Notifications via email - CreativeMindClass

Mar 25, 2024


Email notifications

Learners and course creators get CreativeMindClass's automatic email notification regarding sign-ups and purchase.

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                                1. Email notifications for learners                    

1. Welcome email

2. A confirmation email will be sent after you have purchased

                      2. Notifications to the course creator via email            

Notifications to the learner via email

Learners will be sent the following emails:

  1. Welcome email: When a student is enrolled in your class
  2. Confirmation email after an order: the moment a person pays for your class

Welcome email

CreativeMindClass will email your new student a welcome email with a button to confirm your email address.

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Confirmation email following a purchase

CreativeMindClass will send your learner a confirmation email with the information about the purchase and a hyperlink to your class.

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2. Course creator email notifications

You'll receive an email regarding:

  • New sign-up: When a student signs up to your class

New purchase: the moment a student buys your class

More resources that can help you learn CreativeMindClass

Once you master the basics You can build upon them. The CreativeMindClass team will follow suit too. There are a variety of getting started resources so anybody can figure out what they like.


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Article was first seen on CreativeMindClass