Kingpin Interview with Maura Teal

Jun 17, 2023
interview with maura teal

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HTML0Q1: What is your background, and how did you get started with WordPress?

My parents worked as software engineers for an important bank, which means that I had access to computers and the internet as I was growing up. I created a couple of websites, and also did a little bit of programing, however in the main, I believed that I'd like to become graphic designers. Then, it was when I entered the college level that I came across WordPress and realized that my path to work was in writing code, not graphic design.

Today I'm a web developer engineer at FanSided that is a Time Inc owned web property ( and WordPress Multisite network that has 360+ sites) that serves more than one million people every day. I'm also involved with the most recent WordCamp Phoenix occasions as an organizer.

2. What are the most important things that readers should be aware of about the various things that you're doing on WordPress in the present?

It's an exciting and demanding work at FanSided creating writing tools for over 1800 members on the network while also considering what cutting-edge technologies we could make use of to increase users' experience on the web's front page.


One of the most intriguing issues I've had the opportunity to confront over the last year is the design of a caching service for remotely made API calls. We needed ways to cut down on the wait for some customers in the event that a cached call is ended. These are usually less important calls such as "related post" or similar to it however they are not calls that require to be current up until the next. The result of these requirements was a caching REST system which refreshes expired values within the background (on the basis of crons) rather than waiting for the load of the webpage.

Q3: What obstacles faced you in your journey that led you to the position you're in today?

I've had a lot of luck with my professional career up to now. Every position I've held since my departure from freelance work is a foundational block that has specific challenges. As the lead developer for each agency, I realized I continued to improve quickly when it came to writing codes. However, working directly with clients and the process we referred to as "Client translation" didn't always come easily. I took pride in my ability to impart knowledge to others however, the process of translating technical terminology when discussing the product or features with clients who aren't technical is a skill that was acquired.

As I began my job at FanSided as I began my journey at FanSided I was struck by the realization that, even though the clients may come in different packages (we're in no way an agency but we create and support software) there is a chance to offer translation services for clients while I mentor younger developers as well as interact with the editorial team of FanSided. While we'll probably spend much of our time wrangling the code in our computers but the main focus of our job is to help other people.

HTML0 Q4: What has impressed you the most since appearing within your WordPress community?

The WordPress community. It's the WordPress community. I first heard about WordPress by a trusted friend as we hacked away at websites in a cafe close to my college. I'd never attended an event like a meetup nor WordCamp in fact any type of tech-related social gathering. I was initially amazed by the warm and welcoming atmosphere during my first WordCamp and then my very first meetup, and honestly I was awed by the speed at which people were able to assist me in bringing up a problem I was experiencing in relation to a code. There was no feeling of rivalry, just sharing knowledge as well as a sense of pride when helping someone else.


Questions 5: What do you think the future be like for both you and the WordPress world?

The same way, I'm looking forward to following the WordPress Core design guidelines on increasing the editing and customization user experience within WordPress. The improved usability and the simpler interface are beneficial to the overall WordPress ecosystem and as technology advances the standard of what is "easy to make use of."

Question 6: What should you thinking about when choosing an WordPress hosting company?

The type of hosting I'd suggest depends on the type of site is being shared on the web. However that when it comes to WordPress hosting I'm looking at a handful of specific features that don't be available in a typical shared hosting system.

In addition to all this However, the most important thing is assistance. The most important aspect for me when I advise a non-developer to self-host the website of his choice. I want to make sure that the assistance they receive is user-friendly. When hosting for business, the level of support given should be on an even higher level. We hope we will never need to utilize this, however for the sake of keeping a business or project online is crucial to know which company is working alongside you and make sure that the support accurately reflects this.

Seven Questions: What do your hobbies when you're away from your computer?

The very first thing I was interested in prior to when I became interested in computer technology was riding horses, even though I don't play at an elite level however, I enjoy spending some of my mornings on the horse and teaching some riding lesson. Photography is a major passion of mine as well as working on my car.

 Question 8: Who should be next interviewed and the reason?

Carol Stambaugh ( @carolstambaugh) an entrepreneur, co-founder, and a core part of Arizona WordPress. Arizona WordPress Community.

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