Recommendations for WordPress Plugins for Membership Sites

Jun 17, 2023

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The plugins feature is definitely among the most appealing features of WordPress blog software. With just a couple of clicks, you are able to add the latest features that permit the sale of products, update your website and keep your information secured and safe as well as many more.

There are numerous plugins to pick from, which do you need to install? Read our comprehensive guide to suggested WordPress plugins that are suitable for membership websites and be filled with new ideas to boost traffic and engagement.

Let's roll!

Most of the most of the plugins that we recommend on our list are free. Most of them are just equally important for normal WordPress websites as they are for Membership sites.

Website Backup Plugin


If you just install one plugin following reading this tutorial, it should unquestionably be one that is a WordPress back-up plugin.

These plugins can create a backup of your website. This allows you to restore lost information in a couple of steps.

If you're not sure whether you're in need of one, think about how you'd feel should your site be taken down today and disappeared forever.

WordPress Security Plugin

After you've got backups sorted, it's time to secure your site.

This is particularly important when you're running a membership site that has a loyal client base to ensure that they are happy and keep their information protected.

Although a reliable backup tool will assist you in recovering from a website hack or similar incident A good WordPress security plugin reduces the chances of something going wrong at all.

The Website Caching plugin

WP Super Cache

Utilizing a caching plugin that is reliable makes your site quicker. Additionally, faster websites are proven to increase conversion rates. Which means more paying customers!

This is logical. In the end, websites that load quickly are much more pleasant to navigate and create trust for your reputation and the quality of your content.

Based on its reputation and ease of use as well as its many functions, WP Super Cache is our preferred free caching software.

Image Optimization Plugin

Optimizing your website images is another way to speed up your membership site.

The correct plugin could take this task off your plate while producing amazing outcomes in terms of decreasing the size of files and improving the speed of your pages.

The top plugins in this category automatically optimize the images already on your website along with any newly uploaded files.

Contact Form Plugin

Installing a contact form plugin is the simplest method to get messages from people who visit your site without revealing an email address.

Lead Generation Plugin


Contact forms are good for visitors who know they are looking to connect However, some visitors may need a little nudge.

That's where lead generator plugins can be found. Promoting specific actions on your website, for example, adding your email list to the mailing list, purchasing coupons for discounts, or registering for a free trial.

Broken Link Checker

Alongside slow loading times broken links can be a surefire way to annoy both visitors and members.

Thankfully, there are some free tools which scan your site to find links that are no longer that are pointing to the right place. These include pages on your website, pages on other sites, as well as any files or other resources you might be linking to.

The recommended software from this section not only informs you when broken links are discovered, but it also provides you with a a quick and easy way to repair the link, without visiting the page where the link was published on.

With its useful features and proactive scanning, Broken Link Checker is our go-to plugin to accomplish this job.

Website Audience Analytics Plugin

Monster Insights

We've previously written about the benefits of using Google Analytics on your website for members in the past.

If you're not using this free service to find out more about your visitors and their activities on your site, this is the right time to do so.

Better yet, you can install our recommended Google Analytics WordPress plugin to access your data right from you WordPress dashboard.

SEO Plugin for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Plugin


Making sure that your website is optimized as well as its content to be indexed by Google is vital if you want more people to visit your website.

While there are many good SEO methods to use for membership websites to help you grow your user base, the most important step is to install the best WordPress SEO plug-in.

Drag-and Drop Page Builder Plugin

Beaver Builder

Even a free option opens the door to more possibilities for getting inventive in WordPress. Custom design pages, add widgets on your site, work with different styles, and so on!

If you're looking to improve your WordPress capability to edit content There are two fantastic alternatives to select from.

Final thoughts

This collection of our ten recommended plugins to use on WordPress websites that are membership-based should help you improve your website while keeping costs low.

 Which of our suggested WordPress membership site plugins will you choose to install? We'd love to know what you think by leaving a comment below.