Member Community Secrets - Build an e-commerce business that is 6-figures in size
The membership community has seen members move and fade throughout the last ten years. We've watched the ones that grew from nothing to be six, seven or even eight-figure enterprises. There are so many inspiring instances of community membership, however, here are a few of the most exciting wins we've seen recently:
- The entrepreneurship organization that earned $30,000 in two half weeks, with five thousand members.
- A membership geared towards health that has recently has added 100 top-end subscribers (and an additional $40,000 of ARR).
- An author and speaker that brought $30,000 of revenue for their members after the completion of a four-week promotion.
And while we love to be awed by these achievements however, there are many wonderful stories about membership and community from communities large and small.
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In this article in this post, we'll explain the power of a membership community. We'll teach you how to set up a paid membership community-giving you a roadmap to go from where you are now to an enterprise worth six figures.
There's no guarantee however these are the tried and proven methods have proven to work repeatedly and again.
This is our step-by-step guide to joining a 6-figure community.
1. Get a razor-sharp niche
This is a bit of a cliché now and we'll reiterate this repeatedly. The riches are in the areas of.
Communities with too broad struggle.
If you're a new host It's tempting to throw wide. Do you not want to reach the most people possible to be in your area?
Problem is that when you have a community full of people with unrelated interests and interests, it's difficult to connect the whole group. It's also unlikely that they'll be able to communicate with each other.
Your community will be flat.
The uniqueness of the market is what allows it to thrive. Communities of members can be constructed on anything from German dancers to anime. from public talking for finance professionals to newsletters sent via email for non-profts.
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Your niche is the key to your success. If you're creating an online membership site it is possible to reach out across the globe in search of members of your particular niche.
Star With a broad idea for a membership community before you niche down more than you think you need to.
Try Our Community Name Generator
The AI engine of our platform is ready to assist you in creating an identity for your community that is like magic. You just need to share a few lines about the purpose your community serves for and we'll get started. • Input maxlength="60" name="idealMember" placeholder="Who would you like to unite?" type="text" value=""/>
Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.
Get suggestions
The names created by Mighty Co-Host(tm) are examples only and are not licensed to different businesses, or be subject to third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.
2. Have a Big Purpose
When we teach community Design(tm) on Mighty, we always start with the Big Goal.
An Major Purpose can be the primary reason your member community exists.
Traditional businesses have its own mission statement. And membership communities that thrive have a Big Purpose.
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We're so excited about communities developing the capacity to fulfill a big Purpose that we integrated it into our community engine. Each new community is prompted to choose a Big Purpose.
Test it!
3. Are You Looking for Your Ideal Member
This has to do with your area of expertise, but you should start with one Ideal Member. This should be the individual you work with, who has one narrowly-defined problem or goal.
Are you interested in knowing how that can be done to discover the perfect member? Interview them!
Once you have a good concept of what you want to do It's time to speak with some of the ideal people. Even if it's a bit intimidating, you'll be glad you did it.
Answer them with questions like:
- What do you struggle with?
- What kind of support do you want to look for?
- What are you willing to spend to achieve what you want?
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Doing these interviews will bring you one step closer to creating a thriving member-based community. Since it takes the thought out of your head and into the realm of conversation.
However, make sure to listen closely to your ideal members.
- If everyone expresses an interest but no one wants to buy it, you could be forced to change your mind.
- If the problem that you have identified differs from what your ideal group of people are talking about, it could be necessary to change your focus.
It's market research so make sure you take it seriously.
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4. Start small
There are membership communities that are launched to thousands of members. There are stories about $50,000-a-month membership communities. We even told you a few at the top of this piece.
Don't let us get off, we'd like to see you be able to get there!
However, even if are just starting out, there is beauty in making it small in the beginning.
The smaller communities are more able to spend to connect. It is possible to get acquainted with everyone, something that is nearly impossible when you live in a city with hundreds of members.
When you've achieved a great understanding of the needs of 10, 20, or even 20 members of the initial group, you can start scaling up to thousands.
But remember, there is no need for millions of people in order to build an active community. Our average community on Mighty charges $48 a month. It's possible to have a six-figure membership community with more than 174 members. And that's not including the aspects that most communities provide as an upsell: special events, private coaching masterminds and classes. There's a way to make six figures with thirty or forty members if you do it right.
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5. Sell something
If this is your first experience creating an online membership site or selling some thing.
Just hold your breath and take off the Band-Aid. Create an online landing page, and then invite the first members. It could be a live-course or an opening event. Sticking up an offer or even preparing to sell it can help to confirm your idea of a membership-based community.
6. Take into consideration the screening
The wellbeing of your community depends on the quality of people in it. And screening is a way to make sure you only get quality people.
It sounds like a contradiction. Are you going to turn those who are not interested? Making it more difficult for them to become part of your community? Add more friction?
In some instances the "negatives" can be offset with the one positive that is very clear: the people who are in your community actually want to be there.
While it's hard to say no to new members, screening may increase the worth of your community for those who choose to join. And that's worth its weight in gold.
