Passive income for artists - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Mar 16, 2022

Passive income: a way to earn money that can be used while you sleep? -- Yes, please!

You've heard about passive income. It's a method of earning money when well, you don't. The passive income is a mysterious creature that lives in the middle of the forest that is dark and fairytale. We heard of the courageous artists who dare to enter the forest and ended up getting lost along the route.

No matter how mysterious it may sound, you must admit that this is one of the things that people want. It is the question of what can you do to alter the conclusion of the story to a happy conclusion.

 We at CreativeMindClass, believe that it is essential for artists who wish to teach online to delegate the technical aspects of their project. The idea of creating a business that can provide a passive source of income is a way to go to creatives. Find out how you can do it.

There was never a better time for artists to reach their highest income levels

There has never been a more ideal opportunity for artists to attain the highest levels of income.

"Do your best work to do, and you'll never be a slave during your lifetime" - OK But how do you go about doing it?

For the last two years, I have examined the way artists put in a lot of effort performing what they love each day. Nowadays, artists disrupt the online market through their imagination and can earn good money with their work. There has never been a more exciting moment in the history of art for artists to reach the highest earnings levels while performing projects for clients, while also diversifying income sources and building up an income that is passive.

  - - Joanna Paplinski, CreativeMindClass Co-founder and Design Head

Don't fall into the short-sighted trap. Minimizing one-time projects

Some artists act like worker bees and devote their energy in one-off projects, without establishing regular sources for income. It's kind of an unending cycle. Our work is focused on tasks that are easy for us to work on. It's always another project, another art work, another customer, another exhibition...

This kind of work is enjoyable however, at some point, often after we've had enough, we realize that there must be other ways of working and start looking for other income sources. We would like to make something steady and lasting. Something that would let us have more time to ourselves and our loved ones. We are due for those hours of hard work to be paid for it.

It is the key of establishing a flourishing business

What is delegating, and why you should start taking it up (best today)?

Delegating simply means having others do some of your work for you. Delegating used to start from a personal assistant, but today, it'll almost certainly be a certain kind of service to make your life easier.

Starting from scratch creates creators' professional life harder

The problem for some artists is the fact that they enjoy making things completely from scratch. Some love to mix their own paints, while others purchase the colors they need from a shop, avoid mixing, and then create art (and cash) when the first one still mixes and mixes...

Do you understand the direction we're taking with that? Of course it's amusement to delight when you mix your color, but this is about taking your company to another level, to the next stage, and therefore some decisions must be made. You cannot get to a higher level as a business owner when you use your time doing basic actions which someone else could easily perform for you.

A pre-built solution

Pre-built solutions. An entry point to your ideal imaginative projects

Solutions that are ready or already built enable you to focus on what you love doing and let the rest go to others. It's all about the magic with a solution that is pre-built. It allows you to realize your more complicated business concepts and adventurous goals. You've have always thought of, but for which there was never a good occasion to make them happen.

Today, in the information age, it's easier than ever to make your dreams come true. Solutions that are ready can be an entry point to things you would probably never achieve by yourself because of the absence of resources such as equipment, knowledge or funds. Or because there is just too much time to do everything.

Mix and match your delegations: combine your unique art with ready tech solutions

Don't believe us on this; we based our philosophy (and this article) upon years of studying business-related books and articles that have helped us in bringing our dream project (CreativeMindClass Learning Platform) to fruition. Most of them say that same thing over and over time, make your work more efficient process and DELEGATE. So, you'll be able to be focused on improving your craft while other tasks are completed for you.

Utilizing technology platforms to facilitate assigning

Artists looking to make art and earn their income online typically have their plate full. We decided to build a technical solution for those who wish to teach their skills online. It's crucial for people who would like to impart their knowledge via video online classes. This allows them to outsource the technical aspect of the project, creating this way a business that provides them with a steady source of revenue.

Other creative business owners may also delegate. This includes CreativeMindClass

While building the CreativeMindClass Teaching platform, we quickly realized - We cannot do it all. The delegating process began from day one (OK, from day two, but we'd start it on day one ;) ). As a small team building a portal of enormous dimension, we decided to make use of a few pre-designed solutions that would ensure the best standard of service for our customers, reduce time and give attention to certain aspects of our project that no one else other than us can take care of.

The teaching platform we use is an item that we designed and made our own, so even though "custom" and "personal" are among our most beloved phrases, we could not be able to succeed without ready solutions. In order to ensure the best level of quality for our solution to teaching, we partner up with businesses and people who are aware of our goals and with whom we share the same values. Local artists skilled freelancers, and players like Amazon, Stripe, MailChimp, BeeFree, or Ghost.