NEW Dripping features for Course Content available in Courses
In the last few months the team has been rolling out some amazing improvements to improve your online course. effective and easy to manage.
What's Inside Toggle
- What is Course Content Dripping?
- What difference will Content Dripping make for your course?
- NEW Course Content Built-in Dripping Simplifying Course Rules
- How do I Set-Up the Course Content Dripping feature in Courses
- What's the next course for students? or Should We Be Saying, What's New...
From a variety of innovative assignments and a well-organized Grading Book, we've been working on the necessary tools for a successful learning experience.
The initial jitters of the first day have gone and your students have been getting settled. Now it's time to concentrate on the core of your course tasks. We've just the instrument to ensure that everything is running without a hitch and in line with your plan.
This is the latest update for Courses: built-in content dripping!
A well-planned curriculum our brand new Dripping of course features will guarantee that your students get their instruction at the exact doses, exactly when they need the lessons.
Be careful not to overburden your students by imposing excessive demands on them all at once or let them go through the material. Dripping lets you present your content in smaller sections and will keep them curious and eager to see what's coming up next.
The new feature is constantly adapting to the changing needs of your students. This makes it much easier to organize and manage your online course content.
What exactly do you mean by Course Content Dripping?
There have been times when we've had these moments... watching an entire series of television in just a few days or staying up late flipping the pages of an e-book, or realizing that you've eaten whole sleeve choc chip cookie... entirely all on your own ().
Indulging in something fun may be enjoyable at first, however it is not uncommon to end up with a feeling that we are not satisfied.
Learning may be conducted in the identical. Students who absorb a large amount of information simultaneously, it could result in:
- anxiety: Worrying they missed something important or made mistakes.
- regret I wish they'd the patience to understand the subject.
- Doubts: Doubting if the person truly understood the message.
- Insanity: The feeling of being overwhelmed is caused by many things simultaneously.
These aren't feelings you want your students to experience upon completing their course.
It's the place where content drips into!
Instead of offering students everything at once, teaching content drips let you deliver content at a specific time. Students develop more slowly in each lesson, and remain interested and better learn.
What Changes will Content Dripping Bring to Your Class?
1. Create Knowledge A Step at a Time
Instead of providing students with access to all the information at the same time, Dripping releases each lesson or module in a particular arrangement, helping them develop their understanding gradually.
This method is designed to help students to feel a sense progress and achievement as they move through the curriculum.
Think of your classroom as a real staircase. Each step is an entirely new idea. It is vital that your students understand the basic concepts prior to moving on to the next. This ensures they have a solid understanding of the basic concepts before they can move onto higher-level ideas.
2. Continue to Keep Students' Interest and Keep Them Motivated
If students are aware that new materials are being introduced regularly It creates anticipation and interest. It keeps students interested as they're always waiting for the next module or lesson.
They get used to setting aside time for each lesson. This will increase the chance that they'll stay in the loop and be committed to the program from beginning until end.
3. Provide Content in Just the Right Moment
Dripping of course content gives students the freedom to select the timing and method in that the lesson content is released and align them to the course curriculum.
If you're trying to present an unfamiliar concept that needs extra attention or are preparing for an project that will take longer, content dripping lets you alter the way you present your material in order to meet the requirements of both your students and the goal of your class.
4. Help Everyone Learn at the same Time
Dripping course content can be an effective method of keeping all students progressing with a regular pace as well as ensure that no one progresses too fast or gets caught at the bottom.
By releasing content at regular intervals, you'll establish a culture of learning that's unified, where everyone is advancing together.

