salt. This makes sure that your password remains secure when it is utilized by your administrator. Also, it protects passwords used by your website as well as by users that visit your website. However, it is possible that the hashed version of your password kept in your database might be vulnerable of this security risk. The hash keys should be secured and protected from misuse.

Your site is protected through the default WordPress security program and protects passwords that are accessible for website users. Based on plug-ins you've added to your website, there may be passwords that are saved on your site as well as other data that are stored in databases which are private to non-secure security software.

If you believe that your administrator for your site may have used the same password across multiple websites, you should modify the passwords for each account so that you are able to make sure that the passwords you use for your site aren't stolen. Your site's users have been robbed on a different site.

Also, it is recommended to modify the information which is classified as private or confidential that remains within your WordPressor your database. It could be API keys or keys that are accessible and confidential to payment processors, and others. Based upon the settings on your website.

As an extension developer or service provider, are we obliged to provide the service provider with the information they require?

If you're working with an online store that you're either a buyer or patron of, we recommend that you collaborate with them to ensure that they're aware of the security issue or change your security settings on your website to make it has a higher level of security.

If you've developed extensions or provide an SaaS service using APIs, then we'd love to support retailers with changing the API keys used by their products so that you can be able to connect to your APIs.

I'm the chief executive officer of a business. What do I need to explain my employees?

The method you select as the method you choose to inform your clients of any password changes is in the hands of your webmaster. Your obligation is to notify clients of any changes made to passwords and other information that may differ depending on specifics such as the structure of your website as well as the area where you and your customers are located in, along with the type of information your website gathers and the extent to which your website is getting affected by malware.

One of the best strategies to safeguard your clients is to ensure that your application is frequently up-to-date with the most recent version. These patches resolve the issue.

After updating, we recommend:

  • It's highly recommended that you alter your passwords along with your administrator particularly when applying the same password to multiple websites.
  • This technique is to turn off both API and the Payment Gateway keys. Keys are for Payment Gateway and API. Keys for payment gateway and API. Gateway keys and API keys enable you to connect your website.

The owner of the shop decides if you'd like to remain open. You is able to change the passwords for customers. WordPress (and consequently ) the user's passwords are secure through salts. The secure algorithm for hashing is extremely difficult to breach. This method of salted hash can be employed to safeguard every password that is stored by users on your site, as well as usernames and passwords to users.

Have you thought about the precautions that you can employ to make sure you use the device with care?


Although such incidents aren't frequently encountered but they're likely to happen in place. We strive to act quickly and in complete honesty.

When we became aware of the problem, our team of experts was working hard to make sure the correct solution was identified, and that the people who were using it had the most up-to-date information.

In constant pursuit of the safety of our website, we strive remain away from a variety of challenges. If we encounter any issues that could impact our store's online presence, we endeavor to address them swiftly and also effectively collaborate with our clients.

Do I have concerns that must address?

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The article originally appeared on this site. This site

The story was reported by this website.

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The article originally appeared here.

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