
Jul 12, 2024

The footer for a web page is the section that is located at the bottom of a webpage that includes important information to users. Footers typically stay consistent throughout the entire length of a site, providing a stable location to arrive at the bottom of the page. Imagine them as the best supporting actor to your website: You might not be aware of they are the main focus, but it is impossible to operate without the footer. They have everything a user might be looking for, including Contact information, as well as links to important pages.

You might not think people go to the end of a page to engage with the footer. But research shows otherwise. Chartbeat and Nielsen Norman Group revealing that users who scroll to the bottom of a page are more likely to be at the lower part of the page than at the highest.

This is why footnotes aren't really footnotes But how do you maximize the value of the ones you have? This is what you should know.