Additionally, with everyone working together, you'll be able to quickly identify and tackle any issues where students could require assistance as well as make sure that none of your students fall between the lines.
5. Aid in Make Learning meaningful and manageable
Learning should be something students enjoy, not an overwhelming procedure. When the entire course is presented at once the students can experience unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Dripping course content provides better teaching experience for students, with lessons taught in smaller pieces that are easier to manage.
Instead of having to absorb everything in once learners can process the knowledge in a more relaxed manner and make the learning process feel more personal and flexible.
by spacing the material and giving a few moments of achievement for your students when they finish each section. This helps keep the student's enthusiasm and motivates them to learn.
In short, course drips are an extremely efficient technique that keeps your students engaged, focused and on track. It's a simple and effective way to alter the manner the course is presented to make learning a pleasant experience for all those engaged.
NEW Dripping of Course Content Simple regulations for course
The process of setting up the course's content drip was a laborious task involving numerous steps and configurations. It got the job done well, and it was efficient, but we'll be honest, this was not an efficient method to do the task.
We realized that there was an urgent need for a fast solution and have incorporated our Rules feature into our Courses add-on. Making your calendars drip-based is easy and straightforward.
The new built-in drip feature lets you create drip calendars and schedules, without needing to leave the builder for curriculum. It not only helps save time, but it also guarantees that the materials you have created will be protected and released in the manner you have planned.
It is also possible to modify drip notifications within the setting. This makes it simple to notify your students what date the next release of content will be available. This can help manage expectations and ensures that everyone is on the same page.
By taking into consideration all the technical details We've allowed you to focus on what is essential: developing the top courses.
How do I Set-Up Course Content Dripping in the Courses
When your students begin racing ahead, we can arrange your content for the class so that they stay on the right track and fully engaged with the lesson at hand.
As we mentioned a little bit earlier, Courses uses Rules for powering content drip.
This means that any drip options that you apply through Rules may conflict with the integrated drip settings on your course's configuration.
- To provide a simplified and hassle-free experience If you wish for your course to be automatically delivering contents according to a predetermined time frame (like weekly releases of new information each week) the built-in drip feature is your best option. This makes the process easier and guarantees a steady flow of content without any further setup.
- for more personal Control: If you need the ability to publish content in irregular or extremely customized time intervals Rules will allow you to regulate this. It takes little more effort and time to implement the additional Rules.
Let it be simple: Let's Get Your Drip Content Flowing Smoothly!
For setting up your course's content drip, you must start by switching off the "Enable Dripping" option in the course's settings.
In the next step, you'll need to determine how the content should be distributed either as parts or in individual products. It is also possible to select the duration (daily every day, weekly, or even a monthly) and select the starting date as well as the time zone of each content release.

Are you looking to develop the course's content drip? Go through the entire instruction below for a thorough guide on how to get up and running.
What's the next course for students? Or Should We Say, What's New...
Course Dripping may be the most recent and most thrilling feature that we've added to Courses, however it's certainly not the only one that we've just made.
Before diving into the dripping waters, we'll look over some other fascinating changes that you may have noticed in the plugin.
We are continuing to improve the tools you can utilize for your online course and we realized that the ever-growing list of options - such as Questions, Lessons, Assignments as well as the Gradebook demanded place for their own.
We've also given Courses their distinct menu item on the WordPress dashboard.

Now, everything associated with your course such as creating a course new or establishing the course's curriculum, or tweaking the course's configuration - can be handled directly through the Courses menu on the screen.
Separating Courses into its own menu item lets you ensure that your course development and management of membership tasks are distinct this is particularly useful for companies that rely on both.
If you're a user and you've noticed this small change in the layout. We hope you'll like this new interface more clean and simpler!
But, if you're just beginning to begin creating your own online courses You may be thinking how to make the most of all these powerful tools.
It's as easy as opening the plugin and navigate to the Add-Ons tab simply look up "course" to narrow the choices available. And then you'll find all the educational tools that can be found that are more extensive than the core plugin's own:

Keep an eye out for new enhancements and improvements in the coming months. However, for the moment, benefit from the Dripping of course content feature and take a look at the new features we've added to make your course's designing experience more enjoyable than ever before!
Katelyn Gillis Meet Katelyn managing membership sites or online course isn't easy, but that's the area that Katelyn is able to help. An educated professional in the area of education, and the role of Content Manager' she's adept at deconstructing the complex and offering suggestions that feel as if you're having a conversation with someone who is able to understand. If you're looking for new ideas or just some inspiration, her blog post are here to assist.
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