Not Making Enough Money as a Coach? This is how to fix it.

Jun 28, 2024

It is a pain for me to see that coaches aren't being properly compensated for the work they do.

Coaches are doing phenomenal work, helping people remain healthy and fit, create incredible relationships, build amazing businesses, build wealth, and so much more.

Coaches help people get out of pain and achieve the goals of their hearts.

However, you could be the best coach in the world but not be payed what you're worth if you don't get certain things right.

It's a bit frustrating to know you're doing incredible work, and you see others much less gifted, much less dedicated than you are who are earning so much cash.

Let's fix that!

Just what I'm trying to do in this blog entry.

The root of the issue lies in a handful of elements:

Charging too little

Doing only or too much Coaching in one-on-one

You're doing too much for your clients

Only selling courses

If you are charging too little it's unlikely that you'll get the revenue you'd like.

Coaches hesitate to raise their prices since they equate their fees on their own worth instead of to the value they provide for their clients.

You need to charge relative to the value that you offer in exchange for your time and work.

The issue in the 1:1 coach is that it can't adapt to changing circumstances.

For each new client each new client, you must spend more time on them and, as you've guessed, the time you have is limited. It's only the time of your life for 24 hours.

This is why it's important to get into group coaching in case you're not already.

The group coaching program is scaled. Your work load doesn't rise, or increases only moderately every time you get a new client.

Similar to the situation if you're working too hard for clients. It is important to organize things to ensure where your customers are accountable for a greater portion of the task themselves. And you provide the Frameworks and Templates which make it easy for them to accomplish it.

Inconsistent leads flow is due to being able to put the proper processes in place to provide you with potential dream Clients daily, and new clients every week.

If all you do is selling classes only then it can be hard to generate consistent revenue.

They have a lower real or perceived value than coaching courses, in which you can help people through coaching. This is as well as the "home studying" course's nature.

If you do not already have a coaching system then a group coaching program is the obvious next step to consider adding.

The factors mentioned above are what are important.

This approach makes making enough money so much easier.


PS. If you're eager to make each aspect of your business simpler, from technology to strategy to mindset, that's what we're all about here at . Contact us today and see how we can help.