Secrets to the Great Online Course Sales Funnel by 2023

Feb 22, 2023

When you've been in a conversation regarding online marketing, there's a high likelihood that you've heard the word "funnel." There's been more and more talk regarding funnels and as well as more companies are promising to assist you in creating the best funnel.

There are funnels that people use to sell things like high-ticket coaching or memberships. Therefore, it is obvious that funnels could be an excellent idea to sell the online courses. It is true!

This article we're going to talk the subject of funnels in general. What creates a successful funnel? What are the most important things to avoid? And we'll give you three options for creating your own funnel for your online courses.

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        The post...    

    What is an online course sales funnel?

    What is an online course sales funnel is NOT

    What are the factors that make an online sales funnel work?


      Perfect for Students

      Offering Value


    Truths about online course funnels

    How do you create an online course sales funnel

      email sequences


      Community Funnel

    How to make the funnel of your online course

    How to create an online course using

    Ready to get started?

What exactly is an online course's sales funnel?

A sales funnel for online courses is a method of selling that begins with an abundance of prospective buyers and guides each step of the way to the final, intended course sales. The typical customer experience for a funnel starts with a no-cost or low-cost offer, like an online webinar, a free gift (opt-in), or the community member and then qualified customers move through the funnel and - eventually - buy the course!

The course funnel could include upsells at the other side, and often creators add things like 1-on-1 coaching, a personal community, a different course, or even a live-streamed event.

Throughout the process as the customer's potential client realizes (by spending a bit of either time or money) that you're the right person to assist them, and is then mentally prepared to invest in the course. This is awesome!

A funnel is based on a success ratio of leads to sales and a recognition that not everyone will buy. That's okay. The trick to a viable course business plan is getting enough people to your channel so that enough of them make it to the last step It's also important to modify your funnel in order to make it more efficient. We'll get to all that!

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    The value ladder as well as the universal marketing truth

We at Mighty, we really like using the term value ladder to refer to funnels. As long as the students you want to attract are willing to spend some time or money (in exchange for a bit worth) and they begin to be able to trust your. When they are confident in your company and trust you, they'll invest more time or dollars to gain greater value.

It's awesome math!

sales funnels - value ladder

What does an online course sales funnel IS NOT


  • Selling techniques that make you feel pressured. Because let's be honest We've all been there. In the event that you're not confident the product is right or the salesperson can assist you, but you're PRESSURED to buy it - it's the worst!    
  • It should have a "Buy it now" button. The whole point of a funnel is nurturing and delivering value. Every funnel must contain at least two actions on the value-adding journey.    
  • A single offer. By definition it is a funnel that has multiple offers. It doesn't mean the offers are all paid. Your funnel could have 3 free things as well as an offering to purchase a course. There should be a variety of places that provide value.    
  • Universal. There is no single-size funnel that fits all. There are certainly the best practices and ClickFunnels has developed a solid reputation around repeatable components of funnels. However, a funnel that works for someone else might not work for your audience. Try it out.    
  • A bait and switch. You want to build an effective funnel? Make sure you're giving worth at every step. Someone who asks their audience to download an unreliable useless PDF, and hopes to convert them be a $215 course, should be rethinking their strategy.    

 Start your Free Trial

What makes an online sales funnel be effective?


The power of the funnel is trust. Feel it. Experience the power of the funnel. (IS it an original Yoda quote? That ought to be!).

The ENTIRE purpose of the ladder's value is to earn people's trust. It is essential that they trust:


  1. They know the problem.        
  2. You're the right person to help you solve this problem.        
  3. Your worth is worth the price.        

People work hard for cash. And most of us don't like throwing it around - particularly in the current economic climate.

So how do you gain trust from people?

Easy peasy. Give value. Before ever asking for the money. If you're able to give greater value to your Ideal Student than the money they'll need to get it, they'll stick around.

Once they've put in a bit of cash or time with your product, and realize that the investment was worthwhile and they'll want to take the next step!

Perfect student

To get the online course funnel to be effective, you must have an Ideal Student. This is the specific model of the student who would pay for your course. They should have a problem you can help them solve... Hence this course.

How do you find your Ideal students?

First of all, get precise. "People who are dog lovers" is not a good description of the Ideal student. Like seriously do you know anyone who doesn't enjoy dogs?

We need to limit it down. "People trying to crate train an infant puppy" might be a better Best candidate.

So, as you're designing your course or course funnel, go and meet with people that could be Ideal Students! Discover their struggles as well as their challenges. Ask them would they be willing to pay for solutions.

Then, you can make what is known as an "Big" Purpose statement for your program. It looks like this:

Big Purpose- New Image

Offering Value

We've talked about the importance of value over. However, once you've found an idea of your Ideal Student, the next step is to give them accurate information - provide an upfront value. If you're planning an awesome high-end treat that will show you're absolutely the best person to help your student, consider what do they require to learn?

In the case of those who have just had a puppy, maybe it's a PDF with an example dog training schedule. Maybe it's a webinar with the tips to train your dog.

Value can only be provided only when you understand who is the Ideal Student is. And you know what's really amazing? When you offer value and trust, people will be more likely to believe in you. Amazing stuff.


