Marketing Emails to Digital Artists The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Digital Artists

Jun 10, 2023

The process of selling art requires as much an effort than making it. It's one thing making an original piece of art that people are eager to buy, but there's a different aspect to make them buy cash on it. It requires a unique collection of skills that others do not have.

It's a good thing to be aware that the transition from making art and selling it can be a bit easy long and costly with suitable digital marketing methods. Many businesses have employed emails to promote their products for a long time, and have had amazing outcomes. This is also possible.

This guide for email marketing to digital creators will show how you can use email marketing to market your business. This guide will teach you how to build an effective list of email addresses. You will also learn which type of emails to send in order to create an awareness and encourage participation. Additionally, you'll be taught tips for making your marketing emails effective.

We'll get started!

What is Email Marketing?

The phrase "email marketing" refers to the marketing and sale of services or goods via emails. This is a great opportunity to establish brand recognition and establishing relationships with your customers.

In the age of digitalization, dominated by immediate communication, email has maintained its position as one of the leading digital channels for marketing digitally. The return on the investment (ROI) when it comes to the marketing of email was determined to be 36:1. That means for each dollar spent it will cost you $36 which means that email is a vital part of any marketing plan.

Software that automatizes the process of sending emails which reduces efforts and time. You can design different email templates, segment emails lists, create campaigns and much more.

When you're done with the day, these tools are affordable and come with low-cost or free plans. These tools are therefore for creatives with different budgets.

Importantness of Email Marketing for Digital Artists

In addition to a huge return on investment It is also an effective method three major advantages of the use of email marketing for marketing digital artists. These include:

  • Relations Management Artwork can be a source of luxury to a number of individuals. Thus, despite the fact that your art work may be appealing however, it is unlikely that it will result in any kind of immediate sales. It is therefore crucial to cultivate the interest of your potential customers over an extended period after the first interaction. The use of email marketing allows for the creation of engaging connections that will eventually lead to new clients.
  • Ownership: A lot of galleries do not give any details to their customers to comply with data privacy laws and also to guarantee profit margins. Artists aren't able to build connections with buyers who are qualified. With an email marketing strategy, the artist is in control of your list of email addresses.
  • Control Many digital creators showcase their works on social media. The platforms are deemed as "borrowed" space. This means they need to be in compliance to the terms and conditions for services. Accounts can be removed. Due to algorithms that favor advertising which are paid for, your users may not always see your content on their feeds. The use of email marketing lets you have more control over the duration and frequency with which your followers are notified from advertisers.

In the end, marketers can use email marketing to contact customers directly without having to rely on any third party.

How do you create a reliable Mailing List for Artists

An effective email marketing strategy for artists who are digital should start with quality email lists. It is essential to make a smart decision when you decide on your clients. A successful email list is composed of active and engaged members. Unactive email addresses can result in wasted marketing efforts. This is why it's crucial to verify emails addresses at every stage of your process. This will help to ensure that your emails are received by your intended recipients.

Below are three ways to build a solid subscriber base.

Incentive to sign up on email list


Digital artist Android Jones is a prime instance. Android Jones provides visitors with 10% off their first purchase when they sign up for the Android newsletter. The pop-up will explain the benefits of sign-up to the newsletter which includes updates about the newest events, products and services along with new pictures.

Gather Email Addresses from occasions as well as through online The collection of emails at events is an excellent way to create a database of buyers who are looking. Make a sign-up page inside your booth, or on the table, and then offer incentives that are worth it. Also, you can send followers on social media to your site's landing page, in which they can sign-up for exclusive arts content or other offers.

Laura Rubin


Laura Rubin, for instance uses Laura Rubin, for instance, uses the Instagram link in bio on Instagram to direct fans to her Instagram page.

Stay in contact with Your Mailing List Subscribers - Your frequency of email marketing communications plays vital role in keeping your list in good shape and actively. If you're sending out too many or just the occasional email, you may lose your subscribers. If you opt to email your subscribers at regularly scheduled each month, week, or every quarter it's essential to stay constantly in contact with your subscribers. For instance, you may schedule announcements on the last Thursday every month, starting at 10:00 AM.

When you are creating your lists of marketing emails, go for quality over amount. It is better to have 100 subscribers active rather than a large amount of email addresses that are not read. In addition, marketers of email are able to determine the price based on volume of subscribers, which implies that it is better to only pay for subscribers who can make a conversion.


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There are four different types of fine email newsletters that you can distribute to your subscribers

Once you've gathered suitable contacts, you're ready to write emails that are as distinctive and stunning as the work you've created. If you're overwhelmed by the number of emails you have to write, consider using an AI software for creating content that are unique, like AskWriter along with ChatGPT for help in making your message ready to send out.

As you write your marketing emails, keep in mind that your aim isn't to make a quick sale, rather, it's to create long-lasting relationships. It's the opportunity to develop stronger relationships with your potential clients, then convert those customers into loyal clients.

There are four different types of emails that you could send your clients to keep them engaged and entertained:

1. Welcome Email

It is crucial to establish the right tone at the very beginning of any relationship. The welcome emails establish the foundation for what clients are likely to expect from your email messages. Statistics on email reveal that 74% of customers want welcome emails and are more likely to be engaged 33% more frequently when companies send welcome emails. That's why welcome emails are essential to getting customers onboarded.

