[PODCAST] Episode 5: Andrew Lock - Top Marketing Expert Speaks to Walt Disney's Entrepreneurial Secrets - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Websites

Aug 5, 2022

[PODCAST] Episode 5: Andrew Lock - Top Marketing Expert Shares Walt's entrepreneurial Secrets

In our latest Memberships and Courses podcast episode, we had the chance to speak to Andrew Lock about how he went from being a cameraman at the BBC to becoming an eminent figure on the internet in terms of online marketing.

You'll want to go through Andrew's book "Walt Disney's Method" and discover how to create a more successful business (including membership sites) with his Magical Marketing Strategies of Walt Disney.

You can learn more about what Andrew is doing by visiting his website AndrewLock.com or MagicalMarketingExperience.com

Here are some important moments and events you don't wish to miss during the show:

  • The amazing story of how this former BBC cameraman leveraged his one skill to network with internet marketing titans such as Yanik Silver and Dan Kennedy, build a flourishing online company, becoming one of the big names in online marketing... beginning as a complete nobody. If you've ever wondered if it's possible to do this and succeed, this story will show you that it's possible. (0:00)
  • The smart way Andrew got free membership in Yanik Silver's prestigious and highly-exclusive mastermind group. This is a great method to potentially land gigs, interviews, free items and perhaps even see your business promoted by top name in marketing online. Imagine the boost in sales it would provide your company (1:06).
  • The dark hole Andrew reached during the pandemic and the way he managed to get himself from the abyss (and the ways you can apply what he learned to help you through the tough times in your business and in life) (17:31)
  • The secret to nearly effortlessly achieving business success. Most people make this mistake and this leads to years of frustration and needless suffering. Following Andrew's tips and success, motivation, persistence and consistency in your work are almost certain (10:21)
  • What a seemingly unnoticeable issue on your site is sure to halt your sales in the moment -- and how you can make use of one of Walt's secretly guarded secrets of entrepreneurship to fix it fast (30:37)
  • An espionage technique Disney effectively "manipulates" kids into upselling their parents to go to Disney theme parks and the best way to utilize this tactic in a legal manner to make it easier for you to sell your online courses (29:13)
  • The most serious mistake that Disney's new CEO has made that could cause Walt rolling over in his grave. Learn the right way to handle an economic downturn (33:18)
  • The key to success in your online business. The answer is simple... Follow this and you'll be the one getting interview on podcasts. If you don't, you'll probably continue to struggle (37:47)
  • The M_______ Test. An easy way to test the content you're teaching can be a great fit for a membership site (Plus, an even easier method to locate a virtually endless supply of hot subjects and great content ideas that you can build a membership site around) (39:33)
  • A trap that almost all new entrepreneurs get caught in that leads them to be in a constant state of struggle and often over a long period of time and many never figure it out (This may be holding you back right now) There is a simple way to avoid this. (10:43)
  • "I________ kills entrepreneurs". The hard lessons learned from the pandemic and how to defeat the number one entrepreneur "killer". (16:37)
  • The lesson of retention that site that is a member must learn from Disney's theme parks. This is what makes the difference between a membership site that slowly withers and dies no matter what you do, as opposed to one that expands and grows almost effortlessly (25:32)
  • The "Kodak" Test. The color and even the pavement at Disney's theme parks is rigorously tested to subconsciously lure you in -- and what you can do to implement this concept to your courses, websites, and memberships to boost your sales (26:43)
  • What is the method by which Disney makes use of "fake smells" to upsell parents in the theme parks. Disney literally invented a machine that does this, and Andrew explains how to take this concept and apply it to your online classes and memberships in a genuine way to improve conversion (29:36)

           After you've heard the whole episode, it would help us reach greater numbers of people if we could do two things:          

  1. Leave a 5-star rating/review If you have gained anything from the episode
  2. Send this podcast to your colleague, friend or any other person you think might benefit from it

If you're considering setting up a membership-based site, or you want to know if your existing site is the best possible model then check out this free guide below:

Check out the 10 Models of Membership Video

Learn the top 10 most profitable Ways to Earn Recurring Revenue through a Membership Website                                                       First Name                                                        Email                                                          Yes, Please Send Me this video!

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