And lastly, but definitely not least, most funnels require software. What software do you require? The answer is dependent on the kind of funnel you design. However, generally speaking, an online course funnel will require software to generate leads, software that nurtures leads and deliver the course.

This can become a bit intimidating, and it's is a fantastic internet-based learning platform like does the majority of these things for users.

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Here's what you might need software for:

Attracting New Customers

Delivering Value

The Course is Selling

Paid Ads

Webinar Platform

Point of sale


PDF Downloader

LMS or streaming platform

Social Media

Community platform

Chat and messaging

A site (SEO)

Software to send emails


A podcast

Event platform


The type of funnel that you're creating will determine the software, but we'll get into that.

The truth about online course funnels


  • A small percentage of the population will buy - your "conversion" percentage. Nobody creating a funnel ever hopes for 100% of the people to buy the thing. The range of potential buyers is anywhere from 1-5 10% maximum.    
  • Funnels require the time to test. You can be sure that the first funnel will get you there however it's very unlikely. It's likely that you'll have to work out how. But - as ClickFunnels founder Russel Brunson says - you're just one funnel away!    
  • A funnel that is effective could earn millions. Have an optimistic outlook, but be aware that many course creators run people through a funnel over and over until they discover one that is effective.      
  • Funnels should make more than what they are costing. In marketing, the price of acquisition is an a crucial number. If you know that each when you invest $10 on Facebook advertisements, you will receive 30 dollars back from course sales, you might simply keep feeding the funnel!    

 Begin Your Free Trial

How do I build an online sales funnel

There's no one way to build a sales funnel to sell an online course. You must decide what fits your style and your audience. Let's look at a few, including the one we think is the greatest. However, you are able to mix and match the.

Email Sequences

This sales funnel of an online course has been around as long as the internet. You've experienced it before. You came across a website and they gave you an "Cool PDF" or "Free Training." You handed over your email address and started getting some emails from them.

If it is successful, an email sequence builds the trust of users. It is easy to imagine your Ideal students eagerly awaiting your next emailand waiting for every word you say. To ensure that when the invite to buy the online course comes around, they say "Gee Golly, gosh yeah!" !"

It's the most ideal-case scenario.

However, it's true that you are aware of how email works. There's a good chance that you've been on 39 different list of email services and your wonderful messages end up in their junk mail folders after a while.

So, you'll need to figure out if it's a good fit for you and your audience. And psst, it can definitely be a component of a funnel. If you're on a smaller email list (e.g. 100 persons) having the 2% you need to purchase won't help much. If you have 100,000 and 2% of those buying is a lot of revenue!


You know this one too. You sign up to receive an "Free Training" - usually through ads posted on Facebook, Youtube, or LinkedIn. You get a link to watch the video either live or pre-recorded. (Or it's recorded however they make it appear live. Those sneaky sneakers. )

You watch it, and they provide some value Then, in the final minutes, they give you the chance to buy, a coupon code, or some offer to get your attention.

The reason webinars are more effective than email is that it is possible to build trust more quickly. The video format makes it super effective. You can gaze the other person in the eye, have a couple of questions addressed (maybe), and decide if they're perfect match to meet your needs.

If you're interested, buy!

Community Funnel

    Best marketing funnels for on-line classes

So the final value ladder that we'll discuss is the concept of a community. At Mighty we are incredibly passionate about community.

A community can do everything a traditional sales funnel does as well. People can learn about the community. Members can sign up (either on a free basis or at a set fee). Joining is easy and lets them get in on the conversation already going on with you and the friends.
Your community is populated with amazing content, interactive Q&As and webinars. You also stream live and live events or just about anything else you'd like. You provide a great deal of value at scale.

 - Graphics - Body Soul Livestream Paired Light

And, then, when the moment is right to market your course online there's an existing crowd of customers who know, like, and trust your business. They trust you as the person who can help them, and they'll pull out their wallets to pay for it!

It's true that if you can get your Ideal Students and the Big Purpose right, it's easy to give value and build confidence within the community. You won't even do it all yourself, other members will be able to contribute value thanks to the network effect. It's the best online course funnel.

 Begin Free Trial Free Trial

How to fill up the funnel of your online course

There are a variety of methods to draw the right people to join your funnel. Here are some ideas!


  • Paid ads        
  • Social media posts        
  • Posts on social media groups        
  • Sharing with friends        
  • The posting of your site (SEO)        
  • Working off of an existing email list        
  • Forming partnerships with similar creators (get the attention of their target audience)        
  • Podcasts appearances        
  • Guest Posting        

How can you make an online class using

If you're looking to build your online course funnel, here's an review of the course's functionality in Mighty.

Ready to get started?

 - Graphics - Live streaming

Have you read this information and are you excited to create your custom funnel? There's no better way than an effective funnel that can create an online course that sells. So if you've got something you want to impart, it's time to start making that funnel!

And if you want a community funnel (or webinar - let's get truthful - you can have both) Try Mighty! It's a platform for cultural content which lets you connect classes, communities, content, and commerce. Our flexible Spaces lets you combine features like Live streaming, an LMS discussions forums as well as chat and messaging. Q&As, member profiles, and more!

It's also possible to offer your course to 135 distinct currencies and even make money with token-gating. Students can also take the course using a great app for every device.