Lessons in creativity: 6 things we learned at 's annual celebration

Nov 14, 2023

The annual conference featured an impressive roster of marketing professionals, creatives and film makers with an exciting topic: Creativity favors the adventurous. More than 15 sessions taught lessons based on three principles to ensure creative success: Be original, be experimental be creative, and be noticeable.
See clips from a few of our top sessions here, and read the summary below.

6 things we learned at Outside the Frame

1. Creating videos is a lot simpler if you have the correct software

If you're looking to share stories and create marketing that truly inspires the audience, there's a better way to do it than video.  The's Lynn Girotto and Zohar Dayan walked us through how creating videos can be easily accessible to anybody with devices like Our AI script maker, intelligent teleprompter, and text-based editing. Creating beautiful, engaging videos is accessible to everyone -- brings you the easy, simple equipment you require to create your dream video.

2. The way you think about your content strategy will turn existing content into net-new content

Content is king, but the distribution of content is the thing that earns you the title of crown. Ross Simmonds showed us his map to "creating one time" and "distributing throughout the years." We learned to research, create, distribute and then optimize in order to bring new energy to our content. The most important thing to remember? Do not be scared to make your content available for specific channels.

3. Creativity plays a significant role in the ROI

Creativity strategist Natalie Nixon explained the creative process as a balance between wonder and rigor. If you can find time to do it, and make use of the power of it, you might be able to tap into innovative revenue streams, efficiencies, and growth. It boils down to inquiry, improvisation, and the ability to discern, which Natalie explores beautifully in her presentation. It's a must to hear her perspective on the great work as jazz the improvisation.

"The connection between technology, tech, and real human experiences is the power of the power of creativity."   Natalie Nixon

4. The process is as simple as putting together your work visible to others.

Jason Sondock and Simon Davis of the duo director rubberband. They discussed their main principles among them is creating work they want to watch. Although it may sound straightforward and straightforward, but "there's plenty of strength to your personal tastes." It's impossible to predict what other people will like however, using your own personal preferences as a "barometer" for what's good is, more often than not, going to lead you to the right path.

5. AI is the secret for unlocking creativity potential

AI could increase by 500% your creative output. It's nothing to worry about but a development to get exuberant about and take maximum advantages of. Caleb as well as Shelby Ward, the AI storytellers behind Curious Refuge presented us with how modern AI technology lets people stop needing technical skills to make videos. This gives you the opportunity to develop into an artist with a vision. Be sure to watch their stunning AI trailers, and save their AI filmmaking resources.

6. Risking your creative thinking to the limit.

If asked about one of the biggest risk she's taken during her career, Quinta Brunson, the director of Emmy award-winning Abbott Elementary, talked about how difficult it was to create the show to be viewed by network television instead of an audience that is streaming or cable. In attempting to create the story and the humor in a network-friendly way that made it accessible to everyone was difficult and risky -and ultimately, the result was a show beloved by many.