Online Course Marketing through YouTube - Increasing Exposure

Aug 22, 2024

Increasing your exposure and online courses sales through YouTube

Here's how to follow the Step by Step method...

This is how YouTube can help you increase the sales of your online course. Let's use an example of the course titled "Sleep Training for Toddlers" Or better yet in case you're following along with my suggestions for choosing your topics online and the name "How to Sleep Train you Toddler in less than thirty days".

I've compiled a quick overview / checklist to serve as a guideline for you. Download the checklist here.

the Teaser The first step is to create several videos teasers. You can start by making one, but eventually you'll want to add additional. The video teaser offers viewers some insight into the subject and ends with a prompt to go through your complete tutorial for further assistance. The main thing to remember about the teaser is it MUST ADD VALUE. It's a requirement that, on its own it should assist the viewer. It shouldn't be just an advert. Actually, I've found that my best teasers have immense value to their own. The following is a comprehensive tutorial on how to set up for teaser video later, but these are the essential elements of the teaser video:

There are several options to achieve this.. The list below is one method I've discovered that is extremely effective.

If you're enjoying this you'd be a blessing for me if you send it to others. Thanks!

These are the essential components for YouTube's YouTube Teaser video itself:

  1.    Explain to them the lessons they'll gain   In the video (make sure it matches with the video title)
  • Example of sleep training "In this video, I'm going teach you how to set up your child's bedroom to aid with sleep training. We'll walk you through the three things that parent's often do not remove from their area that may hinder sleep-training and two things that will save your sleepless nights for a long time. Let's get started..."
  1. Tell them about the lessons they'll be learning,    Show a hyperlink   to your site to your site in your video (more details on how to accomplish it later) It is possible to use YouTube's Callouts for this with the direct link to your site.
  • Something like 'More info at" could appear on the video. It is not necessary to put it in your script, simply have it show up over top of the video.
  1. Get right into    the lesson   fast - save the sales pitch for the close of the video. they don't know you yet and aren't ready to buy.
  • "Okay the very first step of the process of sleep training ..."
  1. Offer    Real Value   in the meat of the lesson - this should make up 90percent of the lesson or in the middle of the lesson. Depending on the size of your course you may be able to have more or less content to give away, but I've found that the more content you can offer with your free videos and the greater impact it has on sales. Make sure to limit it to 3-7 minutes in length.
  • Examples of sleeping training. Give the participants all of the basic items and items to remove from the room as you promised in the opening of the video, and also in the title of the video.
  1.    Ask for suggestions   . When you are in the middle of your lesson video, ask the viewers to post comments on the video. You should give them specific topics for them to write comments about. This is better done throughout your class rather instead of at the conclusion. Also, you can request comments towards the end of the lesson prior to the call to action - if you ask for comments, make sure to be swift about it as you don't want them to leave before they have heard the call to take action.
  • "So it's the first thing to get rid of from the room. We'd like to know your thoughts, what percentage do you have it within your child's bedroom? Tell me in the comments below." ... "I I hope that you'll be able to use these ideas in the future! If there's other things you'd like to learn about sleep training please let me know in the comment section in the section below.."
  1. Make sure to close by closing    Call to Action   . After they've come familiar with you and your teaching style, and they've realized that you bring worth to their lives, now is the time to ask for the students to act. You do this by letting them know you have more great help/resources/lessons in your full online course on the subject. Let them know how you can get it.
  • "This is only one small element of the sleep process, for a full look at how to teach your child to sleep within a matter of 30 days, go to the Sleep Training Course dot com where you'll discover everything you'll need to help your child sleep, including a step by procedure and some key mistakes to avoid."
  1. Provide a hyperlink to the page that your course is on. Again, similar to the start of the video but now it is possible to be more explicit and display the link for longer. Place it on the wall and put it up for a few minutes. Be aware that once an YouTube video is over and they recommend other ones to view next. In a short time the internet's viewers tend to click on one and hop on to the next. Avoid losing viewers by putting your website link on the internet and just leaving it for 10 to 30 seconds.
  2. Advanced tip - Once you've got a couple of videos ready, you could add your personal "Videos to see the next" in the form of embedding them into your video as you modify it. Below is a good example of how that works:
  • The video is finished at one minute and 52 seconds, however, it continues for 10 seconds showing videos to follow on the same channel. This video can also be included in a playlist, which can be another method to achieve a similar result.
  • Be aware that this must be edited into the video before you upload it on YouTube and you then include the call to action in the embed videos.

That's the overview of the structure of the video itself We'll go into greater details about setting the whole thing up in the future.