Screening could comprise:
- Setting up an automated check-out process.
- A listing of criteria for members to join.
- Hosting live one-on-one or group interviews with potential members.
Sometimes, it's even about saying no to people who don't person for your company. But-once you have a thriving community, you'll be grateful for it.
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7. Learn the maths
To go full-time into a community membership it is necessary to know the significance of certain figures.
There is no thriving community with 100percent engagement all of the time.
None. Zilch.
Each community is home to what we call super members also known as "supers". This is those who comprise 5-10 percent of your members who are highly active and dedicate all of their energy into everything they are involved in.
50% of the members may be in and out of the club on occasion. And there may be those who aren't seen at all who pay the membership price.
The numbers above are fairly typical. Don't let it deter you. Don't be a victim!
If members have joined your community, they will see the value in it. Particularly, if they're paying an annual membership fee.
Your group could represent the dream that they've got, even if they can't commit 100% to it at the moment. The community could be that push they need to start small every month.
Do not sell yourself short. Just show up and do the job and don't worry about it over too much.
Keep in mind that communities that are designed for busy individuals may show even lower involvement. A community of CEOs might cause a titch, but it doesn't make the people in these communities less productive. You can trust them to attend and be active as they're able.
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8. Recognize the importance of the membership fee
It's not difficult to imagine the cost of membership from your viewpoint. The cash flow is after all.
However, you must consider the benefits of a membership fee to your members as well. If you're in this situation, a cost for membership helps members commit. Paying members are more engaged. Because people who pay, pay attention.
The numbers show that paying a membership fee doesn't decrease members' willingness to buy upsells. 75% of free are selling upsells on paid goods. Yet 90% of paywalled companies offer upsells!
This implies that members do not just pay, but also members who are paying are willing to pay for additional value. Be aware of this when you are pricing your membership website.
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9. Don't bother with the free trial
Online sellers typically offer free trials. It's however not always needed. We have only 27 percent out of the top 250 income-generating provide a free trial.
The free trials are not without merit. But they also change the nature of a community. If you've got members who drop between meetings and engaging, but not staying the same, this could affect the unity of your group.
In most situations, it's more beneficial to get the job done up front to make sure your Ideal Member is right Do the screening and make sure that people are willing to commit the fullest.
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10. Get additional opportunities
In the most profitable membership communities, the untapped source of revenue growth is the ones already in the door.
While it's common to think, "I'm already charging them, I can't charge for anything different," we find that those who are active members usually want better. This might be an engaged mastermind, a 1:1 coach, or an incredible online or live gathering.
We're not suggesting to charge more just to make it easier for you to charge more.
But DO take a look at the existing customers and ensure that you're offering your members the best value might be able to, even if it requires an offer that's not yet made!
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11. Make sure that all members are connected
We study successful communities. There's one thing that they have in common.
Communities that are successful have members who have made a friend (that's not the host). People come into communities for educational content, events, and events, but they stay with the communities due to friendships they develop.
It is a sign that one of the most important aspects for a host to accomplish is to provide chances for their members to meet each other and form friendships. The way to do this could be through asynchronous means through a prompt for discussion or a post. Or it might be partially synchronous: at offices, during in a live meeting and even in planned breakout groups or networking sessions.
Let them out of the blocking and allow them to connect.
The community you live in will benefit from it.
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12. Incorporate the help of your "supers" to assist
Your super-members are a powerful resource. The majority of Hosts aren't using them to the maximum extent. Members who are most active are looking for ways to make connections. You can also get them involved in ways that go beyond the normal member experience:
- You can ask for help in facilitating discussions
- They should be enlisted to moderate the community and its content
- Feature their stories or even interview them
- Ask them to reach out and welcome new members
There are many supers who don't be in agreement, however we have found that supers are often just waiting to be asked to do more. Don't be afraid to enlist the help of their supers.
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13. Pick the appropriate platform
The biggest benefit to your members' community may result from the community platform you select to build your community on. If you select a platform that lets you mix any type of content, courses, community, and live gatherings with a mighty digital marketing engine, you'll have the formula for creating a fantastic community-based business.
As we developed our community platform, we took into account everything you could need for a thriving membership community.
This means:
- The ability to create whatever type of content you'd like to, from articles, lengthy content such as discussions, polls and stream live .
- Sell memberships, recordings of live events or online courses, virtual event masterminds, group-coaching, or bundle any of them in your own home currency.
- Unleash connection tools unlike any other such as discussion starters, chat & messaging, AI profiles and text improvements as well as rich member directories and profiles. Conversations are integrated into every step of the way.
- Create your own identity for yourself, colors, customized Spaces, or even upgrade to a custom-branded application .
- Make an own selling engine by using auto-landing pages, customized screener questionnaires and welcoming options.
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Are you prepared to get started? Come build your membership community on Mighty! It's G2's top-rated community platform and comes with everything you'll need to go from 0 to six figures. You can try it for without cost for 14 days - no credit card is required.