Participate at WordCamp 2023! -

Aug 8, 2023

Are you planning to travel to D.C. for the WordPress community conference of the year? If yes, visit the booth, 611, at WordCampon the 25th and 26! We'd like to meet with you in person!

#WCUS is the flagship WordPress event in the Western Hemisphere. Every year, the three-day event features sessions and workshops which inspire, bird-of-a-feather-meetups as well as a lot more. If you're a programmer, professional in design, content, or someone who is using WordPress, WCUS has something for everybody. You can find the full schedule of speakers as well as the program here.

It is said that the WordPress community is comprised of people ranging from freelancers to agency managers, from plugin-in and theme authors to back-end and front-end developers, to designers, and marketers, to mention a few. There's no single way to define a WordCamp participant, but it is enough to say that they love the flexibility and freedom that WordPress provides them with and that they want to network with other people who feel the same.

How to Purchase Tickets

Do you need to purchase tickets? Go to the WordCamp ticketing site for tickets for as low as $50! The ticketing levels you choose will grant you access to the three of the event.

Find out how to Connect with WordCamp WordCamp

Stop by booth 611 between the 25th and 26th of August to find out more about the management of subscriptions, international taxes, and how the use of a merchant of record can allow your plugin, software theme, goods business to sell faster across more nations and regions.