A well-designed and personal greeting message can grab the attention of customers who are interested and aid in the transition of leads to an efficient sales channel. These emails allow you to show the brand's attributes and also provide relevant details, like the social media websites or ways you can request an original work of art.

Furthermore, it is important to explain to them what kind of data that they'll receive. See this example:

It's good to write a welcome message such as this one from the Museum of Modern Art. The message explains the frequency at which the recipients will be notified of periodic updates. There are links for purchasing tickets online, to shop and the sign-up for membership page.

2. Behind-the-Scenes Email

In a world that is becoming more digital, people are looking for genuine interactions with others. Sharing behind-the-scenes video clips helps you build your image as an artist through the web, establish a connection with your intended audience as well as increase the loyality to your loyal fans.

Video is one of the most effective methods to create behind-the-scenes video content that can be watched by an enormous number of users on the internet. You can showcase your personality or your brand's image, and give users an understanding of the process in creating and also provide updates about ongoing initiatives.

Looking for content ideas to make behind-the-scenes videos? You can create "draw with me' videos similar to the one in this video.

behind the scene digital artist


The movie guides viewers through coloring, and gives suggestions for achieving certain styles. The film is about 22 minutes long, however you have the option to alter the length or make it shorter, based on what you prefer.

An alternative behind-the-scenes idea is the 'then. Now' method that lets you contrast the previous and current artwork in order to allow viewers to see the various features.

The embedding of the video in an email isn't recommended however it's possibility. Some email services don't allow embedding videos and can mark email messages that include video as being spam. An alternative is to design a thumbnail which will link to the video displayed on your web page.

3. Exhibition Announcements via Email

What's more fascinating than behind-the scenes footage? meeting the artist. Although they may not be financially able to pay for the work, they'll be able help you in other ways.

Emails sent to announce exhibitions, collaborations or other events is a common practice in promotion of arts. It's a cost-effective way of using email lists for increasing awareness about the occasion and increasing the number of people attending.

Also, the date of the exhibition, together with your location and dates. Make sure you include details on events that are special, such as the opening reception, or a meet and meet.


The invite to the exhibition is a showcase of the artist. announcement. With a single glance, viewers get information on the event's duration, time and date and location as well as the event's goal.

4. Sales & Promotions Email

Sales and marketing efforts must include a pleasing visual appearance with attractive photographs. Each email must contain an easy call-to-action order to drive sales.


The promotional email is a showcase of three distinct deals that are based on the amount of money spent. The more customers spend and the higher their spending, the greater the discount. The discount code is located just below the CTA button, which means that customers do not have to hunt for a discount code. The sales deadline is clear and visible, making use of a tactic called FOMO (fear of being left out).

Best email marketing strategies for musicians

Subscribing subscribers to receive email updates is just one of the steps. It is essential to ensure that they are engaged, and not hit the unsubscribe option. There's no one-size-fits-all marketing approach.

But, there are some good practices digital artists need to follow for success in email marketing. If you don't follow these rules, it may result in you being disengaged from your audience. There is a possibility of hiring freelance project managers who can ensure you're adhering to all deadlines while at the same pace.

You can personalize Your Emails

The personalization of your emails can make your customers feel unique that increases satisfaction. This can lead to an increase of 40 percent in sales. The process of personalizing emails starts with subject lines. In the hundreds of emails that customers receive every day, those that attract the attention of their readers are the ones that have their name on the topic. But it goes beyond that.

The content of emails must be relevant to the purchase process. Customers who have been customers for a long time shouldn't receive similar content from marketing exactly the same way as people who haven't yet purchased. You should include your company's voice in a clear and concise way.

Segment Your Audience

Segmentation facilitates personalization efforts. It permits you to divide emails according to a set of standards, which means that your customers receive different emails according to your digital marketing plan. There are numerous ways to divide emails according to different stages within the sales funnel geography, as well as the level of engagement, in addition to the type of content you want to promote. Most marketing software platforms for email are equipped with features to segment emails.

Make emails that are visually appealing

An engaging and well-written message is the only way to get people to open emails. It is the content that keep them interested. Images can be an excellent way to make your email attractive. They capture the attention of readers and serve as visual clues.

The presence of visual components could increase the load time of email messages. There is a chance that the recipients could delete messages from their inbox before reading the contents. Simple, easy-to-use format is the most effective choice. Utilize one or two images to make sure that your copy is properly centered.

Examine, Test and optimize

It's difficult to determine whether your campaigns work without using information. What are the methods to identify the type of content is popular with your clients or to improve the strategy for the future?

Split or A/B testing lets users to identify subjects, images or CTA buttons that trigger conversions.

There's not a secret formula for success in marketing. If you do follow these guidelines as previously mentioned there will be an increase in your opening rates as your clients are likely to be delighted about your brand.

To conclude

Making your passion an enterprise can be made easy with the potential in the world of email marketing. It's a powerful instrument which allows artists to connect to potential clients as well as followers and turn their interest to loyal customers. It allows you to have full control over relationship management and also the delivery of material which galleries and social media platforms can't.

The blog post explained the importance of marketing through emails to help promote art. It taught you how to create an email database and the various types of emails which can assist you in establishing long-lasting relationships with your clients. Also, we discussed the top strategies to boost the efficiency of your marketing efforts via email.

If you're seeking to raise awareness, or increasing visitors to your website or exhibitions, you can use email to achieve the greatest outcomes.

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